P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 675)
There is interest as to the wherabouts of pilots who graduated in class 44C from Moore Field, Mission Texas.

Posted By: Charles Queen (CharlesQueen@msn.com) on 06/30/1999 3:05:38 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 674)
Annual reunions, this year in Houston, TX. I am preparing a book of the wartime experiences of our group. Any of you that are not on our roster may wish to contact me. Also Tom Glenn of the 36th has a book in print, The Fighter-Bomber Boys, the P47.

Posted By: Charles R. Queen (charlesqueen@msn.com) on 06/29/1999 8:57:50 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 673)
Hello. My dad Donald D. Campbell was a P-47 pilot in the Ninth Air Force -- 368th Fighter Group, 396th Fighter Squadron -- from the fall of 1944 to the summer of 1945. Flying close support of ground troops, he was first in Belgium, then pulled back to France during the Battle of the Bulge, and then in Germany as the war wound down. He also spent several months in the summer of 1945 on detached service in England taking classes. There are a couple of pics of my dad from that time (one in uniform and one in flight gear) on my Webpage at http://www.geocities.com/~LRampey/old1.htm . He’s a native New Yorker but lives today in the deep south. If anyone would like to get in touch with him, please let me know.

Posted By: Leslie Campbell Rampey (LRampey@shell.1stinternet.com) on 06/29/1999 1:49:44 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 672)
I’m researching information for a web page about Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, during WWII, and would love to hear any stories from pilots, or anyone else who was based there at the time. There is a remarkably fine P47 wreck in about 12 metres of water outside Moresby harbour, near an island called Manuabada and very near to Kila Kila strip, which is were I believe the Jugs were based. Any information on that would be fantastic! thanks & regards Richard

Posted By: Richard (goingblank@hotmail.com) on 06/26/1999 7:57:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 671)
Hi, Looking for detailed info about the 9th AF in Western Europe (= ETO). Who can help me ? Many thanks and best regards Luc

Posted By: Luc Vervoort (Vervoort.Smout@village.uunet.be) on 06/20/1999 2:04:51 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 670)
Hi, Looking for detailed info about the 9th AF in Western Europe (= ETO). Who can help me ? Many thanks and best regards Luc

Posted By: Luc Vervoort (Vervoort.Smout@village.uunet.be) on 06/20/1999 2:04:26 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 669)
My friend gave me the address of your site and I feel obligated to sign in since I did enjoy visiting and read many of the interesting messages posted there. My friend, Maurice J. Shea, lives in Girard, OHIO and flew in Europe 1944-45 with the 368th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force, P47’s of course! Best wishes to all- -

Posted By: E.J. Badger (b234e@webtv.net) on 06/18/1999 2:42:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 668)
I was with the 371st FG, 406th FS,9thAF,ETO.Bisterne, England thru Tantonville,France-Feb 1945.Please see my website at ’gene.madore.net’ for info.

Posted By: Francis (Gene) Madore (gene.madore@dexis.net) on 06/18/1999 12:38:44 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 667)
would like to here from anyone that was in the 391 st fighter squadron, 366 fighter group, looking for my dad, like to here from anyone

Posted By: roger drabyk (rwdra@aol.com) on 06/16/1999 9:22:28 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 666)
In September 1996, I had the unique experience of meeting the Luftwaffe pilot who shot me down on my 58th mission over Wietzen, Germany near Steinhuder Lake. His name is Jorge Hans Guthenke. He turned out to be a fine gentleman and has become a good friend. If anyone would like more details of our encounter, please e-mail.

Posted By: Sidney Hewett (sidhewett@worldnet.att.net) on 06/15/1999 8:22:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 665)
Graduated from Luke Field, class of 44D, then to the ETO where I joined the 390th squadron of the 366th Fighter Group at Leon France sometime in September of l944. From there to Hasselt, Belgium and finally to Munster, Germany. Wonderful to have this website available .

