P47 Pilots Guestbook
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A P-47 Book (msg id: 2176)
It is so wonderful to see a place where all these pilots can be honored. Currently I am researching P-47 pilots for a children's book that I am writing. I really want to focus on the Zombie and man's journey through the war as a pilot. If anyone has any advice I would be more than greatful.

Posted By: Virginia Martin (romeovv@hotmail.com) on 07/23/2008 9:24:15 AM EST

493rd Belgium and Germany (msg id: 2175)
My dad (still living) was a pilot and joined the 493rd in late 1944. He took several photos if anyone is interested.

Posted By: Peggy (mcbowen77@yahoo.com) on 07/22/2008 10:55:30 AM EST

Lt. Harry S. Katoski KIA 7/26/44 (msg id: 2173)
I am conducting some research for a family member that lives in Sainte Pience France. In the town there is a memorial erected to Lt. Harry S. Katoski in recognition of his contribution to the liberation of the village. He was a P-47 Pilot assigned to the 388th Fighter Squadron - 365th Fighter Group which I believe was flying out of Azeville France at the time of his demise. Records I have researched indicate he was KIA on 7/16/44. I am trying to determine the specfic nature of his mission on that day and how he lost his life.

Posted By: Chad Bloom (hawk51c@comcast.net) on 07/13/2008 5:54:36 PM EST

crashside of 1st Lt. Copeyon Donald P. 0-702769 (msg id: 2172)
I found the crashside of P47 Pilot 1st Lt. Copeyon Donald P. 0-702769, KIA, of the 50 FG, 10FS, Date: 6 April 1945
The crashside is 30km south/east of Heidelberg Germany

Posted By: Klaus Deschner (klaus.deschner@sap.com) on 07/07/2008 9:11:31 AM EST

366 FG (msg id 2152) (msg id: 2171)
Responding to Peter Sikora's inquiry on 5/16/08 re following pilots: Lt Victor M Gazda; Lt Roger W Drabyk; 2nd Lt Stanley S. Sobek; 1st Lt Edmund Stasz; and F/O Erwin L. Pietrzak - respond to Guestbook with an e-mail address and I will furnish info. on how you can secure detailed info on each of them as well as the big battle @ Y-29.

Posted By: C. Pat Moore on 07/05/2008 9:37:00 PM EST

Response to C. Pat Moore re "Bert's Buggy" (msg id: 2170)
Thank you for responding to my earlier message. I can't find any other way of contacting you except through this Guestbook, so perhaps we can establish e-mail contact.

Posted By: Tony Knight (knight.mail@ntlworld.com) on 07/01/2008 11:44:24 AM EST

William Czygan, P-47 Pilot--Anyone know him? (msg id: 2168)
I'm trying to reconstruct my grandfather's war record. As most of his records were lost in the fire at the NPRC building, I have little to work with. he graduated advanced training from Marianna AAF with Class 44-D on April 15, 1944. He went on to fly P-47D (razorbacks). I know he was an instructor for a time. He once said that he fought in the MTO.
Does anyone know him? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted By: Marc Czygan (czygan@sbcglobal.net) on 06/23/2008 2:35:11 AM EST

Remembering A pilot (msg id: 2167)
I was wondering if there is anyone who was with or remembers my father from WWII. he was a P-47 pilot stationed in France. His name is H.W.Figgis He was awarded the distinguished flying cross for one of his missions. He passed away back in 95'. I'm just trying to find out a little of his history. Thank you.
Bob Figgis

Posted By: Bob Figgis (bobfiggis@msn.com) on 06/20/2008 12:24:11 PM EST

P-47 42-8068 (msg id: 2166)

I tring to find out if anybody has any information on
P-47D2 42-8068. I own the instrument panel from this aircraft and have always been curios about its history. I have discoverd from research that she was sent to the Pacific region during June 1943, back came back to the USA in March 1944.
I'm guessing that she joined the 348th fighter group, which was in Brisbane Australia at this time.
Any information that you might have would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in adavance,


Posted By: Troy (wilsonin@bigpond.net.au) on 06/20/2008 1:01:40 AM EST

New P-47 Book (msg id: 2165)
Hello Everyone in the P-47 community. Bob Dorr, a frequent contributor to Air Force writing and Tom Jones, a 4 time Space Shuttle veteran and avid writer, speaker, and consultant have written Hell Hawks! The Untold Story of the American Fliers Who Savaged Hitler's Wehrmacht. While focusing on the 365th Fighter Group (386, 387, and 388 FS), the work illustrates the courage and sacrifice of all who flew the Thunderbolt.

Posted By: Tim Hagan on 06/19/2008 10:37:20 PM EST

My Uncle (msg id: 2164)
If anyone has any information on my uncle please contact me. His name was Charles D. Young Jr. from Chicago, IL. He flew a P-47 with the 524th Fighter Squadron - the 27th Fighter Group and was KIA on Feb. 8, 1945 over Italy in German occupied territory. Any information on he or anyone that new him would be appreciated.

Posted By: Charles D. Young (chuck30564@msn.com) on 06/18/2008 12:20:40 AM EST

P-47 plane colors and type (msg id: 2163)
My cousin, 2Lt Herbert Reiner, was a P-47 pilot killed over France in late August, 1944. I am trying to find out the markings of his planes in his unit, the 53rd Ftr Sqd of the 36th Ftr Grp. I know there were two styles, bubble top and azor back.
Might anyone remember the style P-47 of the unit and the colorings, silver, olive drab or whatever.
Thanks to all your service to our country and thanks for any info someone might provide.
Ralph Roshong

Posted By: Ralph Roshong (roshongrr@aol.com) on 06/12/2008 4:09:16 PM EST

Thank you (msg id: 2162)
To all the men and women who fought to keep my freedom - thank you.

