P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Looking for WW2 P-47 pilots (msg id: 2014)
I work for Flashback TV, an independent television production company based in London. My colleagues and I are currently making a major 12-part series about the war in Europe for The History Channel.

One of the programs is about Operation Cobra and we're looking for veterans who flew close-support missions in P-47 Thunderbolts over the American sector in Normandy to contribute to the program. I'm very keen to make contact with veterans who were part of the 9th Tactical Air Force who might have flown missions against a huge German convoy in and around Roncey on July 30th 1944 and talk to them about their experiences.

We are a well established TV company and would welcome any help and information you can give us to highlight the P-47 pilot's contribution to the breakout from Normandy.

Yours Sincerely,
Gareth Cooper
Flashback Television Ltd, 9-11 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1R 0BG

Tel.+ 44 (0) 20 7490 8996
Fax.+ 44 (0) 20 7490 5610

This email and any files transmitted are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are
addressed. If you have received this email in error, please notify
Thank You.

Posted By: Gareth Cooper (garethcooper@flashbacktv.co.uk) on 07/24/2006 5:26:26 AM EST

e-mail correction (msg id: 2013)
Message 1608.....Please note that the e-mail address is incorrect. It should be gcrebel@verizon.net

Posted By: Lawrence E. Cosner (gcrebel@verizon.net) on 07/06/2006 10:37:29 PM EST

P-47 Pilot "Tench Williams" (msg id: 2012)
Hi Mick,
According to the 57th FG unit history, there was a pilot in the 66th "Exterminator" squadron by the name of Thomas T. Williams who was shot down, captured and then later escaped. Maybe he's the fellow you are looking for?

Posted By: Bob Shifflet on 07/01/2006 10:38:16 AM EST

p-47 pilot Tench William (msg id: 2011)
Hello, i'm looking for informations about an unknow P-47 pilot rescued by the partisan in Reggio Emilia area and sent trough the lines, his names was Tench Williams, anyone can help me? thanks in advance


Posted By: Michele Becchi (cusna@katamail.com) on 06/30/2006 3:47:33 AM EST

Harold Ingley (msg id: 2010)
Looking for any information on Harold Ingley, my uncle. Have not heard from him in many years. Several family members would like to be able to locate him. Any into would be appreciated.

Posted By: Gary Williams (garywms@gmail.com) on 06/26/2006 11:28:29 AM EST

Looking for Info on Elwood Peterson? (msg id: 2009)
I am looking for any information on my Uncle Elwood Peterson, formerly of Two Harbors, MN. In later life he lived in Green Bay, WI with his wife and two daughters.
During WWII, I believe he flew P-47's, although I do not know which model or with which squadron. As a child, he gave me a cast replica of the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, with gear retracted on a black pedestal.
I started a family history several years ago and have very little information about him. If anyone knew of him or may have some sort of idea where I might go to find out more of his military record, I would appreciate it. Thank you!

Posted By: Gerard Peterson on 06/25/2006 11:03:05 AM EST

P-47 Parts (msg id: 2008)
I just posted another message concerning my uncle Lt Sovern. While in Luxembourg I was taken to his crash site and have several pieces of his plane and what appears to be some sort of canvas bag, leather on the top sewn around the top and a loop near a couple of snaps. I could not find any identifying marks but assume that it was on his plane since it was found amongst the debris field. Do any of you P-47D pilots or experts have any idea what the bag may be used for?

Posted By: Robert H. Sovern (rsover@laborready.com) on 05/25/2006 7:16:59 PM EST

Lt Robert H Sovern (msg id: 2007)
My uncle was killed on Jan 26, 1945 while flying over Luxembourg. He was a member of the 362thFG 379thFS. I just returned from a memorial ceremony in the village of Eschette, Luxembourg where they dedication a monument in his honor. While in Luxembourg I met some very fine people that want to recognize all pilots that helped liberate Luxembourg. Contact me if you are interested in communicating with them or if you served with my Uncle Lt Sovern I would be interested in hearing from you.

