P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Grosseto aerfield (msg id: 2278)
Sir,Is it possible to have any pictures of the old American aerfield in Grosseto please?Is that rounway on the same place as at that time?
many thanks and the best to you
Tonello Odorico
38061 Ala(TN) North Italy

Posted By: Odorico Tonello (odoricoton@hotmail.com) on 08/16/2010 2:04:14 AM EST

help with P-47 nose art/emblems (msg id: 2277)
looking for photo/colors to Glenn Duncan's P-47 cowling art and the emblem/colors to the 495th Ftr/Ftr Bomber squadron-bird with raised wings holding large bomb in one and a 50 caliber machine gun in one foot and bomb in other foot, thank you VERY much and hope to hear from someone soon !!!!!!

Posted By: Johnny (WeBeEmblems@aol.com) on 08/09/2010 1:57:53 AM EST

2nd Lieut. Roman "Buster" Kolakoski, (msg id: 2276)
"Buster" Kolakoski ws a P-47 Thunderbolt pilot missing in bad weather and radio silence off the coast of New Guinea! (1944, I believe)
I need to find him for my Grandmother and Father. It is a task left to me that I promised to complete.

Ms. Doris Deering
6947 Mary Caroline Circle #A
Alexandria, VA 22310 or 703-501-2412

Posted By: Doris Kolakoski Deering (Dkjellevold@gmail.com) on 08/01/2010 2:32:30 AM EST

318th Fighter Group (msg id: 2275)
Came across several 318th FG photos on the photo sharing site " flickr ". On flickr search 318th FG then search ' saipantbolt's' photostream'.

Posted By: Bill on 07/30/2010 10:43:18 AM EST

Alan Farlow (msg id: 2274)
Carol,my father and your father were best friends in the 366FS E-mail me at scottmcdaniel@basicisp.net

Posted By: scott mcdaniel (scottmcdaniel@basicisp.net) on 07/25/2010 8:53:55 AM EST

Photos from Allan Farlow (msg id: 2273)

Posted By: Carol Farlow Lerche on 07/25/2010 12:31:20 AM EST

Emergency landing (msg id: 2272)
The 02/28/1945 a P47 made a emergency landing(damage?malfunctions?) in NON Valley,in north Italy very near to the Brenner Pass,at west of Adige river,on a mountain snow covered.Miraculously safe the pilot,captured POW.I know only:
-pilot named J:Brown
-date of forced landing:28 February 1945
-Place:Non Valley in North Italy near Brenner linee
Tonello Odorico Ala (TN) Italy

Posted By: Odorico Tonello (odoricoton@hotmail.com) on 07/14/2010 4:51:15 PM EST

Robert D. Fuler- 494th Fighter Squadron (msg id: 2271)

I found a P-47 near my home in Belgium in woods. The aircraft crashed 27th May 1944. The pilot was RObert D. Fuller from 48th fighter group, 494th fighter squadron.

I would like to find veterans of 494th fighter squadron who could be know RObert D. Fuller. I research also picture

Every message are welcome

Thanks for advance

Posted By: Jerome on 07/14/2010 11:38:55 AM EST

Still searching for information Capt Richard Long (msg id: 2270)
I am still hoping I can find more information concerning my father who was with the 85th Skulls in Italy, corsica, france and africa.
He trained at Lukefield, transferred to Waco , Squadron LC15.

I did get 2 books "The Falcon combat history of the 79th Fighter group and woerpels book. They have photos and some informaion
I am trying to put together where he was when

Posted By: Jackie Kaar on 07/07/2010 8:32:13 PM EST

Jim McMahon (msg id: 2269)
Go ahead Jim ,I'd like to hear the story.

Posted By: Tony Salotti on 07/06/2010 1:54:51 PM EST

Lt Jack McMahon (msg id: 2268)
My Uncle, LT Jack McMahon was a P-47 Thunderbolt pilot in the 379th Fighter Squadron, 362nd fighter group. On Jan. 22nd, 1945 he was shot down and killed near Prum Germany, which is near the boarder of France and Luxembourg, while strafing a ground force of approx 1500 Nazi vehicles. Rumor has it he was hit by an 88mm most likely shot from a German tank I would imagine as that is one large hunk of lead.
If anyone knows of Jack Kerstin McMahon out of FT Dodge Iowa I would love to hear from you. My Aunt has done a lot of research in addiition to what was written in Mogins Maulers, maybe we can share things.
I have a small piece of Jacks plane, lone story, if you are interested in that I would be happy to share how I obtained it.

Posted By: Jim McMahon on 07/06/2010 2:37:12 AM EST

Response to Questions Regarding Pilots Teel and Nicklas (msg id: 2267)
Without contact addresses hopefully this information will reach you.

Re: 2nd Lt. Thomas D. Teel msg id: 2260
O-818459 KIA 08/29/44. You may wish to obtain his MACR (#8316), and NOK can request his IPDF. I went through this process with my uncle.

Re: Ret. Lt. Col. Douglass R. Nicklas msg id: 2259.
By being a member of the 366th FG there are some great resources. My uncle was also a pilot in the 366th. If you can get a copy of the late Capt. Quentin Aanenson's personal video documentary "A Fighter Pilot's Story" which originally aired in 1994 it is a phenomenal piece and directly follows Quentin and the 366th FG from D-Day through V-E Day, with all bases on the way (I got through interlibrary loan since out of circulation). Second good resource is the book written by another 366th pilot, Robert Brulle, "Angels Zero: P-47 Close Air Support in Europe." Also a good website is the 366th , Alumni Association http://www.366fightergroupassoc.org/, which lists Asch, Belgium as the only base during WWII which they moved to 19 Nov 1944 for about 5 months, including support during the Battle of the Bulge.

