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Re: Maggiezass (msg id: 2036) (msg id: 2039)
Bonnie Christopher Gamache on 12/30/2006 7:09:18 PM EST

Contact me for information on 4046th Fighter Group, 506th Fighter Squadron and Barton Christopher.

Posted By: Bob Williams (bw7jn@yahoo.com) on 01/06/2007 1:18:00 AM EST

A good grandfather (msg id: 2038)
My grandfather, Warren E. Foote, of Greenbay, Wisconsin, is currently living in Denver, Colorado at the age of 84 1/2 . For his 80th birthday he called a company at Centennial Airport (just south of Denver) and said, "I haven't flown an airplane in about 55 years and I want to be able to fly your A-6 Texan with a trained pilot in the back in case i make a mistake." That next week he went to the airport, suited up and before he knew it was doing barrel rolls and fly-by's. That was the most fun he had in many years. His war stories influenced me to take flight lessons. I'm now 13 and have had 5 hours of flight time.

Posted By: Patrick Gearhart on 01/04/2007 1:30:26 PM EST

Robert C. Finley of 373 FG/410 FS (msg id: 2037)
Bonnet Alexandre,

Please post your email so you can be contacted regarding your Robert C. Finley of 373 FG/410 FS

Posted By: C. Christensen on 01/03/2007 6:52:57 PM EST

Maggiezass (msg id: 2036)
I am wondering if any of you P-47 pilots remember a Lt. Barton P. Christopher, pilot. Maggiezass was one of his planes. He started flying Aug. 43. I have quite a few photos of him in his plane.

Posted By: Bonnie Christopher Gamache on 12/30/2006 7:09:18 PM EST

Andrew Chasko, Stalag Luft Zwei (msg id: 2035)
My father was a P47 pilot who was captured in Dec 1944 and then imprisoned in Stalag Luft Zwei. Does anyone have information on him or on this POW camp?
He had an honorary membership in Patton's 16th Armored Division, because after he escaped the camp, he met up with the tanks. He sat on the front of first tank going in to liberate the camp. He said, "It was the greatest sound I ever heard."
He escaped a second time when the Russians came into the camp and shot the Russian officers and 12 Orthodox priests. He also liberated Dacchau on the way home.
He tried to visit his grandparents in Slovakia but then found the Russian occupation too dangerous to do that, so he made his way home to the US.
I just don't see much on Stalag Luft 2 on the web.

Posted By: Jessica Chasko Denning on 12/23/2006 9:48:53 PM EST

Robert C. Finley of 373 FG/410 FS (msg id: 2034)
Who can give me any information about Robert C. Finley. He was shot down over Belgium on 06 November 1944.

Posted By: Bonnet Alexandre on 12/08/2006 5:31:47 AM EST

Crash of Howard P. Maupin 356 FG/361 FS on March 20 1944 (msg id: 2033)
I'm doing a research about the air war above my town and would like to find some extra information about Howard P. Maupin, pilot of the 356 FG/ 361FS. He crashed in Belgium with his P-47 (42-22525) on the 20 March 1944. I would like to find someone who knew him...friend,relative..etc.

Posted By: Bonnet Alexandre on 12/08/2006 5:24:58 AM EST

Lt. Walter Hayes (msg id: 2032)
I am doing genological research in to my family and wandered if anyone remembered anything of Lt. Walter Hayes. He was the pilot of a ill fated flight over England July 2, 1944. He and 4 others parished in the woods over Ampfield, Hampshire. Please email me if you have any insights or recollections of my uncle. Thank you for your help

Posted By: Alan Marvel on 12/07/2006 1:29:28 AM EST

Clyde McGrath, P-47 pilot, 387th FS, 365th FG (msg id: 2031)
Just perusing this website and decided to see if
any of you out there flew with my deceased uncle, Clyde McGrath, during WWII in the ETO! Please e-mail if you have any old war stories and knew my uncle. I served in the Air Force in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Clyde was a great guy! Always happy-go-lucky! THANK YOU to all of you who served during the war. God Bless.

Posted By: T.R. Lazorishak (TRexkeystoner@aim.com) on 12/04/2006 7:40:43 PM EST

Search Information about P47 chrash (msg id: 2030)
Dear Sir,
I am writing a documentation about aircraft crash and I need data of a pilot and his chrash side here in Germany. Following data I was able to get thru our city archive: Two Aircraft flew a bomb dive Mission on a Train and an Electric-Station by the Neckar River The chrash was on March 16, 1945, Time: 09:45 am Aircraft Type: P47 Tunderbolt It was a Belly landing in the woods of Eberbach (Eberbach: Name of the City south of Heidelberg) Pilot are KIA, he was shoot down by Flak. It`s possible for you to send me the information what the name of the pilot and where he was posted with his squadron? It will be great if you can help me. I cant found a MACR of this case. Thanks Klaus

Posted By: Klaus Deschner on 11/30/2006 6:45:34 AM EST

406Fighter Group 513 Fighter Squadron (msg id: 2029)
William S Manos Pilot

Posted By: Bill Manos Sr on 11/28/2006 10:09:07 AM EST

324 Fighter group 315 Squadron (msg id: 2028)
My dad who is still alive flew with 324 figher group 315 squadron are their any of his fellow pilots here let me know Thanks Jack

Posted By: Jack (JMAVIA@AOL.COM) on 11/12/2006 6:18:03 PM EST

MEMBER 404TH - 508TH SQ. (msg id: 2027)



Posted By: JIM MOULTON (jdenzil@charter.net) on 11/12/2006 3:30:10 PM EST

366 Fighter Group, 9th AF (msg id: 2026)
My Father flew P47s out of England across the channel and opened strip A1. Hes done some remarkable things flying 99 combat missions total before giving up his plane which saw its demise by a pilot who pushed the right button at the wrong time and blew himself up along with the plane on the taxi way.