Posted By: Robert H. Sovern (rsovern@laborready.com) on 05/25/2006 6:48:59 PM EST

Lt. Richard Reed (msg id: 2006)
I am looking for any information or people who knew him about my Uncle, Lt. Richard Reed, who was KIA on 2/20/44 near Koblenz Germany. He flew Jugs with 335th FS, 4th Fighter Goup out of Debden. He joined the CRAF in 1939 I think and was transfered to the 4th Fighter Group in 1942. Any stories, etc., would be greatly appreciated.

Posted By: Brendan Reed (brenreed2@charter.net) on 05/19/2006 1:39:06 PM EST

Historical Museum air base Brustem/Saint-Trond (Belgium) (msg id: 2005)
Congratulations for this site. Very interesting! I'm a member of the Historical Museum of the air base of Brustem/Saint-Trond, Belgium (home of the 404 and 48 Fighter Groups 9 Air Force in 1944/1945)

Posted By: Bonnet Alexandre (bonnetalexandre@belgacom.net) on 05/17/2006 6:36:06 AM EST

Loss of former Jug pilot (msg id: 2004)
I sadly report the untimely passing of Lt James O. Patton Jr. on 14 Feb 2006. My Dad fell and hit his head at home. He was my hero and inspiration throughout my 33 years as an AF pilot flying B-52 and KC-135 aircraft, ultimately retiring as Wing Commander of the 161st Air Refueling Wing, AZ Air National Guard. I want to express my thanks to an entire generation of aviators who sacrificed all so that we may enjoy living in freedom, and for teaching us some valuable life lessons along the way.

Posted By: Bill Patton, Col, USAF(ret.) (wjpatton1@aol.com) on 05/10/2006 11:31:37 PM EST

WWII (msg id: 2003)

Posted By: ADRIAN H. HUNT on 05/06/2006 3:59:43 PM EST

Guestbook Entries have been restored (msg id: 2002)
I am happy to report that all guestbook entries since the P47Pilots.com website was launched in June 1998 have been restored here. Enjoy browsing back in our guestbook time capsule, and please continue posting your comments and become part of history!

Posted By: William Frederico, P47Pilots.com (p47bill@estek.net) on 04/30/2006 10:17:16 PM EST

We're Still Here! (msg id: 2001)
P47Pilots.com is still alive and kicking! Sorry for the downtime -- while in the process of moving over the website to a new server and updating the underlying technologies, our old hosting provider mistakingly dropped service! It came at the worst possible moment in the process so unfortunately the site had to come down for a while. Over the next few weeks, all of the information from the old site will be converted and brought to the new format. In addition, we have some great things planned for P47Pilots.com so stayed tuned. Also, thanks to everyone who sent me an email asking about the site -- it's great to see that the site is important to so many people! Hang in there with me and we'll be back in business in no time!

Posted By: William Frederico on 04/18/2006 11:05:33 PM EST

Good to see that the site is still alive (msg id: 2000)
It is really nice to see that the P-47 Pilots site is being kept up. I always enjoyed visiting the old site. I am a long-time Jug fan and was able to attend 3 P-47 Pilots reunions as the guest of 57th FG, 64th FS pilot Paul Carll - a true gentleman.


Posted By: unknown on 04/18/2006 10:29:16 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1822)
I am interested in information regarding close air support provided by the 513th Fighter Squadron to the 2nd French Armored Division in September 1944. A French student is trying to gather information to describe how air support saved that tank division from disaster as it faced superior German armor in Eastern France.

Posted By: Lt Col Jacques Adnet (adnet@direcway.com) on 02/23/2006 2:29:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1821)
I am the historian of the 368th FG "Nulli Secundus-Seconf to None." Comprised of the 395th "Panzer Dusters," 396th "Thunder Bums," and 397th "Jabo Angels," they led all Ninth AF P-47 groups in air victories and operated in combat for 14 mo. and six battle campaigns in Europe, including the occupation. My detailed history of the group will be available July 2006. My dad flew 92 missions and would be pleased with this site.

