P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1662)
My father was a pilot for republic. He did a lot of testing for the P-47. As he died a few years ago, I don't know a lot about what he did. I do know that he did some testing on the dive capibilities of the P-47 and was able to do a successful dive-recovery-flap pullout. He was also a pilot for Chennalt with the Flying Tigers. I am very proud of what he did and wished I had better documented his experiences.

Posted By: Parker Dupouy Jr. (apdupouy@cox.net) on 02/03/2004 10:06:59 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1661)
My father was a PFC wounded during the battle of the buldge. he told stories of the P-47 ground attack abilities and how it saved a lot of soldiers on the ground lives, due to it's straffing and bombing. He really admired that plane!

Posted By: George (gjpopper@verizon.net) on 01/27/2004 1:07:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1660)
I remember as a young man watching P-47's from Majors Field in Greenville, Texas practicing low level bombing runs close by our farm, I was told that the pilots were from the Mexican Air Force and were being trained for possible combat.

Posted By: James L. Wasson (wasson1929@aol.com) on 01/25/2004 9:28:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1659)
The partial remains of a Jug has come to light in a swamp off of a runway at Wilmington Int. Airport. It has been briefly seen in years past but is in a very difficult location for heavy equipment to approach. Probably only a wing will be recovered, since the recovery effort will be substantial and expensive. P-47 Advocate member Stowe has been of great help to local authorities in this identification. The field, formerly called Bleuthenthal, was a P-47 training field during WWII.

Posted By: Bob Richards (RVR@charter.net) on 01/24/2004 1:08:27 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1658)
The 36th FG, 9th AF WWII held its annual reunion in Austin, TX last October. Of the 85 who attended only 16 were veterans of the 36th. The group numbered around 1,000 at any one time during the war. We plan to have next year's reunion on Long Island New York. Since the 36th (wing) was stationed at Bitburg, Germany for just about all of the cold war, does anyone know if there is a reunion group of these wing members currently meeting? Charlie Queen

Posted By: Charlie Queen (crqtina@aol.com) on 01/19/2004 4:50:47 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1657)
Was stationed at Neubiberg Air Base 1949-1951--86TH BMB WING-86TH FTR BMBGRP-527TH FTR SQDN Under MAJ VAN ETTEN-the COL MACTaggart-F-47's WHITETAILS---then the F-84-E---A GREAT BUNCH OF GUY'S---CHUCK ROCK

Posted By: charles S Rock {CHUCK} (c.rock4@verizon.net) on 01/15/2004 7:26:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1656)
Hello, I'm an italian local historian and I love P-47 stories. Please go to my website for some histories in italian and english languages. To www.giuseppeversolato.it/News/dettaglio.asp?IdNews=38 The story of the Italian Air Force 5th F.W., at Vicenza A.B. Italy, when they were equipped with P-47s on Years 50. Many photos, Italian text. To: www.giuseppeversolato.it/News/dettaglio.asp?IdNews=42 www.giuseppeversolato.it/News/dettaglio.asp?IdNews=43 "A Christmas Tale", The story of a P-47 fighter pilot (350th FG) and an Italian woman partisan who hidden him after his crash landing in North Italy, on Christmas 1944. Photos, english text. Giuseppe

Posted By: Giuseppe (gversola@tin.t) on 01/10/2004 6:44:30 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1655)
Bonjour, I am searching any informations, database, articles, books, memories, veterans (or family or friends), historians, researchers: concerning air misions over the cities of Tours, Blois, Orléans, Bourges, Chateauroux etc over Central France for the writing of a book. We can exchange informations Ex: July 1944’s missions I am 40 yearso ld and I teach History and Geography in the city of Tours. Regards Philippe Canonne 1 rue Balzac 37.700 Ville- aux Dames France canonne.phil@wanadoo.fr

Posted By: Canonne Phil. (canonne.phil@wanadoo.fr) on 01/05/2004 4:56:20 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1654)
I have a very special friend who was a flight engineer in the Army Air Corp during WWII and was stationed in Pacific Islands. His name is Walter Lenoir Green from Tennessee. I was hoping to locate anyone who might have served with him. He is unable to remember his unit number. He was in Okinawa for a while and flew many bombing missions over Japan.

Posted By: Brenda Richardson (blr6994@yahoo.com) on 12/30/2003 3:17:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1653)
I want to extend a hearty Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year to the many new friends I have made since discovering the web site we all cherish, this one. We have little time left so I urge all of our members and friends to make new contacts and keep track. At this late date we can make the new friends we should have made years ago. Best wishes, Frank Lewis, Jug/Mustang Jock femtl@earthlink.net

Posted By: Frank Lewis (femtl@earthlink.net) on 12/24/2003 11:04:54 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1652)
2003-Merry Christmas to all ex " Jug" Pilots

Posted By: Ken Hiltz (thudjock@airmail.net) on 12/23/2003 12:38:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1651)

Posted By: JACK COOK (Ordy1Jack@msn.com) on 12/17/2003 12:37:02 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1650)
My maternal grandfather was bomber crewman for the USAAF in the Pacific Theater. At an early age, I became interested in WWII aviation because of the stories he told me. The P-47 is one of my favorite fighters to study. God bless all you who flew them in service of our country, indeed ... God bless all of our veterans.

