P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1562)
Dear P-47 pilots, The Long, Long Ago Oral History Project is multilingual, multicultural oral history project based at Suva Intermediate School. We research, record, preserve, publish, and disseminate the history of the American West in a series of student-done, award-winning oral history magazines. We are in the midst of doing a "World War II Veterans Oral History Series" and are interesting in contracting and interviewing World War II veterans. Because we believe that your members' memories are a historical treasure that should be preserved and an educational resource that should be shared, we were delighted to come across your website and are very interested in interviewing P-47 pilots. We hope that some of your members are interested in being interviewed and we hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Michael A. Brooks Tecumsuh6@cs.com

Posted By: Michael A. Brooks (Tecumsuh6@cs.com) on 12/19/2002 8:30:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1561)
Great plane the Jug. Flew with the 456th FS 414th FG in Florida Blanca, PI in 46. Looking for an old West Point tent mate by the code name of Mouse. Come in if you are there. Cheers to any others who may have been there.

Posted By: Stan Wood (pilotww2@aol.com) on 12/18/2002 3:47:07 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1560)
I was with 48th Fighter Group 492nd Sq St Tround, Bel, through the end of war..Have Tried to locate Doug Hardin,Bob Hutto, Barney Lamb...Any pilots from 492nd still around please contact..

Posted By: John P "Jim" Crow (pcrow@hiwaay.net) on 12/15/2002 8:54:26 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1559)
PLEASE NOTE the e-mail address for the P-47 Pilots Assn. website webmaster has been changed to p47webmaster@comcast.net. Please use this address for all future correspondence.

Posted By: Jacki McPhee (p47webmaster@comcast.net) on 12/06/2002 6:45:18 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1558)
I am seeking info on the P-47D flown by Capt. Alex D. Currie of the 41st FS 35th FG 5th AF in New Guinea. All I know is that it was #93 named "Baby Dumpling"

Posted By: JACK COOK (Ordy1Jack@msn.com) on 11/28/2002 4:14:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1557)
My father, William John Nisbett, Jr. was a P-47 pilot with the 511th Fighter Squadron. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross and another medal which I have not yet been able to identify. (I'll keep trying!) Dad passed away on September 10, 1990 and I tucked his wings into his breast suit pocket before he was interred. I am very proud to be his daughter.

Posted By: Corinne Nisbett Denoon (corinne.denoon@att.net) on 11/18/2002 9:53:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1556)
The 510th Fighter Squadron is back online! Visit us at http://www.510fs.org. The 510th was a memeber of the 405th Anyone interested in information about the 510FS, 405 FG, during WWII is invited to browse to http://www.510fs.org The site coveres WWII - Kosovo. Thanks, David M. Sarvai WebMaster, 510FS

Posted By: David M. Sarvai (David@510FS.org) on 11/17/2002 9:02:13 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1555)
333 Fighter Squadron Members! I am a Captain in the current 333 Fighter Squadron flying F-15E's here in North Carolina. We are trying to piece together our lost heritage. If you have any information, photos, pieces of memorabilia, etc, or you just want to know more about the modern day 333rd, please contact me. We would love to hear from you!

Posted By: Scott Taylor (Scott.Taylor@SeymourJohnson.af.mil) on 11/15/2002 6:37:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1554)
333 Fighter Squadron Members! I am a Captain in the current 333 Fighter Squadron flying F-15E's here in North Carolina. We are trying to piece together our lost heritage. If you have any information, photos, pieces of memoraboloa, etc, or you just want to know more about the modern day 333rd, please contact me. We would love to hear from you!

Posted By: Scott Taylor (Scott.Taylor@SeymourJohnson.af.mil) on 11/15/2002 6:25:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1553)
Hoping someone out there can help me find a needle in a haystack. I am a volunteer with the Peterson AFB Air and Space Museum in Colorado Springs. We presently are restoring a P-47N (Serial number 44-89425). We are understanding that the grandparent of the host unit here at Peterson, the 21st Fighter Group, was briefly assigned P-47s when it moved to Guam following the surrender of the Japanese in WWII. We are hoping that someone out there may have a photo of a 21st FG P-47 so that we may finish our aircraft in the appropriate colors and markings. Anybody out there? My regular mailing address is: 12405 Oregon Wagon Trail, Elbert, Colorado, 80106-9033. Thanks for any help!!

Posted By: Jeffrey Nash (jeff_nash@hotmail.com) on 11/14/2002 11:50:46 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1552)
Very nice site. I belong to a aircraft model builders/historical interest group in the Chicago area. We have WWII P47 pilot in our group who got me interested in P47 Pilots and their aircraft. He belongs to your association.

Posted By: Scott S. Olsen (solsen2000@attbi.com) on 11/12/2002 1:43:34 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1551)
Would like to hear from and/or correspond with other fighter jocks, WW II onward, who flew three or more combat tours. I know there were some who flew four, maybe more. High-mission guys, let's get acquainted, Jug jocks or other.

Posted By: Frank Lewis (femtl@eartllink.net) on 11/10/2002 11:49:31 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1550)
Proud that sites like these are here for interested folks like me to check out!We need to relish the chance to talk to these heros that remain.If we forget their deeds,then they will have to be relived and re- fought by our children!I hope that never has to come to pass.Jim, hick from Arkansas!!!