Posted By: Sgt Craig Charbonneau, HMH-461 USMC, Africa Active duty (craigcharbonneau2003@yahoo.com) on 11/11/2006 1:15:24 AM EST

Pilot 406 Fighter Group-513 Fighter Squadron 9th A. F. (msg id: 2025)
I flew 108 Missions, shot down once by ground fire
5 miles north of Rennes France 1944

Posted By: William S Manos on 11/10/2006 10:15:55 AM EST

Alva D. Henehan (msg id: 2024)
My first active duty commander was a USAF full colonel by the name of Alva D. Henehan. I understand that he flew the P47 in the ETO, and I would appreciate hearing any details of his service. According to him, he "had" three German planes before he was 21, and I have no reason to doubt that this was the truth.

Posted By: Roger M. Woodbury, Major, USAF(ret) (rmwoodbury@adelphia.net) on 11/01/2006 6:47:11 PM EST

2lt Donald E Childs info. (msg id: 2023)
I'm looking for any information on my Uncle Don. He was killed when he crash landed on July 19, 1944, near the village of High Halden, GB.

Posted By: Pat Childs (PJChilds@PJChilds.com) on 11/01/2006 3:56:02 PM EST

Lt. Wiersema. 358th FG (msg id: 2022)
Congratulations for your nice site.
I am trying to contact family or relatives of 1st Lt. John A. WIERSEMA (ASN: O-732423), killed in action on June 5, 1944 in the Park of Chateau de Versailles, near Paris.He served in the 358th Fighter Group, 367th Fighter Squadron.
Thank you for your help. J-L Gruson

Posted By: Jean-Luc GRUSON (jean-luc.gruson@wanadoo.fr) on 10/22/2006 7:58:06 AM EST

Lt. Wiersema. 358th FG (msg id: 2021)
Congratulations for your nice site.
I am trying to contact family or relatives of 1st Lt. John A. WIERSEMA (ASN: O-732423), killed in action on June 5, 1944 in the Park of Chateau de Versailles, near Paris.He served in the 358th Fighter Group, 367th Fighter Squadron.
Thank you for your help. J-L Gruson

Posted By: Jean-Luc GRUSON on 10/22/2006 7:52:54 AM EST

My Dad (msg id: 2020)
Hi all
When my dad, once a Jug jockey with the 318th in the Pacific, passed away a few years ago, I put together a little tribute to him on the web...

If anyone out there happens to have any pictures of him or his planes from Hawaii, Saipan or Ie Shima, I'd be grateful for a scan.

Posted By: John Payne (inpayne@optonline.net) on 10/07/2006 10:19:50 PM EST

(msg id: 2019)
RE: Del ANG Pilot
Pls Email me if you have any info.

Posted By: unknown (bu49@poolesite.com) on 10/06/2006 4:22:43 PM EST

Del. ANG Pilot (msg id: 2018)
Looking for any Jug pilots who flew with the Delaware Air National Guard during the P-47N period of 1946-7. Am particularily interested in pilots who knew Capt. WIlliam Livergood. He was a family friend. Sadly he was killed in a landing accident at New Castle County Airport.

Posted By: Bud Poole on 10/06/2006 4:20:19 PM EST

P-47 Documentary (msg id: 2017)
Back in the early 1990's, Quentin Aanenson produced the widely acclaimed " A Fighter Pilot's Story" - a moving personal account of his experiences as a P-47 pilot in the 366th FG. Info about Aanenson and the making of this outstanding documentary can be found at http://pages.prodigy.com/fighterpilot/.

Posted By: Bob Shifflet on 09/05/2006 12:29:36 AM EST

TV Doc (msg id: 2016)
I saw a kind of documentary done through the letters of a P-47 pilot on PBS does anyone know the name of it. I believe it was in two parts but i have not seen it since. If anyone knows the name of it, I would love to hear from you.

Posted By: Chancellor (schancell@aol.com) on 08/20/2006 12:29:42 AM EST

Another P-47 fighter pilot (msg id: 2015)
Researching the web I found this site about the P-47 pilots. My father, Major Leonard L. Dawson, Jr. (ret USAF), began flying P-47s in 1943, and prepared for the invasion of Japan. He continued to fly after WWII in California in B-25s until the Korean War began. He was sent to Germany and made a radar officer. He remained in the radar operations and maintenance AFSC until he retired in 1969 at Keesler AFB, Mississippi. You guys are from the best generation this country has ever known, and I am very proud to say my father was a P-47 pilot. His stories are overwhelming at times. Thanks to all of you for giving me my freedom.

Posted By: Leonard L. Dawson, III (lld2282@ev1.net) on 08/07/2006 3:40:08 AM EST

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