P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Sam Scalzi (msg id: 2253)
I m am Sam Scalzi's Daughter and wonder if anyone has any stories they would care to share with me

Posted By: elizabeth Molavi on 03/27/2010 11:24:40 PM EST

Dallas G. Yeargain, Lt. USAAC (msg id: 2252)
I recently went on Google to check on my father in law who was a Thunderbolt pilot in WW2. We knew he was a POW in Korea after he was shot down on August 13, 1945. He never talked about his experiences but we were interested to find out. He passed away 2 years ago at age 84. The following is information we found about his last mission and where he was held prisoner for 9 months.

Lt. Dallas G. Yeargain 464th FS 2 Oscar SD POW
Keijo Camp (Seoul)
Yeargain, Dallas G.,1st Lt,O-745561,USAAC

I hope you can add this to your files.

Thank you.

Jim Hardy

Posted By: James L. Hardy on 03/19/2010 12:38:02 AM EST

494th Fighter Squadron (msg id: 2251)
Looking for infomation on this unit, maimly Lt. Looper
in Belgium.

Posted By: J. W. White (jwhite198@tampabay.rr.com) on 03/16/2010 8:54:22 AM EST

371st FG - Today I found an obit for Richard E. Kyte (msg id: 2250)
Richard E. Kyte passed away back on 11/24/2007 in Hartford Ct. He was a 1st Lieutenant in the 371st.FG 406th FS and flew with my uncle. He was on the mission the day my uncle was KIA. I found Mr. Kyte by calling every name in the Grp history book I could get a number for from telephone information back in1989 to 1990. I found him and had the pleasure of meeting him in 1991 in person and then again in 92 at the Bradley Air Museum where he volunteered his time giving tours. They have a great collection including a P-47. I had a chance to sit in that plane. He was a very nice guy and my meetings with him were a great pleasure for me.

Posted By: Paul H. Nerney on 03/01/2010 8:09:52 PM EST

CONTACT ! I am a lucky guy. (msg id: 2249)
I have contact with my uncles best friend from the Air Corp. They flew the 47 in the 371st FG 406 Sq. We have talked and I am planning a trip from Ma. to Tn. to meet this spring. My uncle was 21yrs old when he died on March 19,1945. His friend was right behind him in line for a groud attack when he was hit by ground fire. John N. is now 85 yrs. young and has fair to good health. He is a fine man and told me much about my uncle, another fine man. I am very, very lucky and thankful that my daughter found him.

Posted By: Paul H. Nerney (tboltp47d@aol.com) on 02/23/2010 9:34:28 PM EST

P47N's on Ie Shima - 34th fighter squadron (msg id: 2248)
I flew a P47N on Ie Shima and still have a copy of our squadron book complete with names of entire complement and pictures to match if anyone is still interested.

Posted By: Larry Jennings (larsandjen@cox.net) on 02/17/2010 5:07:12 PM EST

Looking for information on LT. Edwin Kettrick (msg id: 2247)
I am requesting any information or pictures on him and the P-47 he flew.

Posted By: Paul Kettrick Jr (kettrickjrp@saic.com) on 02/03/2010 11:23:29 AM EST

Aviation Art (msg id: 2246)
My name is Craig Headrick from Atlanta, GA. My father, Thomas Headrick was a career Air Force veteran who missed the war (joined in 1946) but worked on everything from P-47's through HC-130's (airframe and engine mechanic). I have been working on some aviation art recently and was hoping that this forum could give me direction on how to market my work to vets or enthusiasts of generally WWII aircraft. I have some of my work on flicker.com under Headrick Watercolors or Craig Headrick and would like some feedback from those who would be in a position to know if the work is good enough for sale. Please contact me via e-mail to discuss any potential acquisitions or general discussions. Thank you.

Posted By: Craig Headrick (headrickcraig@yahoo.com) on 02/01/2010 5:27:36 PM EST

Looking for information on 1st Lt. L.L. Goldwasser 356FG/360FS (msg id: 2245)
Looking for information on 1st Lt. L.L. Goldwasser 356FG/360FS or on any info regarding his crash.

Crashed P47D (43-25590) on May, 31st.,1944 at OudBeijerland, the Netherlands.

POW camps: Hospital Meiningen #1288 (Serves Stalag 9-C) Meiningen Saxe-Meiningen 50-10

Posted By: R. van Reijn (Rombout66@gmail.com) on 01/31/2010 5:12:15 PM EST

2nd Lt. Robert D. Taylor (msg id: 2244)
Looking for information on 2nd Lt. Robert D. Taylor, my father, 65th Squadron, 57th Group, 12th AAF. Originally from Alabama, trained in Texas. Flew in Italy at some point. Would love to know more.