Posted By: John T. Picton (jugpilot@heartnet.com) on 06/15/1999 4:30:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 664)
Great web site. I’m a longtime life member of the Association. 43-E grad , joined 377th Sqdn, 362nd Ftr. Grp at Westover in June-43. Went to England on QE-2 in Nov-43. Stationed at Wormingford near Colchester. Flew 8th AF escort missions until end of Feb-44. Participated in experimental dive-bombing program at Middle Wallop for about a month. Program terminated when program leader didn’t pull-out in time. Transferred to 390 sqdn, 366th Ftr Grp at Andover-Thruxton RAF station. No more excort, all air to ground. Primary objective, cut all bridges between Le Harve & Paris. We were first group to arrive in Normandy at A-1. Later we moved south to Dreux, then up to Laon where I finished my tour in October-44. Would like to hear from anyone that happened to have been there also.

Posted By: Roy J Alldritt (gog25@aol.com) on 06/14/1999 7:29:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 663)
In 1944, at Carlstrom Field near Arcadia, FL, there was a civilian flight instructor by the name of Ricard Wells. We were flying PT-17’s. He was married and lived in Punta Gorda. Would anyone know anything about him? If you have any information, please send it to me at cplapp@juno.com.

Posted By: Charles D. Plapp (cplapp@juno.com) on 06/11/1999 2:47:51 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 662)
I flew the Jug in WW2. I graduated in the Class of 43I and joined the 69th Sq of the 58th Group in Saidor, New Guinea in the early summer of 1944 - I was nineteen years old and already had about 400 hours in the Jug. We went up through Dutch New Guinea ( now called Indonesia ), through the Phillippines - on Mindoro and Luzon. We then moved to Okinawa and were flying against Japan when the war ended. I had my 21st birthday on July 28, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on August 6, I shot down a Zeke 52 fighter over the Inland Sea on August 8 and the war ended a few days later. I think it was the last Jap plane shot down. By this time I am one of the pilots with the most missions in the squadron and a flight leader. So here is the kicker - I didn’t have a driver’s license!!! My father in Chicago had a car but I wasn’t allowed to use it - until I went into the service. Times have sure changed. Sure loved that airplane.

Posted By: Robert C Hansen (rchansen@wmonline.com) on 06/09/1999 2:47:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 661)
I’m a life member enjoyed the web site. Wanted to get another mention of my WW2 outfit The 368th Group 397th Sq. Keep up the good work.

Posted By: Harry K Barco (hkblee1820@aol.com) on 06/09/1999 10:35:03 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 660)
As a longtime member of the P47 Pilots Assoc,I am happy to see that we have our own website.I was a pilot in the 318th sqdn. of the 325th ’Checkertail’ Gp. in N. Africa and Italy from Oct. ’43 thru Apr. ’44. On April 12th 1944 I ’bailed-out’ ocer Austria, and spent the next 13 months at Stalag Luft III in Sagan Germany, as a POW. I have a website that I think will be of interest to a lot of visitors to your site. It contains a diary of my months with the 325th, and a lot of memorbilia that I collected as a POW. The address follows....’http://www.net1plus.com/users/deno47/’ Keep up the good work with your excellent website Dennis ’Denny’ Parker

Posted By: Dennis Parker (deno47@net1plus.com) on 06/08/1999 6:44:57 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 659)
I am thrilled and excited to find this wonderful website. My husband, Vern Luber Lt.Col,USAF (ret)and Life member of the P-47 Pilots Association, flew the P-47 with the 27th FG, 522 Sqd. at Fritzlar, Germany in 1946. Although he flew P-38s in England in 1942-43 and in China in 1944-45, he loved flying the ’Jug’ in the Zone of Occupation. Said it was a terrific plane. He graduated St. Charles, La, 42-E

Posted By: Elsa L. Luber (Elsall813@aol.com) on 06/08/1999 12:44:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 658)
I am a lifetime of the Association and am just checking in. I was a member of the 510th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group, Ninth Air Force. I flew 63 fighter bomber missions with the 510th between October 1944 and the end of WW-11.

