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Finding registration P-47 Thunderbold (msg id: 2203)
I am searching for a registration of a P-47 who was crashed in Germany.
The plane must lay on the bottom of the Laacher See nearby Koblenz.
I haven't any information about his registration and the date when he was crashed.
I hope that anyone can help me to find these information.

Posted By: Abe v.d.Bijl (a.vdbijl2@chello.nl) on 03/04/2009 11:01:38 AM EST

493rd Squadron (msg id: 2202)
Does anyone remember or know 1st Lt. Allan Jay Eisenhauer. Between 1941-1946 he served. 70th Fighter Wing, 48th Fighter Group. His Plane name was the KING. He also went by the nick name IKE.

Posted By: carol (cjb48070@yahoo.com) on 02/12/2009 9:57:06 AM EST

P-47 pilot Clyde McGrath (from Pennsylvania) (msg id: 2201)
I'm looking for anyone who served with my deceased
uncle, Clyde McGrath, in the 387th Fighter Squadron,
365th Fighter Group (Hell Hawks), 9th AF, during
World War II. Clyde was my favorite uncle and a
great guy. Thanks and God Bless all you vets of
World War II!

Posted By: T.R. Lazorishak (trexkeystoner@aim.com) on 02/09/2009 4:24:54 PM EST

Lt. Martin G. O'Connell, Jr. 78th Fighter Group, 83rd Fighter Squadron (msg id: 2200)
Lt. Martin O'Connell, Jr. (msg id: 2199)

My grandfather, Lt. Martin G. O'Connell, Jr. was killed in a flying accident(KIFA) in England 15April 1944. He trained in South Georgia, then went to Duxford in England.

Is there anyone that knew him personally? I would like to know more about him.

Thanks so much, and God bless America.

Posted By: Mike Seal on 01/29/2009 11:06:33 PM EST

Lt. Martin O'Connell, Jr. (msg id: 2199)
My grandfather, Lt. Martin G. O'Connell, Jr. was killed in a flying accident(KIFA) in England 15April 1944. He trained in South Georgia, then went to Duxford in England.

Is there anyone that knew him personally? I would like to know more about him.

Thanks so much, and God bless America.

Posted By: Mike Seal on 01/29/2009 11:03:55 PM EST

My greay uncle Jay (msg id: 2198)
I am 34 years old and have been a big WW2 history buff since high school. I am interested in all aspects of the war and find it very facinating. I am most interested in the Nazi history of WW2, but please believe me when I say that I have no sympathy nor do I support Nazism in any way. Anyways, My grandpa was in the U.S. Navy during the war and was stationed in Hawaii, although it was after December 7th, 1941. As far as I know, he did not see any action. A few years before he died, we got to talking about the war and he told me something that I had not known before. His brother (my great uncle) was a P-47 Thunderbolt pilot with the 365th fighter squadron. Anyways, my great uncle was on a mission over France in July of 1944 when he was jumped by about 50 ME-109's and FW-190's. He did not return to his base that day. I don't know if it was unusual to be jumped by that many enemy fighters in mid-1944, but my grandpa gave me a copy of the report that was filed when my great uncle Jay did not return from his mission, and the report clearly states 50 enemy fighters. Anyways, a French farmer saw my great uncles plane falling toward the ground and quickly ran out to the aircraft to see if my great uncle was still alive before the Germans got to him. He was dead before he hit the ground. My grandpa and this French farmer were in contact with each other until shortly before my grandpa died in 2005. The guy in France sent my grandpa photos and pieces on the aircraft through the years. The local community where my great uncle was shot down even made a hand painted dinner plate with his airplane, etc painted in great detail. I guess they have alot of respect for my great uncle. My great uncle is buried at Normandy. I forget what squadron shot down my great uncle, but my grandfather told me that he thinks he was able to figure out the name of the German pilot who shot my great uncle down. There is a book out titled "The 365th Fighter Squadron in World War II" by Kent Miller. In the book, my great uncle is mentioned as well as the squadron that shot him down. Anyways, I thought I would share this story about my great uncle, a man I never knew, but am extremely proud of and proud to share his name. I am trying to find information on my great uncle. If anyone can tell me anything about him, I would appreciate it very much. His name was Jay Thomson. His ID was 0-674346. He was a First Lieutenant with the U.S. Army Air Forces, 365th Fighter Squadron, 358th Fighter Group. He died on July 14th, 1944 and is buried at the Normandy American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, France. His grave location is Plot B, Row 13, Grave 13. Some of his awards were the Air Medal with 9 Oak Leak Clusters and the Purple Heart. He flew the P-47 Thunderbolt in 25 missions with 50 sorties.

