P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 700)
I am a Life Member of the P-47 Pilots Assn and Editor/Historian for the 352nd FG, ’The Bluenosed Bastards of Bodney.’ We flew the Jug from Sept/43 until April/44 before getting the Mustangs. Both were great fighters. Suggest anyone wanting information on the 352nd write to me at 1545 Rainier Falls Dr, Atlanta, GA. 30329 or FAX me at 404/636-1229. If you don’t reach me on my MSN e-mail address, try bluenoserbob2@juno.com Blue Skies to all you Jug pilots.

Posted By: Robert H. ’Punchy’ Powell (bluenoserbob@msn.com) on 08/07/1999 9:13:03 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 699)
Hi, My late husband was an ace from WWII. He flew for the 10th fighter squadron, 50th fighter group, 9th air force. Does any one remember Robert E Jones? His name was Bob and his P47 was called Kaweah Kutie? He was from a smalll town called Three Rivers in Ca near Sequoia Park in Central Ca. He shot down 6 ME109’s. I did one of these’s before but not sure if this took so forgive me if its been put on the quest book twice. contact me at my email annej@theworks.com

Posted By: Anne Hayes-Jones (annej@theworks.com) on 08/05/1999 7:14:26 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 698)
My name is Anne Hayes-Jones, my late husband Robert E. Jones was in the 10th fighter Squadron, 50th fighter groups 9th air force. Bob was an ace. He flew P-47’s in the European Theater from just before Dday to the end of the war. He was an ace. He shot down 6 ME109’s that were recorded and his flight also shot down a flight of Swiss ME 109’s that were not recordedd (the Swiss attack his flight when his flight was well within German territory, so much for Swiss neutrality). Bob’s P47 was called Kaweah Kutie, the art work was of an Indian Maiden with a head dress made of Ravin (crow) feathers. I was wondering if anyone knew my husband. He was from Rolling Hills Ca ( near Palos Verde’s in Los Angeles) His folks lived here in Three Rivers Ca during the end of the war. (it’s near Sequoia National Park - basicly Central Ca.- San Joaquin Valley) I would love to hear from any one about Bob. ALSO, IS THERE A LIST OF ACE’S FOR WWII THAT I CAN ACCESS? BOB SHOULD BE ON THIS LIST. I ALSO HAVE ART WORK OF HIS PLANE, KAWEAH KUTIE IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED. U CAN REACH ME AT ANNEJ@THEWORKS.COM thanks for ur reply Annie Hayes-Jones

Posted By: anne hayes-jones (annej@theworks.com) on 08/05/1999 6:55:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 697)
I just wonder if any of you of the 354th, 362nd, 365th, or 367th fighter groups or the 425th night fighter squadron remember getting radar close control from Ripsaw 5. I had 16 controllers who were ex-pilots and they did one Hellova job day and night. We controlled thousands of missions in France and Germany. P47s were sure work horses.

Posted By: Shorty Long (Ripsaw5@home.com) on 08/01/1999 7:14:31 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 696)
365 FS / 358 FG Ninth AF: I misposted earlier. Am looking fo r anyone connected with this squadron, preferably before D-Day. I am looking for information about CPT John Dixon, MIA April 44 near Rennes, France. Thank you.

Posted By: Jim Caiella (caiella@aol.com) on 07/29/1999 8:47:35 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 695)
My Dad, Merton ’Dick’ Truesdell (373rd Air Group, 412th Fighter Squadron)passed away July 12, 1999. His pride and love of the P-47 Association will live on in his children & grandchildren. If anyone has a memory to share with me I would love to hear from you. God Bless.

Posted By: Cindy Truesdell (DEELEE4488@AOL.COM) on 07/27/1999 11:02:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 694)
356 Fighter Squadron (not 356 FG): Am looking for anyone who flew with this unit preferably before D-Day. Thanks. Jim Caiella

Posted By: Jim Caiella (caiella@aol.com) on 07/27/1999 10:48:43 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 693)
A cousin of my mother, Dorothy O’Day Haun by the name of Henry Tamanga flew P47’S and C47’S over the ’Hump’ during WW2. I remember himgiving me a solid plastic model of a P47 when I was in the hospital as a small boy (now 64). If anyone knows of Hank or flew with please contact me at e-mail rghaun@aol.com. Thank you Ronald G. Haun Orchard Park, New York

Posted By: Ronald G. Haun (rghaun@aol.com) on 07/22/1999 7:43:38 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 692)
Hi, I am iranian and anybody who like to know about iran and teravel to iran ican help her/him.

Posted By: noori (norbakhsh@hotmail.com) on 07/22/1999 12:14:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 691)
Hey.I am from Denmark,Scandinavia,Europe.I am a hobbypilot.Previously I flew F3A competition.Have a good flight and happy landings. Sincerely Bent.

Posted By: Bent F. Hansen (h_bent@hotmail.com) on 07/22/1999 6:12:03 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 690)
Capt. Donald W. Bell served with the 56th Fighter Group, Sicily. He was lost over Italy on 9/15/1944, while strafing a railroad yard.

Posted By: Capt. Don W. Bell, by steve cuthbert, his nephew. (stepcuth@aol.com) on 07/22/1999 12:25:22 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 689)
Hi, thanks for all the interesting stories on this board. Check out my website. I have several RealPlayer videos posted of the Kalamazoo Airzoo’s Gabreski replica P-47D. These videos show it in the museum, and in the air! It is an awesome thing to see fly! My site is dedicated to Col Hub Zemke. I have read several books about him. He truly was a flying pioneer of combat tactics and leadership. I fly the flight sim European Air War. I am continually amazed by the effectiveness of applying his tactics to this game. Pity the poor FW190 that tries to pull a split S dive to get a way from a Thunderbolt. I would love to hear from anyone who was in the 56th in WW2. I would be honored to put any information I can get from 56th-FS members on my website. Thank you all for your service to our country. Ken.

