P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1612)
The site is great! My uncle flew the P-47 in WWII, and the plane has been my favorite since. It inspired me to write a book titled "The P-47:a novel" which fictionalizes my facination with the P-47 and the men who flew them. Thanks for making our world free. Ted

Posted By: Ted Overcah (tovercash@msn.com) on 07/14/2003 3:23:00 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1611)
In mid-1945, I worked as a civilian at Martlesham Heath, Suffolk. Each day I watched the P47's and later the P51's of 356th Fighter Group, take off for operations, there was 3 squadrons operating, 359,360 & 361, the same year I joined the R.A.F. For me 1945 was a memorable year, I'm 76 now, but the American friends will never be forgotten.

Posted By: Ted Bridger (Bridgefield9@msn.com) on 07/02/2003 1:15:29 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1610)
Great site; much better than before! Im am working on a new project about ground-air cooperation in IXth and XXIXth TAC in the period October 1944 - March 1945. Any jug pilots who want to share there memories on this topic and or ground control and vectoring, please contact me. Ron

Posted By: Ron (heinkel219@fastmail.fm) on 06/27/2003 8:23:46 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1609)
I have been very pleased with the response I have had with the messages I have posted on your message board. Many, many thanks. Eloise Pantalone

Posted By: Eloise Pantalone (ejputpgh@brazosport.cc.tx.us) on 06/18/2003 6:32:13 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1608)
I had the good fortune of being a member of the 396th. F.S., 368th. F.G.. I was in the motor pool, auto mechanic. Straubing, Germany....early 1946.. I would like to contact our Motor Officer, a Capt. "Wash", his name was of Polish or other ethnic nature and read Wash......, from the Pittsburgh, Pa. area. He was my boss in the Motor Pool, 1st. and 2nd. Ech., wonderful leader, would really like to find out anything about him....Understood that he was a fine pilot....e-mail is posted, sound off if you know of him and or anything about Straubing at that time....Thanks.

Posted By: Lawrence E. Cosner (gcrebel@iceweb.net) on 06/16/2003 9:53:38 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1607)
This site is great - it's so good that all these memories are collected and will be passed to future generations. I thank all of these pilots and crews for the effort and sacrifice they made on our behalf - present and future generations owe you all a debt we can never repay, the best we can do is always try to "Earn This". Thank you.

Posted By: Nigel (cobra11@packersfan.com) on 06/14/2003 4:43:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1606)
Great site, guys! I've always loved the JUG and the men who flew them. God bless you all, and God Bless the USA. Regards, Sean D. Hurley

Posted By: Sean Hurley (seandhurley@yahoo.com) on 06/10/2003 1:23:34 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1605)
Hey all, great to read your history. My dad was a ground crew chief for C47's, but worked on what was broken at Orley. His memory was of the pilots who returned in 47's that shot up came home and how fast most returned to battle with a lot of elbow grease. GREAT PLANE!

Posted By: Mike Anderson (mandersn@ite.net) on 06/08/2003 12:19:27 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1604)
Robert is the sculptor for the "Study Hall" a monumental bronze warbird sculpture garden at our USAF Academy in Colorado Springs. "It is an honor to record this history" www.finalfold.com and www.warbirdcentral.com

Posted By: Robert Henderson (raf@ris.net) on 06/05/2003 1:47:22 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1603)
I have been a Life Member since 1995 and was delighted to revisit the website after several months. It new layout is very attractive. The information provided is excellent. Well done!

Posted By: Jamal A. Khan (jak@comsats.net.pk) on 05/23/2003 4:14:46 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1602)
Change of e-mail address for several months: fdlmsl@sacoriver.net to get a message to me at my son's home.

Posted By: Frank Lewis (femtl@earthlink.net) on 05/07/2003 12:32:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1601)
My thanks for this wonderful site. Greetings from a small part of the Australian Thunderbolt connection. My husband, Leo O'Connor, flew Thunderbolts l and 11 in 1944 and 1945. He was a F/Sgt in the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) and did conversion training to Thunderbolts with an RAF Unit in 1944 - No 73 (F) OTU Fayid Egypt. He was then posted to India and Burma. Sadly, Leo died last December. He flew various aircraft but he only ever pasted one picture in his Flying Log Book - yes a Thunderbolt and with American markings. Incidently, he was shipped to England from Australia via train on New Year's Day 1944 from San Francisco to New York and from there on the Ile de France to Scotland.