Posted By: Willie Stargess on 06/12/2008 12:54:07 PM EST

53rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group (msg id: 2161)
We are searshing for more information about Major Richard T. Deabler he was a P47D Pilot into the 53rd Fighter Squadron. Have you any information about Richard and his 53 FS please contact me.Thanks.

Posted By: Nico (Dean888@hetnet.nl) on 06/11/2008 2:17:16 PM EST

358 fighter group 366 squadron 1942-45 (msg id: 2160)
My Grandfather Lieutenant Colonel Lester M Jiggens flew the P42 Thunderbolt between 1942 -1945 for the 358th FG 366 FS as a Second Lieutenant. I would appreciate any information on articles, books pictures or any other useful information pertaining to that specific FG/FS during the specified time. Thank you.

Posted By: casey (cyanicko@yahoo.com) on 06/02/2008 3:16:52 AM EST

Email for info on John Heatcote (msg id: 2159)
Sorry I didn't include my email with my original post.

Posted By: A Huggins (ahuggins1@bellsouth.net) on 05/31/2008 8:19:42 PM EST

John Heathcote 413th Fighter Group 1st Ftr S (msg id: 2158)
I am seeking any information available on John Heathcote II, who was listed as MIA on August 9, 1945 over Matsuyama in the Pacific. The serial number was 44-88179. His aircraft type,model, and series was P-47N-2-RE.

Thanks in advance for any information you all may be able to supply. A Huggins

Posted By: A Huggins on 05/31/2008 8:15:47 PM EST

390 FS (msg id: 2157)
I wuld like to ask Mr. C.Pat Moore for help. I'm writing an article about one of 390 FS pilots. Is there any chance to contact you. I'm lookig for any informations and pictures.

Posted By: Peter Sikora (m.p.sikora@hotmail.co.uk) on 05/27/2008 7:46:04 PM EST

Anything Known? (msg id: 2151) (msg id: 2156)
Responding to message posted by Tony Knight on 5/14/08, requesting info. on Lt. Emil Bertza, a P-47 Pilot of 390th Squadron. I am the 78 yr old only surviving brother of S/Sgt Leighton H. Moore, Crew Chief of Lt. Bertza's P-47 Thunderbolt fighter-bomber, "Bert's Buggy". Please respond to this entry via Guestbook and I will attempt to make a connection with you. I have photos, etc., I will be happy to share with you.

Posted By: C. Pat Moore on 05/27/2008 12:15:38 PM EST

Looking for information / photo about Robert W. Schafer (506th fighter squadron, 404th) (msg id: 2155)
Looking for information / photo about Robert W. Schafer (506th fighter squadron, 404th fighter group)
I have in my possession his A-2 flight jacket and some wartime documents but I am looking for some personnel stories or pictures involving this pilot.

Posted By: Tom Petit (bazelot@rocketmail.com) on 05/24/2008 3:30:21 PM EST

Crew Chief for 333rd FS, 318th FG on Saipan (msg id: 2154)
I would like to find out the name and location of the crew chief for the 333rd Fighter Squadron, 318th FG .
My Dad, 2nd. Lt. Billy Kemp flew as a pilot with that squadron...and he had a plane named, "Miss Carolyn"..on a return mission, he had to bail out and he was rescued. All of that is documente din Lambert's book, "the Pineapple AirForce". I also have his official incident report, among other papers and pictures. Any information would be most helpful. and I would share what I have.

Posted By: Marsha Kemp (stinkerbug49@yahoo.com) on 05/23/2008 11:53:26 AM EST

507FG Markings (msg id: 2153)
I am researching the P-47Ns on Ie Shima and have a number of questions.

First, I have accumulated quite a few photos of P-47N nose art but have little or no idea what the unit or aircraft number is. I can provide the photo or the name if you can help.

Second, regarding the tail markings of the squadrons in the 507th. What color were they? PHotos make them appear to be a faded intermediate blue, but some sources say they were insignia blue (which I consider doubtful). Also, did all three squadrons duplicate the tail marking on the port horizontal stabilizer a la the 463FS triangle on both vertical and horizontal stab?

I'm very interested in obtaining more photos of P-47s. Please send scans to me at: ag122651@hotmail.com

Posted By: AG on 05/16/2008 3:52:46 PM EST

366 FG (msg id: 2152)
I`m looking for any pictures of 390 FS (period between December 1944- May 1945), also Y-29 airfield. I`m trying to find anything (pictures) about 366 FG pilots:
Lt Stasz, Lt Gazda, Lt Drabyk, Lt Sobek, Lt Pietrzak.

Posted By: Peter Sikora on 05/16/2008 11:05:57 AM EST

Anything Known? (msg id: 2151)
I am trying to find information about Lt.Emil Bertza, a P-47 pilot of 390th Squadron, shot down in Normandy on 12th August 1944. He, and my late Irish uncle, escaped, taking with them some 24 German prisoners. Can any friends or family help?

Posted By: Tony Knight on 05/14/2008 2:23:34 PM EST

PRANG P-47 (msg id: 2150)
From 1949-50 I lived at the San Juan Naval Station, basically an air base that shared the runway with commercial airlines and the Puerto Rico Air National Guard. On Saturday morning, the kids -- including me -- would watch the PRANG P-47s take off. (Their sounds also made sleep extremely difficult.) They were known as the "PRANGO Boys", because there was a bullseye circling the "A" on each fuselage. I would like to obtain a photo of a PRANGO P-47, and will welcome any direction.

Posted By: Mark Marshall (markham@mindspring.com) on 05/11/2008 1:46:40 PM EST

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