Posted By: Joel Thomson (joelmthomson@comcast.net) on 01/27/2009 5:43:01 AM EST

Lt. Robert A. Siebel (msg id: 2197)
Looking for anyone that may have known my Father
Lt. Robert A. Siebel 388th Fighter Squadron FROM 1943 UNTIL 1944, 9th AF.

Posted By: Bob Siebel (wvundercover@yahoo.com) on 01/25/2009 8:44:42 PM EST

P47 D-28-RA 229150 'Dottie Mae' 511FS/405FG 9AF TO BE RESTORED (msg id: 2196)

This historic aircraft was recovered in 2005 from Austria. Now in Idaho, USA being restored to flying condition.

See website

Recovery, history and ongoing restoration.

Trying to find two other people.

The nosework artist
Samuel L Kirschenbaum (Service number 32342047)
Staff Sergeant  511 Fighter Squadron/405 Fighter Group/9 AF  UK and Europe 1944-45. Thought to have died 1990's, either NY or Florida.

1/Lt. Markwood C. Boyer - Libertyville Illinois
Son Barnaby Augustus Boyer
Thought to be at Conroe, TX. USA??

Any help appreciated.

Have a look at he website.

regards from England.

Posted By: Mark Sheppard on 01/25/2009 5:24:18 PM EST

Cardwell Dixon (msg id: 2195)
Hi, I was just browsing the internet when I came across your website for the P-47 Pilots Association. Didn't know it existed. Just signing in as a visitor and look through the site. My father, Cardwell Dixon flew P-47's over the european theater during the last few months of world war two and was shot down over St. Nazire(?), where he became a p.o.w. for the last three months of the war. Growing up over the years I've gotten several stories from him concerning that time of his life, including his last flight and the time the engine quit coming over the English Channel, forcing him to ditch ("that was the loudest silence in the world when that damn thing quit running!!"). He's now almost 87 and still has gumption, despite having a severe stroke a few years ago. Thanks for this chance to express our gratitude to these pilots who laid their life on the line for our freedom.

Posted By: Robert Dennis Dixon (dixonr_41@yahoo.com) on 01/13/2009 12:59:02 PM EST

Raymond Hayes P47 Pacific WWII (msg id: 2194)
I am looking for info on my uncle Raymond Hayes. He flew P 47's in the Pacific during WWII. Unfortunately I have no other information.

Posted By: Dave Bokros (dbokros@comcast.net) on 01/06/2009 12:02:01 PM EST

50th FG 313rd FS , Normandy (msg id: 2193)
Hello ,
For my book project I'm looking for information/pictures regarding two pilots killed near Rouen on 26 August 1944 by Luftwaffe ace Klaus Mietusch . They were Lloyd J. Page and Clair B. Edel , both 313rd FS .
Thank you.

Posted By: Laurent Viton (D010844@aol.com) on 01/06/2009 9:45:13 AM EST

James Marshall Beck, 346th FS / 350th FG (msg id: 2192)
Message for Dave Beck: Hello, there is a photo of your father James Marshall Beck with other 346th sq pilots on Keith Vizcarra's 350th FG Blog: http://homepage.mac.com/vizcarraguitars/346thPilots/large-58.html . Please leave contact info here or on the 350th FG website and we'll try to assist with more details of your father's service in the 346th. Best Regards, Bob

Posted By: Bob Shifflet on 01/03/2009 10:04:06 PM EST

PRANG 1952 (msg id: 2191)
Anyone out there involved with their squadron in the summer of 1952 while they were on maneuvers at Roosevelt Roads NAS ? I worked in the tower there at that time. Have a couple of photos of the P-47N's they flew.

Posted By: Bud Poole on 01/01/2009 10:55:07 AM EST

Seeking Pilot Richardson (msg id: 2190)
I am trying to help my father locate a P47 pilot shot down near Bastogne in January 1945. My father, Fred Norman, who was a member of 3rd Army, 6th Armored Division, helped the pilot to the medic. Dad believes the pilot's name was Richardson and that he was from one of the Dakotas.