Posted By: M. Eeugene Johns (jampip@aol.com) on 06/07/1999 6:46:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 657)
Surely I am not the first RAF P47D pilot to sign in? After training with the US Army Air Corp, class of 43a I joined RAF 135 Squadron in Madras India. We were the very first British squadron to convert onto the P47. This in May 1944 at Mineriya in the middle of the island of, then, Ceylon. We converted from Hurricanes and when moved back to the Arakan Burma did similar type of ground support to the army, bombing, strafing and napalming the Japs when we could find them. Also frequent five and a half hour high altitude escort to Mingladon for both US and RAF Bombers. Mixed it up with the Japs when they could be enticed upstairs. We did not do missions by numbers as with the US. We were continually on operations from mid 1944, working down the Arakan coast, finally to Akyab Island until Rangoon fell. The Squadron was replaced just a few weeks before VJ Day. I would love to hear from other RAF Thunderbolt pilots, I travel to England each 4th July for a reunion of all available ’Arnold Scheme (ex) Kaydets.’ We have a ball with a fly in of different warbirds including a number of PT17’s belonging to our group. One of our group also helped prepare the Stearman hanging in the American Air Museum at Duxford an ex American P47 base. Duxford is now the home of the Imperial War Museum where a P47 can be seen flying regularly during the summer weekends. This together with many international group of WW11 planes including a couple of ME 109’s Keep up the good work and don’t let the interest wane.

Posted By: Robert Walker (reklaw23@naples.net) on 06/07/1999 5:16:17 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 656)
hello ! i’m the only french website visitor on your’ page. Mon père était pilote de Chasse sur P-47D en 1944-45 dans la célèbre escadrille GC 1/5 du commandant Marin La Meslée. il a suivi une formation de pilote de chasse aux states à Selma graig Field en 1943-44 puis à Oscoda et enfin il a pu participer à la WWII en France lors de la Bataille d’Alsace. je lui dedie mon site ainsi qu’a tous les valeureux pilotes, héros vivant ou morts oubliés qui ont défendu la liberté sur leurs Jug Amicalement et respectueusement à vous tous : Un Fana du P-47 Laurent

Posted By: Gensonnet Laurent (jug@genso-net.com) on 06/05/1999 4:04:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 655)
I am looking for information concerning my great uncle Lt. Willard Nagelstadt. He was a Squadron Leader for the 362 FG, 377 FS, 9th AF. He was shot down over Trier, Germany on Feb 14, 1945, on his last mission, 13 days before his 22nd birthday. I have pictures of him and his plane and some buddies. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Metal, Purple Heart and several others for valor. If anyone knows of him, please, please let me know. Thank-you, Steven Linehan email: Stevenlgts@worldnet.att.net

Posted By: Steven Linehan (StevenLGTS@worldnet.att.net) on 05/31/1999 8:39:10 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 654)
In remembrance of all of you guys who flew and took care of the Thunderbolts during World War II, and in memory of those guys who didn’t come back but are still flying high in the good Lord’s arms, THANK YOU on this Memorial Day, 1999. From one who remembers and cares. Dave Piscitelli

Posted By: Dave Piscitelli (CoachPisco@aol.com) on 05/30/1999 11:11:52 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 653)
I am looking for information on Lt. Robert N. Greene, 351st FS, 353rd FG, who was KIA in the Netherlands on September 17, 1944. Lt. Greene was flying a flak suppression mission in support of the airborne landings at Arnhem (Operation Market Garden) and was lost after bombing flak positions.Any information is welcome!

Posted By: frederik paauwe (fcpaauwe@hotmail.com) on 05/30/1999 10:29:19 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 652)
I am a Royal Air Force veteran who served with 74 Sqn (Spitfires), but my buddy here, Bob O’Neill, served with the 406th USAAC P47s, and was shot down near Pais just after D-Day, but evaded. He has no email so I am signing for him, as I also served on TDY with the USAAC and am now a proud American.

Posted By: Doug Tidy (Tigermantidyman@webtv.net) on 05/21/1999 5:34:33 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 651)
Former Crew chief P47 9Q-D of the 371st fighter Group 404th fighter WW2 Europe 1944 & 1945 I located the family of Lt Col Gradel for Mr. Roger Feller of Luxumbourg. He has Lt. Col. Gradel,s Parachute and wants to give it to him. Mr. Feller,s message was on this website. Happy to help a former P47 pilot. gradel,s

Posted By: Allen O. Anderson (Budrosemary@webtv.net) on 05/18/1999 10:28:39 PM EST

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