Posted By: Marcella Taylor (marcella_taylor@hotmail.com) on 01/26/2010 10:39:21 AM EST

1st Lt Booth Robert (msg id: 2243)
1st Booth Robert died in the crash of his P-47 number 42-76477 near Fougerolles France

Posted By: Alain Rosseels (alainrosseels@gmail.com) on 01/13/2010 9:14:55 AM EST

Capt Orsinger (msg id: 2242)
Capt Orsinger 0-426419 from 366FG was shot down on february 22 1944 near Lommel Belgium.He was buried at the allied cemetery at the airfield of St-Trond Belgium by the Germans in grave 375. on march 1950 buried ar Rockford Illinois

Posted By: Alain Rosseels (alain.rosseels@skynet.be) on 01/13/2010 8:14:05 AM EST

Information for Max Graham (msg id: 2241)
Max Graham was my uncle. He was declared MIA on a bombing support mission on August 13, 1944. He was flying a P47 and was later declared KIA in April, 1945. Max lived his short life in Dallas, Texas. I would like any information or memories of Max. I would like help on researching missions flew by the 353 AA fighter group between April-Aug, 1944.

Posted By: Miko Sprunck (sprunk-ns@sbcglobal.net) on 01/11/2010 11:39:49 PM EST

Capt K Orsinger, 366FG (msg id: 2240)
Hi, All:

I am researching "Big Week" (Feb. '44) and am trying to determine the A/C Serial Number of the aircraft flown by Capt. Orsinger on the 22nd February, 1944. Although he was assigned to the 366FG, he, along with Major Holt, flew that day with the 353rd FG. No MACR appeared to have been raised when Orsinger's became MIA. Can anyone help??
Best regards,

Posted By: Andy Wilson on 12/28/2009 6:16:49 PM EST

RE Second Lt Paul R Joyce killed in action over Italy July 15 1944 WWII (msg id: 2239)
Please email me at

slc33@texas.net if anyone can help me

Thank you

Posted By: unknown on 12/25/2009 1:20:48 PM EST

Second Lt Paul R Joyce killed in action over Italy July 15 1944 WWII (msg id: 2238)
I am looking for any info re Second Ltd Paul Regis Joyce who was a cousin of my grandmothers.

Paul was part of the 522nd Fighter Squadron 27th Fighter Group

Paul was the son of Joseph H and Alma Joyce of Rochester Pennsylvania.

From the few newspaper Items I have found re him one stated the following

A fighter pilot of a P-47 Thunderbolt he had been in active service overseas since May and was stationed in North Africa and later Corsica.

Paul was on a solo mission to bomb Axis railroad lines betweeen the Italian cities Prato and Bologna He was returning from a raid on the Bazzano Bridge when German Anti aircraft guns shot down his plane.

Paul is buried at Arlington National Cemetery next to his brother Staff Sgt Joseph H Joyce Jr who was killed in action in the Phillipines 5 months later.

Posted By: SLC on 12/25/2009 1:16:52 PM EST

Seeking LM-B Photos (msg id: 2237)
I am looking for photos of LM-B in it s D-day markings. I'm also interesting in any of the 56th (Zemke's Wolfpack) P-47 photos.

Posted By: C L McClure on 12/24/2009 10:59:47 AM EST

P47 Training Facilities (msg id: 2236)
I am piecing together the short life of my Uncle , 2nd Lt. William McGowan, who's P-47 was shot down in Normandy on D-Day. Though still listed as MIA, we know he did not survive the crash. My question has to do with his ambitious year of training prior to his deployment to England in April, 1944 starting in Feb. 1943 (in order, taken from his obit):
1) Basic training in San Antonio at the San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center
2) Primary training at Park Air College in East St. Louis, Missouri,
3) Basic training at Independence Army Airfield, Kansas
4) Advanced flight training at Eagle Pass Army Airfield, Texas. He received his 2nd Lieutenant commission and pilot silver wings here Dec. 1943.
5) Pre-Europe Training - Harding Field, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He also married at the chapel here before shipping out.
My question is if records of class lists and photos might exist for these locations during this time? I am especially interested in his commission class at Eagle Pass. Any ideas?

Posted By: unknown (pjstouff@bridgeband.com) on 12/22/2009 4:11:21 PM EST

P47 Pilot JE McClure (msg id: 2235)
My dad flew with the Wolfpack (56th) in the ETO. Several P47 books have a picture of him riding his unicycle "Boobytrap". The P47 in the background of that photo is LM-A flown by Al Knaffles.
Thanks for the wonderful job you are doing keeping WWII and the P47 memories alive.
I have many photos of the pilots (mostly 62nd Sq) that I am scanning into jpegs. If you are interested in any of these, please contact me.

Posted By: C. L. McClure (icmc99@charter.net) on 12/21/2009 4:21:16 PM EST

Need Help!! for family's (msg id: 2234)
Looking for help, photos,information on following pilots:
1st Lt. William D.(Dale) Lacey, Jr.
36th group 22nd Tac Recon
1st Lt. Billy Vincent
366th Ftr. Group 389th Sqdn
2nd Lt. Max k. Graham
353 Gp. 350 Sqdn
2nd Lt. Kenneth B. (Bruce) MacDowell
366th Gp 391st Sqdn
1st.Lt.Richard W. Montell, Jr.
339th Gp 504th Sqdn

Posted By: Robert Stuard (robstu45@verizon.net) on 12/18/2009 9:37:06 PM EST

How do I validate whether my friend was a P-47 pilot? (msg id: 2233)
My friend, Henry Meronek, died Dec. 6, 2009. He said he was a P-47 pilot in the 9th Air Force in Europe during WW2. A memorial service for him is on Jan. 10, and will include military honors conducted by local area Honor Guard. Many of us thought his stories about being shot down over the English Channel, and being wounded with flack, and tearing up his hip joint in a parachute jump may have been streachers that he began to tell way back, and then figured he had to stick to them once he had made himself a reputation by telling them. Can anyone reveal how to verify if he really did fly the P-47? Henry was born in Custer, Wisconsin, on 3/30/1917, and lived for many years in Elgin, IL, where he worked as a cement contractor.