Posted By: Ken Golden (majorlee@kvi.net) on 07/21/1999 10:44:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 688)
Although I am not a Thunderbolt pilot, I am researching the history of 373 FG as it was stationed at Venlo Airfield Y-55 in the Netherlands in March/April 1945. Any information will be appreciated. I used to look at planes as a kid and always had a great time. Thank you for a great website and for any information you might like to give. regardsHub groeneveld

Posted By: Hub Greoeneveld (groenveld@wxs.nl) on 07/18/1999 5:15:45 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 687)
All the guest books entries seem to be from pilots,that flew in France and England I flew the P-47 in Italy with the 57th Ftr Gp, 65th Sq---The Fighting Cocks. Our insignia was a Fighting Cock(Rooster)with a chip on his shoulder. The Group was with the British Army in North Africa flying P40’s in ’42. They got the Jug in early ’44. I joined them in May ’44 on Corsica and later moved to Groseta, Italy. The Group supported the Southern France invasion for several weeks and then returned to to interdiction in Italy. Life Member of P-47 Pilots Assn’. You’ve got a great page, but I saw only one friend in above records. Keep it up!

Posted By: Alvin M Welbes (fkjj64@prodigy.com) on 07/14/1999 6:40:09 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 686)
I am trying to locate Barbara Boyle who probably is from the northeast. She was a Red Cross worker in 1944-45 with the 23rd Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force. She was with the Group in England, France, Belgium and Germany. Charles Queen. CharlesQueen@msn.com

Posted By: Charles Queen (CharlesQueen@msn.com) on 07/14/1999 3:39:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 685)
I am looking for anyone who could help me learn more about my dad who has just passed away. He flew a P47D named ’Ginny’. He was in the 410th squadron,the 373rd fighter group, 9th AF. He shared some of his experiences with me, yet I am sure that there is so much more I could learn about those times. Thank you in advance for helping me to understand what my Dad did for our freedom.

Posted By: JoAnn (JJ602@AOL.Com) on 07/11/1999 6:57:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 684)
Im looking for any information on my father who flew a p47 thunderbolt in WWII in Europe. He was in the 8th army air core His name is JOE MCANDREWS

Posted By: MARY (casey@totalofficeint.com) on 07/10/1999 12:14:20 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 683)
Enjoyed the page. I flew in B-24s out of England. What I would like to find is information about a friend, Lt. Tom Harkison, who went into the service with me. We were separated and I lost track of him. He flew with the 9th AF and was lost in some type of crash when coming back from a mission. It was either in late 1944 or very early in 1945. I do not know his unit but have heard that it occured on what came to be known as ’Black Friday’ for his Sqd. If anyone can supply me with additional details I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

Posted By: R. D. Cramer (rdc_od@apex2000.net) on 07/09/1999 5:09:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 682)
I have been hooked on the p47 since I read Robert Johnsons book when I was in high school. I would love to hear from any piolts who flew this plane.

Posted By: Roy Cantrall (p47lucky@aol.com) on 07/08/1999 1:55:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 681)
I just received a copy of the ’JUG LETTER’ and want to say ’Thank You’ for the Editorial on Uncle Bob, Robert S. Johnson. I grew up hearing every detail of combat in the P-47 and how the Brit’s laughed about it’s size, but we all know this aircraft was the best of the time and would bring home its’ pilot when other aircraft were unable to get home. I have spent many years debating aircraft of WW II and it seems too many people dis-believe the P-47 had such a record in combat. Yet the 56th Fighter Group stands with the best of them and they all flew P-47’s. Thanks for keeping a great story alive, as with Uncle Bob’s death last December 27, 1998, we all lose some of the great tales that happened during those years. Keep the memory alive!

Posted By: Michael B. Griffith (bonanzafrk@aol.com) on 07/05/1999 8:03:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 680)
I’ve looked at the site several times, but have not signed the guest book until now. I flew with the 410th Ftr Sq, 373rd Ftr Gp, 9th AF, and am a life member of the Association. I would like to see next years reunion info posted as soon as it’s available. Thanks.

Posted By: Staryl Austin (p47288@juno.com) on 07/04/1999 11:43:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 679)
I’m looking for some historical informations about the 27th F.G. and its missions on Po Valley - 1944-45- Italy Thank you.

Posted By: Giuseppe Versolato (gversola@tin.it) on 07/04/1999 11:50:56 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 678)
Flew 123 missions with 342nd FS (348th FG) New Guinea Campaign l943-l944 Group CO was Col. Neel Kearby, Medal of Honor winner

Posted By: Howie Cosyns (cosyns@ibm.net) on 07/03/1999 5:53:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 677)
The inquiry re Joseph Kirkup by Stephen Kirkup provides an address of ’skirup@aoc.com’ which appears to be in error. Any correction available?

Posted By: Charles Queen (CharlesQueen@msn.com) on 07/01/1999 8:30:13 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 676)
Thank you for a most fasinating site on what I consider the best Allied plane of the War, the P47. I have been interested in the type for years and as there are no examples here, I have travelled to Duxford, Chino and Reno to see and hear the whine of the mighty Jug! I understand that P47’s were based in Brisbane around late ’43 and early ’44. I would like to hear from any pilots and personnel associated with these units. We all owe you, the pilots and crews that operated T’bolts not only from Australia, but from all Allied bases around the world during that terrible conflict. Thank you.

Posted By: Michael Lee (mike_lee@bigpond.com.au) on 06/30/1999 11:45:39 PM EST

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