Posted By: Tim Grace (ahilt7@msn.com) on 02/22/2006 7:01:27 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1820)
Have been looking for info for 20 years. NEED HELP. Estes Park, Colorado purchased a P-47 in a 1943 War Bond Drive - named it ESTES PARK AVENGER. It was reported seen at Burtonwood 1st BAD around Oct. 1943. This is all the info I have. Do not know serial no. nor which FG it was sent. Do any of you know anything about it ? THANKS

Posted By: Duke Sumonia (Dukeair@aol.com) on 02/17/2006 10:33:34 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1819)
Nice site. My father was a mechanic on P47 in the U.S. and Europe starting in England in 1942 then in the Netherlands or Belgium. He was in the Thirty sixth fighter group from the start of the war till the end of the war he went back in for the Korean war and stayed till he retired in 1963. I took him to his last fighter group reunion in 1992. One of the pilots told me that dad developed a modification on the hydraulic system so that if pressure on the system was lost instead of going to nutral pitch as it was designed it would go to full pitch so they could get more distance before bailing out they said it was adopted air force wide. My fathers name was K.O. Myer if any one might have known him I would like to here about him. Thank you Bernard Myer

Posted By: Bernard Myer (m545@comteck.com) on 02/09/2006 8:43:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1818)
Nice site here. My Dad, Carey James Land, flew the P-47D and N. I don't know what organization he was with, but they trained up on the east coast, at Dover, Delaware, I think, and were on the west coast awaiting shipping to Ie Shima when the war ended. They were to fly the N models. Dad went on to a career in the USAF, flying B-26's in Korea, was the Commander of the 87th FIS (F-101B) in the mid 60's, and retired after service in Viet-Nam. Dad passed away last year. He is survived by his third wife and us three kids. Dad and I talked often and at length about his flying days, and I assure all here that the Jug was the plane he loved best. Nothing, in his book, took the place of those extra .50's, R2800, and a plane that would get you home. Best to all you heroes. Rick Land

Posted By: Richard E. Land (slickdapj@yahoo.com) on 02/05/2006 5:12:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1817)
(Courtesy of Harold Johnson)

The Walnut Ridge Army Air Field (AAFBFS) Reunion will be held the week-end of April 8, 2006. BT-13 rides will be available again this year. The Walnut Ridge Army Flying School Museum's new building will be open for inspection, although it will not be completely finished.

All WWII pilots and personnel welcome. Would especially like to hear from anyone who received Basic at Walnut Ridge.

For information, contact Harold Johnson at 800-584-5575 or harold@bscn.com

Posted By: William Frederico () on 02/03/2006 10:46:16 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1816)
Great great great site.ther's nothing else I can say. I'm only sorry not to be able to know someone of these great pilots who so young fighted for my freedom all around the world. yours fatithfully Alfonso Quaglia

Posted By: Alfonso Quaglia (camerachiara@email.it) on 02/01/2006 4:38:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1815)
What a great web sight. I am sorry to hear you will have no more reunions. Here's to all of the "JUG" pilots. You guys were and are still great. Thanks for all you did. Ron P.

Posted By: Ron Painter (rjpainter@juno.com) on 01/31/2006 2:45:46 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1814)
My dad flew p-47s in italy corcica and sardinia. His plane was called Fagans Old Shilaly. He was shoot down twice.He passed away shortly after the reunion at republic.I would love to talk to someone who knew Him.I believe he flew with the devil hawksthank you Peter Fagan

Posted By: Peter Fagan (tomturk50@yahoo.com) on 01/29/2006 4:20:28 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1813)
I was disappointed to hear that you are not going to have any more reunions. I hope you don't plan on disbanding the association. I was privilaged to help you with the reunion you had in CT a couple of years before and was able to play the music you listened and danced to when you were flying the jugs. You have always been true hero's to me. God Bless you!

Posted By: AL VEE (alvee@juno.com) on 01/25/2006 12:28:46 PM EST

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