Posted By: Kenneth S. Simmen (broken81529@yahoo.com) on 12/10/2009 9:43:07 PM EST

2nd Lt. Thomas J. Ellwanger (msg id: 2232)
Looking for anything anyone can tell me about my uncle, Thomas J. Ellwanger. In December 1944 he was with the 509th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group, of the Ninth Air Force, stationed at "USAAF Site A-64," apparently in France. He flew a P-47D22RE. On 12/12/44, he was shot down by enemy aircraft during a dive bombing mission over railroad marshalling yards at Kaiserlauten, Germany, near Frankfurt. Attached to the missing aircrew report is a statement by Captain Paul H. Massey, who was leading the mission. I would also be interested in hearing anything about Capt. Massey.

Posted By: Tom Ellwanger (tellwanger@ellwanger.tv) on 12/06/2009 5:06:45 PM EST

P-47 crash around of Heidelber recorded (msg id: 2231)
Hello, this P-47 crash i have recorded orund of the City Heidelberg. Information are available, fell free and contact me.
regards Klaus

Nr.1 P-47, Pilot: Robert A. Brewer, crash: 13 März 1945 at Rinnthal/ Annweiler (Pfalz)
Nr.2 P-47, Pilot: Lawrence L. Babtist, crash: 02 März 1945 at Rinnthal/ Annweiler (Pfalz)
Nr.3 P-47, Pilot:Carlton E. Pierce, crash: 25 März 1945 at Heidelberg- Schlierbach
Nr.4 P-47, Pilot: Gordon B. Ashley, crash: 01 April 1945 at Bernbrunn/ Heilbronn
Nr.5 P-47, Pilot: Robert E. Gross, crash: 19 Februar 1945 atÖtisheim/ Heilbronn
Nr.6 P-47, Pilot: Alpheus F. Berlin, crash: 20 Februar 1945 at Staffort/ Bruchsal
Nr.7 P-47, Pilot: unbekannt, crash: 16 März 1945 at Eberbach/ Heidelberg
Nr.8 P-47, Pilot: Donald P. Copeyon, crash: 06 April 1945 at Reisenbach/ Eberbach
Nr.9 P-47, Pilot: Jack M. Rodes, crash: 23 Februar 1945 at Stein/ Karlsruhe
Nr.10 P-47, Pilot: David F. Harris, crash: 03 Dezember 1944 at Kirchheim/ Heidelberg
Nr.11 P-47, Pilot: Harry C. May, crash: 23 März 1945 at Russheim/ Bruchsal
Nr.12 P-47, Pilot: Clarence B. Slack, crash: 16 Februar 1945 at Philipsburg
Nr.13 P-47, Pilot: John J. Yowell, crash: 19 Februar 1945 at Pforzheim/ Karlsruhe
Nr.14 P-47, Pilot: Doctor S. B. Bridges, crash: 23 März 1945 at Landau (Pfalz)

Posted By: Klaus Deschner (klaus.deschner@sap.com) on 12/02/2009 9:05:19 AM EST

colors for 311th Ftr sqd "Boars head" emblem (msg id: 2230)
Looking for the color details of the 311th Fighter squadron, a boars head-mouth open showing tusks and having large pair of wings on it just behind ears all on a round bordered background.
I have a black and white photocopy and am seeking proper colors of this emblem, contact me at my e mail please and thank you Very Much !!!!!!!

Posted By: Johnny Signor (WeBeEmblems@aol.com) on 12/01/2009 12:38:57 AM EST

The Jug (msg id: 2229)
My father, Donald T. O'Connor flew the P-47 Thunderbolt, also known as "The Jug," in 1945 and 46 in Europe as a member of thr 362nd squadron.

He passed away three years ago on November 28, 2006.

He had a long military career as a pilot and retired as a Lieutenent Col after flying super-sonic fighters. Yet, it was "The Jug" and his experiences flying with the 362nd as a young airmen in europe during WWII that he spoke most fondly. It was by far his favorite aircraft, and a time in his life when he felt most alive.

Now that he has passed, I have some of his ashes (each of his seven children share them) and would like to get an actual commemerative jug which was made several years ago in honor of the P-47 in which to use as his final resting place.

If anyone has information on how to obtain one, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
Chris J. O'Connor

Posted By: Chris O'Connor (skysurferdude@yahoo.com) on 11/30/2009 9:16:31 AM EST

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