Posted By: Eleonora O'Connor (eleonorao@hotmail.com) on 05/02/2003 10:02:18 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1600)
I visited the Milleville Army Air Feild 2 years ago. I was in AWE of the Thunderbolt before my visit and was inspired even more by the visit. I met a Pilot, Bob Rich, (as I remember). How is he doing? Also, is there a support grooup membership for those of us interested in the Thunderbolt and the men who flew it in WWII?

Posted By: John R Stevens (Stegahorse@insightbb.com) on 05/01/2003 8:31:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1599)
I am the son on CPT. Mark L. Moseley who flew the P-47 in the European Theater. 56th FS I believe. Please let me know if you knew him.

Posted By: Bruce Moseley (bmose1@aol.com) on 04/22/2003 7:03:00 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1598)
Hi P47 pilots. I am currently researching aircrew losses for the P47 fighter bomber groups of the 9th Air Force for inclusion in a Roll of Honor. If you flew with a P47 group or squadron of the 9th Air Force 1944-45 and can give any details on losses for your unit, I would like you to get in touch with me, any details would be helpful

Posted By: Peter Oliver (peter.oliver493@btinternet.com) on 04/21/2003 2:03:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1597)
Enjoyed the site and the history it holds. My father, Joe Dozier, grew up in Marathon Texas with Bill Hargus, whose biography appears in these pages. Mr Hargus gave me my first airplane ride when I was about 4 years old. Groundpounding just had no appeal after that. I am currently an A&P/IA at a fixed base operation in Kerrville, and I can trace my career choice back to my Dad's boyhood chum.

Posted By: John C. Dozier (jcdauge@mynra.com) on 04/16/2003 1:27:33 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1596)
Enjoy the site and photos quite a bit. My dad, Bob North, flew 47's in the 14th in the 81stFG, 93rd Fighter Squadron, nicknamed "Thunderjugs". I would like to hear from any jug pilot, especially if he is in Hawaii or if he knew my dad, who passed on this Jan.4, 2003. I am an avid R/C pilot and have a new electric powered 1/15th scale jug that flies great here in Hawaii. Hope to hear from someone out there at my email:rnorthtbolt@yahoo.com. Aloha, Bob

Posted By: Robert(Bob) North (rnorthtbolt@yahoo.com) on 04/09/2003 5:03:18 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1595)
THUNDERBOLT ON THE CONTINENT. I would like to hear from anyone who can provide information, share reminiscences, or lend photos of P-47 Thunderbolt operations on the European continent in 1944 and 1945. I'm the author of a history article aimed at young readers that appears weekly in Air Force Times newspaper. I want to devote one of these history articles to Thunderbolt operations after D-Day, during the Battle of the Bulge, and leading toward V. E. Day, I would like to hear from anyone who'd like to help. My goal is to eventually expand this into a longer history, working with another author. Please ring m at (703) 264-8950 if you would like to assist. Bob Dorr Robert F. Dorr, 3411 Valewood Drive, Oakton VA 22124, (703) 264-8950, robertdorr@aol.com (P. S. My current book is AIR FORCE ONE, a history of presidential air travel)

Posted By: Robert F. Dorr (Bob) (robertdorr@aol.com) on 04/02/2003 11:20:03 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1594)
Just out of High School 1943, I joined Republic Aviation, Evansville Ind. My brother serving in Italy wrote to my parents asking why they had let his sister go to work in a defense plant. I don't thin he realized how badly needed the women were to work in plants. I was Rosie the Riveter , riveting the access door to the plane. I did this for a year or more and was promoted to a desk job.I finished the war years in Washington DC, Civil Service, working at Arlington Hall, Falls Church, Va. translating Japanese messages.I saw the Thunderbolt/Warhog on TV, being used in the war with Oraq and wondered if it was a version of the thunderbolt I knew. Brings back memories of a few years past.