Pls respond to Ongweh12@aol.com

Posted By: Nancy Card (Ongweh12@aol.com) on 12/31/2008 8:28:16 PM EST

Missing Air Crew Reports online (msg id: 2189)
I came across an article in Stars and Stripes that discussed a website that has released a large WW2 collection of photos and documents. All these documents are searchable online. My great uncle was a P47 pilot and was shot down over Germany on Feb 14, 1945, I was able to find his Missing Air Crew Report that had a first hand account on how he was shot down by ground fire and where the crash site is. The site is www.footnote.com. My great uncles name is 2LT Willard G. Nagelstadt. I would love to hear from anyone that might have known him. He flew with the 362 FG/377 FS. He trandferred into the 377 FS from the 379 FS and had a single confirmed kill (ME-109).
This report answered many questions for me and I hope it can help others in their research.
Steve Linehan (stevenlgts@charter.net)

Posted By: Steve Linehan (Stevenlgts@charter.net) on 12/21/2008 5:10:53 PM EST

Lt. Berlin's lst flight (msg id: 2188)
I am working on a report based on information from a German source. A then 9 year old German boy who witnessed the crash of a P-47. He and older boys pulled the dead pilot from the plane. He was so traumatized by the event that he always thought of the flyer and wondered what ever happend to Lt. Alpheus Berlin and where he found his last resting place. Based on the information I received from Germany I and on a lot of internet research I was able to find out what happened.

Posted By: Felix Pfaeffle on 09/28/2008 7:26:18 PM EST

Very Nice! (msg id: 2186)
FANTASTIC Web Site! We have added a link to our monthly newsletter so that more veterans can be made aware of this tremendous resource. Also, please visit our web site to learn about hidden government benefits you are eligible for and how to significantly increase your service-connected compensation or VA pension. http://www.veteranprograms.com

Posted By: Rance Jurevwicz, Capt., USA, Ret (info@veteranprograms.com) on 09/13/2008 3:35:24 PM EST

James Marshall Beck (msg id: 2185)
My father, James Marshall Beck, was shot down over northern Italy and captured by the Germans sometime in February 1944. I would appreciate any information or pictures that anyone might have who remembers him. He was from Opelika, Alabama.

Posted By: Dave Beck on 09/08/2008 7:20:15 PM EST

1Lt Robert A Booth (msg id: 2184)
I am trying to locate info on the Lt Booth . He flew a P47D, wing no. 42-76744. He was killed on 10-27-44 over the Vosges Mtn. I am trying to locate crash site. Can anyone help ? Thanks

Posted By: Gerry L Humphrey on 09/01/2008 10:05:22 AM EST

1 LT fred B. Schwartz 27th Fighter Group (msg id: 2182)
Killed 12 July 1945 Buried at US Military Cemetary,Hamm, Luxembourg. Would appreciate any info re this Airman

Posted By: Marvin findling on 08/07/2008 3:55:40 PM EST

366FG pilots (msg id: 2181)
Hi, again there is my message to C.Pat. Moore.
Yes, unfortunately I didn't attach my email address before. I'm looking for further informations about following pilots: Drabyk, Stasz, Gazda, Sobek, Pietrzak and also Capt. Chaz Glowczynski from PAF who flew with 390.FS. I'm working on article about 390.FS for long time and have some problems with informations I'm looking for.

Posted By: Peter Sikora (m.p.sikora@hotmail.co.uk) on 07/30/2008 6:10:13 AM EST

Lt Roy Christian KIA October 26th, 1944 (msg id: 2180)
I am researching the military career of my Great Uncle, Roy Christian. He was a P-47 pilot with the 377th Fighter Squadron, 362nd Fighter Group. I have a letter from the 362nd FG Chaplain with the details surrounding his death when a flew a mission out of Rheims, France to Metz on Oct. 26, 1944. I'm looking for more details like how many missions he flew, decorations, etc.

Posted By: Derek Mosher (heckler58@yahoo.com) on 07/28/2008 4:42:47 PM EST

367th fs 358th fg (msg id: 2179)
Hi there what a great site you guys have.Can anyone help me with pics and or info on 367th fs(orange tails fg) This particular sqdn seems very difficult to get info on,so any help would be much appreciated.Thanks Kim

Posted By: kim bailey (kim.bailey1@sky.com) on 07/26/2008 5:04:36 PM EST

My tribute for Fernando Correa Rocha, 75 missions of combat in mediterranium theather.Belonged a 350 figther group.He was a brave brazilian!
Your P 47 exposed in Asas de um Sonho Museum, São Carlos- Brasil.

Posted By: Wagner Indig (wagnerindig@bol.com.br) on 07/26/2008 7:30:19 AM EST

My tribute for Fernando Correa Rocha, 75 missions of combat in mediterranium theather.Belonged a 350 figther group.He was a brave brazilian!
Your P 47 exposed in Asas de um Sonho Museum, São Carlos- Brasil.

Posted By: Wagner Indig (wagnerindig@bol.com.br) on 07/26/2008 7:30:19 AM EST

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