Posted By: jim ammons (ammons@iocc.com) on 11/07/2002 11:26:16 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1549)
Hi all. I am looking for a good online photo of a P-47 to show my son the plane his Great Ulter Carl Beckham flew in Europe. Thanks, John

Posted By: John Carl Beckham (jcbeckham@yahoo.com) on 10/31/2002 4:17:12 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1548)
i really appreciate what the pilots went through to make the war a sucess, i just want to say thank you, and i admire what you do

Posted By: ky sorelle (creek05@aol.com) on 10/28/2002 6:19:07 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1547)

Posted By: JOHN "MINNEE" MINARD (NEW ADDRESS-----JAAUSTINM@AOL.COM----) on 10/28/2002 12:34:35 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1546)
In memory of two great 406th guys who suffered unusual deaths. George McKeand, my buddy, bailed out, was seen to run into woods. Body found a few days later, executed with pistol bullet to back of neck, courtesy Sepp Dietrich's SS tankers. George was not the only 406th pilot who bailed and was executed. Levitt Beck was shot down by FW-l90, betrayed from French Underground to Gestapo, sent to Buchenwald concentration camp where he died just before l68 American and British airmen were transferred to a regular Stalag for duration. One American and one Brit died at Buchenwald.

Posted By: Frank Lewis (femtl@earthlink.net) on 10/24/2002 1:38:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1545)
Anyone looking for information on the 36th Fighter Group please contact me. We just had out 31st Reunion in Louisville, Kentucky and had a great time. Neal Melton flew the P-47D "Hun Hunter XVI" in for the veterans in attendance. Thanks to Neal, there were a lot of smiles on the faces of the pilots and ground crew that were there. Next years reunion will be in Austin, TX. Should be a great show!

Posted By: Steve Kirkup (The36thFG@aol.com) on 10/23/2002 8:24:10 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1544)
Can anybody help me??? My father, Stuart Stallard trained in a P47 Thunderbolt with the RAF out in Africa as the war ened in '45. He gained his wings, flying the 'Jug' and was ready for Burma. Thankfully the war ended before he got there, otherwise I might not of been here to tell the tale!. He was flying with Tony Benn who later became a British minister in politics with the Labour Government. My father died in the early eighties, but I know little about his flying experiences with the Thunderbolt in Africa with the RAF. Can anybody help? Do you know him? Do you know about the Thunderbolts being used for training out iin Africa with the RA? Please put my mind at rest as I would love to know more info if you can help however small, my email is stallard@macunlimited.net Kind regards Paul Stallard

Posted By: Paul Stallard (stallard@macunlimited.net) on 10/18/2002 8:58:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1543)
i knew dick warboys 56th fg and lanny lanowski...great guys..also know ed malo 356th fg..i am a member of friends of the 8th and 8th historical society....we owe you people so much..a debt we will never be able to repay....thank you so much for our freedom...peter worby 26 woodgreen rd luton lu28bt england.....helping the world to remember the sacrifices that you made for us...god bless you and thank you

Posted By: peter worby (peterworby@yahoo.co.uk) on 10/16/2002 2:00:34 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1542)
The new format looks good need a few more photos of the various models of the "JUG."

Posted By: Robert E. Morris,Colonel(USAF-Ret) 371/405 (rembam@earthlink.net) on 10/05/2002 5:13:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1541)
Love the pilot stories on this site, there are terrific! Have visited back often, but no new stories in a long time. Why not? What a great forum to keep your memories alive -- I would really like to see more veterans and pilots take advantage. Keep up the good work ( and please add more stories to the site !!! ) God bless.

Posted By: Al Broslen () on 10/04/2002 1:35:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1540)
Ken Hiltz thudjock@airmail.net Plano,TX Miss all you old JUG pilotz in the 149th FS, 113th Group.

Posted By: () on 10/03/2002 10:12:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1539)
Hello heroes! It was with deep sadness that I read in the "Jug Letter" of the passing of my dad's (Lt. H.W. Strahlendorf, KIA 24 June 1944 Cherbourg) good friend, Ike Killingsworth. I met Ike for the first time during the Seattle P-47 Pilots reunion. We spent several hours together then and he related a few "stories" about flying combat with my dad, who I never knew since I was born two months after his loss. Ike became a sort of replacement figurehead to me. Over the past few years we had communicated via letter from our homes, several thousand miles apart. Ike wrote a dedication to the book I've been working on and I am so happy that I asked him to do this. I will never forget this wonderful Texan. He personifies my childhood image of a fighter pilot... always crusty and confident and at the same time caring about the world and what becomes of it. Rest in peace, Ike. I love you, Harry

Posted By: Harry Strahlendorf, Jr. (P47harry@worldnet.att.net) on 10/02/2002 7:01:28 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1538)
For a guy who loves World War II aircraft and the stories of men who flew them, your site is real winner--just reading your guestbook is a great thrill. Many thanks and Best Wishes!

Posted By: John H. Durst DDS (jdurst@netexas.net) on 10/01/2002 10:48:12 PM EST

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