Posted By: Dave Lindsey () on 12/10/2003 6:31:32 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1649)
I seek any information possible about my Uncle, John Phillips. He was a P-47 pilot for 9th Air Force, in England 1944 onward. I need unit and any other info you have. I have a photo of him, and his aircraft "Horizontal Helen" dated June 1944. Razorback Jug with invasion stripes... Lots of strange stencils on nose. Thanks you in advance, Mike McKendry, Sgt. USAF 1970-74.

Posted By: Mike (ne4kftr@msn.com) on 12/07/2003 5:59:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1648)
I have a friend named Bob Donnelly who flew P-47s in the Pacific theatre in WWII. I will inform him as to the existence of this fine website and you might get some fine memories from him; he's a fascinating guy.

Posted By: Paul Kirkpatrick (paulppaulk@aol.com) on 12/07/2003 10:28:34 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1647)
In reply to Dave's previous message I can inform you that Orville A. Kinkade's P-47C 41-6583 (YJ-K) wasn't recovered recently but in May 1973 already... To get in contact with our Royal Netherlands Air Force Logistical Centre of which the Salvage Team is a part: buvo@vlbwdt.af.dnet.mindef.nl Good luck, Paul

Posted By: Paul Patist (paulpatist@hotmail.com) on 12/05/2003 9:19:19 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1646)
Great site! My wife and I are neighbors to a P-47 pilot: "Al" Kinkaide, who flew for the 353 FG in the late summer/ fall of 1943 when he was shot-down over Holland in Nov 1943. He spent the remainder of the war as a POW (he has a fascinating log book on his POW exploits; it was humbling to read). ANYWAY---his plane crashed into a polder and was recently re-discovered as the Dutch officials were draining the water from that polder. We visited Holland to see if we could retrieve some pieces of Al's aircraft to present to him---but with no luck. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get items such as (altimeter, air speed indicator) from the Dutch officials? We would like to present Al and his wife with them. Can you imagine: The last time he saw these gauges they were not giving him good news! Thanks for any ideas.... dave and dee spilker

Posted By: daveandee (daveandee@icehouse.net) on 12/03/2003 11:59:42 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1645)
Hi...my dad was a B-17 Pilot stationed in Nuthampstead, England. He used to take photos of planes that would stop on his base. I have a photo in his album of a P-47 named 'Beatrice'. If you know the pilot or if someone want's me to scan it. Let me know. Frank

Posted By: Frank Ross (steelhealr@aol.com) on 12/02/2003 3:35:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1644)
For Jonathon Adsit, your guest message # l442 Try two new books edited by Erik Dyreborg, THE LUCKY ONES, and THE YOUNG ONES, for aircrew stories of ETO, bombers and fighters, three dozen contributors each book, missions, flak, fighters, crashes, POW camps, escape and evasions, all the combat experiences you could ilmagine.

Posted By: Frank Lewis (femtl@earthlink.net) on 12/02/2003 10:55:36 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1643)
My grandpa, Joe H. Canion, flew with the 345th fighter squadron, the Devilhawks. He flew a jug, 5A2. He now has a J-3 Cub and his son, Mark Canion (my uncle) has a AT-6 Texan. My brother also has his license, and my boyfriend is working on his right now, so everybody in this family flies. I just found this page and will be sure to show it to my family. Thank y'all!!!

Posted By: Amy Dabney (amyloudab@yahoo.com) on 12/01/2003 9:42:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1642)
I would just like to say that the stories of Remembering these braver than brave pilots and sevice men have brought tears to my eyes and have made my soul that much more humble. I am 23 years old and have always shown interest in the history and experiences of the pilots and aircrews of WWII and can only Imagine the sheer insanity of which they had to witness. My absolute respect goes out to all who gave their lives for freedom and so that we can live today.

Posted By: Jonathan M. Adsit (ungundi@aol.com) on 11/26/2003 1:06:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1641)
I cam here to see some info about P-47, becuase I need to post this info on our online store where we are selling a P-47 Thunderbolt made on 1:100 scale with high detail and collector cards. This site give me a very good idea of what this JUG has done during WWII. If you like to see this collection, please visit us at http://www.shop72.com/pthjug.html Thanks.

Posted By: Ahsan Raza (info@nospam-shop72.com) on 11/23/2003 2:23:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1640)
I flew both the Jug and Mustang in Combat with the 78th F.G out of Duxford, UK. My total combined hours of combat in both is greater than any other pilot who flew between 8/43 and the end of the war on 5/7/45. I crossed the North Sea/English Channel over 250 times (thats round trips) so have "done the whole nine yards" many dozens of times. My new and 2nd Book, "Thru My Gunbarrels" is due out in early 2004. If you missed the first one, "Target Of Opportunity", try Borders, Barnes and Nobles or p47dick@aol.com ; ISBN-09705180-0-5. $19.95 from me and I include a couple WW2 vintage shots of a Jug, Mustang or both, in air, all signed and inscripted to any Jug Jock, Kin or Advocate. A super Xmas gift. I'll be 83 just 10 days before you all have a Merry 2003 Xmas. p47dick

Posted By: Dick Hewitt (p47dick@aol.com) on 11/22/2003 5:55:20 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1639)

Posted By: billpeto (billpeto@hotmail.com) on 11/21/2003 11:25:50 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1638)
The 406th FG is holding a reunion for members to commemorate the 60th anniversary of D-Day the first week of June 2004 in Washington DC. The weekend before is supposed to be the dedication of the new WWII memorial on the Mall. My question is, does anyone know of any other P47 FG or even 9th AF reunions taking place in DC at the same time?

Posted By: Craig Knowles (ctknowles@comcast.net) on 11/16/2003 8:18:19 PM EST

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