Posted By: Grace W. Travis Weber (gratraweb@wmconnect.com) on 03/24/2003 1:58:32 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1593)
A request to the P-47 community. HELP TELL THE THUNDERBOLT STORY TO A NEW GENERATION You can help preserve the Thunderbolt legacy. I’m Tim Hagan, a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, the son of Bob Hagan, a 9th Air Force, 365th Fighter Group - Hell Hawk - veteran. My friend, Air Force Academy classmate, former astronaut, and author, Dr. Thomas D. Jones, is gathering information for a project to tell the story of the vital ground support role 9th Air Force P-47s played in the liberation of Europe. He is trying to contact 9th AF P-47 veterans to gather material. Initial plans are for a feature magazine article. A possible book, etc. could follow but that would depend on the public interest generated by the initial effort. Public interest, in part, would be heightened by the quality of first-person accounts made available. Recent “you are there” World War II stories have generated great interest, i.e. “Saving Private Ryan”, “Band of Brothers” (Stephen Ambrose book and HBO mini-series). By the way, if you saw “Saving Private Ryan”, you may have noted the aircraft that “killed” the German tank at the end of the movie was a P-51. Based on the primary roles of the Thunderbolt and the Mustang during the Normandy invasion, we should have seen a couple of “Jugs” in the starring role. With all due respect to “Mustang” vets, tank killing was a “Thunderbolt” specialty. Help Tom tell the Thunderbolt’s story. If you have information you believe would be useful or know anyone who might, contact me at TS_Hagan@hotmail.com or Dr. Tom Jones at p47story@cox.net.

Posted By: Tim Hagan (TS_Hagan@hotmail.com) on 03/23/2003 11:21:31 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1592)
Ok guys, the guestbook is back up and functioning after some routine database maintenance - sorry for the inconvenience! Thinking of our troops overseas and hoping for a quick and decisive end to the war.

Posted By: William Frederico(P47 Admin) (p47techdesk@estek.net) on 03/20/2003 1:44:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1591)
Mr. Loic Chaumont, who has sent in a query, was also looking for another Jug pilot several years back. With help from me and others, he did manage to contact him! His name was John Balcunas, and he lived in Riverside, California! The French people and Mr. Chaumont contacted him, and the next year Mr. Balcunas went over to France to visit the people who had invited him! I've kept in contact with Mr. Chaumont since then, and we keep write regularly. I know the name Smith leaves a lot of searching to be done, but maybe someone can help him to find Malcom Smith, or his descendants! The French people may not be very co-operative right now, but they are still very thankful for us liberating their country, back in WW II! I was in the Infantry in France during WW II. Rusty Jones

Posted By: Rusty Jones (rustyj14@yahoo.com) on 02/21/2003 8:13:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1590)
Hello. I am french and I live near Vibraye (72 - Sarthe); a place where Capt Malcolm A. Smith died in the crash of his P-47 thunderbold on the 21st of May 1944. I am writing on the behalf of town council and the inhabitants of Vibraye which would like to organize a commemorative ceremony in the honour of M.A. Smith. We need on your help to recover and get in touch with relatives of M.A. Smith. I know from the AFHRA in Maxwell that he belonged to the 395th Fitr Squadron of the 368th Fitr Group in the 9th Air Force. Many thanks to you. Loïc Chaumont.

Posted By: Loïc Chaumont (loic.chaumont@wanadoo.fr) on 02/21/2003 4:58:38 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1589)
For the record, the 373rd Fighter Group was there during the Battle of the Bulge, too!!

Posted By: Staryl Austin (p47288@juno.com) on 02/17/2003 5:47:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1588)
Have enjoyed all of the comments read,and looking forward to hearing from people who knew my father,who was a member of HELL HAWKS

Posted By: PHILIP H SLINDE, Son of John H. Slinde (maps@laplaza.org) on 02/15/2003 6:01:53 PM EST

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