Posted By: PJ Stouffer on 06/30/2010 8:25:24 PM EST

Crew Chief Penrod (msg id: 2266)
Does anyone know of Crew Chief Penrod of the 406th fighter group and 513th fighter squardon? My father, Captain William Manos would like to speak to him.

Posted By: Bill Manos Jr on 06/22/2010 3:22:57 PM EST

Greek Pilot (msg id: 2265)
My father was a P-47 pilot with the 406th fighter group and 513th fighter squardon. And he we are Greek.

Posted By: Bill Manos Jr (billmanosjr@aol.com) on 06/22/2010 3:19:52 PM EST

looking for George R. Bolte, Jr. (msg id: 2264)
my mother was a nurse in WWII North Africa/Italy and knew him there, does anyone know if he is alive?

Posted By: mary sanichas on 06/20/2010 1:50:51 AM EST

Lieut Harding R Zumwalt (msg id: 2263)
I just found a couple newspaper articles from St. Louis, Missouri. Harding R Zumwalt my fathers mother's brother, was a P-47 Pilot in Europe flighting for the English before the United States enter the war.
Then transfered to the Army Air Corp, awarded the DFC and the Air Medal with two oak leaf clusters.
I can find nothing about him in any web site for P-47's
Does anybody know or have any pictures of him, information about his unit or anything to keep my search going?

Posted By: Richard Held on 06/10/2010 5:04:52 PM EST

Tech Sgt. Carl Hansen 396 fighter Sq. 368 Fighter Group (msg id: 2262)
Just found my late fathers Bronze Star Metal & papers of same.1944 to 1945 he served with the above in England, France & Germany. Anyone with pictures of these times and the boys that kept the jug flying would be great. Dad past away 1996 after 30years USAF cilivian worker fighter test & development Wright Paterson Dayton Ohio

Posted By: Richard C. Hansen (palmbeachdiner@xtra.co.nz) on 06/10/2010 4:35:26 AM EST

Don E Bryson 347thFS, 350th FG (msg id: 2261)
I am doing research on a relative, Capt. Don E Bryson who flew the Jug in MTO during WW2. Have several pictures and a timeline started for his career that started November 42 and discharged November 46. Flew combat sorties in the P39 and P47D during his career. If anyone has information relating to him or the 347th FS, please contact me

Posted By: Tom Abbett (tommynitro2@aol.com) on 05/21/2010 2:46:23 PM EST

Information on my uncle (msg id: 2260)
I am looking for information on my uncle, my dad's brother, Thomas Dwight Teel, he was a p-47 pilot and shot down on Aug 1944. His first mission was on D-day. He was known to bail out but later listed as KIA. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Posted By: Chris Teel on 05/21/2010 12:21:42 PM EST

366 FG Pilot Douglass R. Nicklas (msg id: 2259)
I am researching the WWII military career of my father-in-law 366 FG pilot Douglass R. Nicklas deceased since 1998. I am especailly interested in any information available regarding the location in Belgium where the 366 flew out of in late 1944. I was told many years ago by my father-in-law he billeted between fights in a place called Watersha which I cannot locate on the map material available. Any information on Nicklas and/or the 366 FG experience in Belgium would be appreciated.

Posted By: Dr. Thomas G. Ryan on 05/15/2010 2:19:46 PM EST

My dad was a jug driver (msg id: 2258)
My father, Lt. Col. Earl Thomas Balkum, was a fighter pilot instructor from 1941-1946 and jug driver in occupied Germany after the war - he was a jug driver from 1946-1949 there and also was in the Berlin Airlift. I don't know if he flew his jug to protect bombers in the lift or if he flew bombers in the lift. He died in 1990, so all I have are his discharge papers from the Air Force (1966 - he served for 26 years.) I have pictures of him and his jug. I wish I had more information on the role of the jug in post-war Germany - I found some information about protecting the border of west Germany after the Soviets took control of east Germany (beginning of the Cold War).

Posted By: Jan Mitchell (jmitch@mtaonline.net) on 04/25/2010 5:02:29 PM EST

Informations on 2nd Lt. Herbert M Carr Jr, 36FG, POW Germany (msg id: 2257)
I`m looking for informations on:
10/7/1944 P-47D- 25-RE
42- 26469 H * GY
36th FG, 53rd FS
2nd Lt. Herbert M. Carr Jr. O-706352 POW
Any kind of infromations would be great. Are there any photos or family history available?

Posted By: Michael Gudelhofer (ferdelance@arcor.de) on 04/01/2010 3:56:32 AM EST

Informations on 1st Lt John Gallo, 36 FG, KIA over Germany (msg id: 2256)
I`m looking for informations on:
P-47D- 30-RA
44- 33260
36th FG, 22nd FS
1st Lt. John Gallo O-829674 KIA

Any bit of informations would be great. Are there any photos available?

Posted By: Michael Gudelhofer (ferdelance@arcor.de) on 04/01/2010 3:44:30 AM EST

Informations on 1st Lt George O. Bergeron 36FG, KIA over Germany (msg id: 2255)
Hello, I`m looking for informations on:
P-47D- 20-RE
44- 19923 3T-
36th FG, 22nd FS
1st Lt. George Ovila Bergeron O-796067, KIA over Germany
Any bit of informations would be great.

Posted By: Michael Gudelhofer (ferdelance@arcor.de) on 04/01/2010 3:39:41 AM EST

P-47 Pilots (msg id: 2254)
My mom let me borrow this book to read. My great, great uncle is Guido Filippo. A great read and thank you!

Posted By: Mary Cavallero on 03/30/2010 10:55:19 AM EST

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