P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 786)
My brother-in-laws father flew the P-47 in WWII his name is Major James Russell Lane he passed away about 11years ago but I am researching his A/C the Spirit of New Hampshire and have a wooden model made in memory of his father

Posted By: Joe Villanueva (jgvillan@juno.com) on 12/09/1999 6:18:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 785)
The Werewolves, the 69Th Squadron of the 58th Fighter Group, are having their 18th Reunion in Austin, Texas, April 13 - 16, 2000. Send me an Email for more information. We get a great turnout from the ground crew and the pilots and have a great time.

Posted By: Bob Hansen (rchansen@wmonline.com) on 12/08/1999 4:14:03 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 784)
My dad flew jugs from 44 to 47. Never talked about it much. Now that he’s dead, I wish I had asked more questions. From the little I know, I think he trained new pilots on dive bombing somewhere in Texas. He also never had a bad thing to say about the plane he loved. If you know where I might be able to find more info about where he may have been stationed (was there a specific base used to train dive bombing?) please email me at Stalfnzo@cruzio.com. Thanks for any help

Posted By: Larry P. Payne (StAlfnzo@cruzio.com) on 12/05/1999 8:39:22 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 783)
Matco from Houston, don’t be too severe on us jug pilots for getting fifty calibers near your butt. Remember that the Battle of the Bulge ended the day the weather cleared because the Jugs could attack the German positions.

Posted By: Harry Snell (hmstcs@bellsouth.net) on 12/05/1999 5:33:20 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 782)
Great site most interesting My friend and I are researching the 9th USAAF P47 groups that were based in the New Forest area of Southern England in 1944 and would be interested to hear from anyone with information about 48th FG Ibsley, 371st FG Bisterne, 404th FG Winkton, 405th FG Christchurch, 50th FG Lymington, 365th FG Beaulieu all these fields were in the New Forest area which is just to the west of Southampton. We are both members of BOTNA Buddies of the Ninth Association.

Posted By: Peter Oliver and Alan Brown (patpete@oliverp94.freeserve.co.uk) on 12/05/1999 5:16:16 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 781)
Great site!!! can anyone who flew with the 350FG P-47s provide info on pictures of the earlier equipment P-400 Airacobras sent to North africa during Op. Torch. This info is badly needed for an article on interned american aircraft in Portugal during WWII for the portuguese airforce magazine. Thanks. Jose

Posted By: Jose Correia (correiajose@usa.net) on 12/04/1999 12:30:26 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 780)
I am an old mud eating Dogface in Patton’ 3rd Army ETO> Your hot dog pilots in P-47D jugs, nearly shot my butt off on several straffing runs because they often pulled before could positively identify their targets!

Posted By: mat (matco@hal-pc.org) on 12/03/1999 1:28:26 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 779)
I totally salute all you fighter pilots. Iwas with the 86th Fighter Group at Neuibiberg,Germany during the Berlin Airlift Days 48 thru 51.Great group of people and a great outfit.Not a pilot but acrew member with the 527th Ftr Bmb Sqdn,the other sqdns being the 525th and the 526th.We had the JUGS up until NATO supplied us with the F84-E. GREAT bunch0f pilots Great bunch of crew men.The P-47 A WONDERFUL FIGHTER BOMBER,and I relish the stories from my brother who was with the 45th Inf DIV about the support from you JUG pilots.HE salutes you.Feels good to remember.

Posted By: Chuck Rock (crock@steelcase.com) on 12/02/1999 3:58:12 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 778)
I totally salute all you fighter pilots. Iwas with the 86th Fighter Group at Neuibiberg,Germany during the Berlin Airlift Days 48 thru 51.Great group of people and a great outfit.Not a pilot but acrew member with the 527th Ftr Bmb Sqdn,the other sqdns being the 525th and the 526th.We had the JUGS up until NATO supplied us with the F84-E. GREAT bunch0f pilots Great bunch of crew men.The P-47 A WONDERFUL FIGHTER BOMBER,and I relish the stories from my brother who was with the 45th Inf DIV about the support from you JUG pilots.HE salutes you.Feels good to remember.

Posted By: Chuck Rock (crock@steelcase.com) on 12/02/1999 3:52:09 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 777)
My father, Lt. Orlando H. Perry, Jr., was a P-47 pilot in the 373rd FG, 412th FS. For anyone that’s interested, I have a complete history and a lot of specific information about the 373FG and particularly the 412FS and all their missions.

Posted By: Chris Perry (perry5@rconnect.com) on 11/29/1999 2:09:43 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 776)
Assistant Operations Officer, 371st FG under Maj. Wm P.McBride. Flew with all three SQ until VE day and after. I still have the book published about the 371st.

Posted By: Major David A. Wood, USAFR Ret (figereau@aol.com) on 11/24/1999 2:26:20 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 775)
Enjoyed the site. I have been trying to find out more about my uncle who was killed in WWII while a bomber gunner. Unfortunately, my father is no longer alive, and I’m not even sure what type bomber he flew. Just looking.

Posted By: Bill Johns (WTKJ99@cs.com) on 11/24/1999 8:01:22 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 774)
I think that pilots should get a bigger salary

Posted By: Jeremy Engel () on 11/22/1999 11:22:12 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 773)
Enjoyed your site. I would encourage members to visit the museum site of the Pima Air and Space Museum. www.pimaair.com. The museum lacks a P-47 and would appreciate any leads toward obtaining a donated aircraft.

Posted By: Ed Harrow (edhpimaair@aol.com) on 11/21/1999 11:29:51 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 772)
Nice site. As amateur historian trying to keep memories of ’ordinary’ P-47 pilots, 1Lt Dick Snyder (82FS/78FG) and 1Lt. Larry Goldwasser (360FS/356FG) alive.

Posted By: Henk Nootenboom (hntbm@hotmail.com) on 11/20/1999 4:44:05 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 771)
I am interested in finding out info on the 406th Fighter Grp 514th Fighter Sqd. in the 9th Air Force. My uncle Webb Chastain served in this unit, also interested in obtaining the units patches for a flight jacket. Thanks to all who served.

Posted By: Rex Chastain (rple882@aol.com) on 11/20/1999 1:08:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 770)
Pilot 365 Squadron 358 Group. Patton’s St. Lo break-through on July 25 of ’44(Some kind of excitement), was a brilliant success but the General rushed so fast the Germans were able to counter-attack at Falaise (Southeast of Caen) and came close to cutting our forces off. We were going out in flights of four, attacking German positions, and back to the base for turn-around and out again. We stopped the German attack and Patton moved on. Some have said that at that moment, Patton could have destroyed the German western army. Are there any historians who have opinions on the subject?

Posted By: Harry Snell (hmstcs@bellsouth.net) on 11/19/1999 10:59:22 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 769)
My father Lt.Edwin H.Peters I. flew P-47 out of England. He was in Reydon 8th.353rd.FG please e-mail me if you remember my dad or have info. on his Fighter Group.God bless you all.

Posted By: Edwin H. Peters II. (surfline7@gateway.net) on 11/17/1999 10:24:14 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 768)
This is for Leonard R Bennett and Lloyd Johnson. I want to thank you for your response. The letter I recieved gave me goosebumps and tears to know that two others knew my husband and flew with him. Thankyou so much. Bob Jones flew with Leonard Bennett in the 10 squadron, 50th fighter group 9th army. The information was so appreciated.

Posted By: Anne Jones (annej@theworks.com) on 11/16/1999 7:17:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 767)
Thanks for this page. I was a member of the 356th Ftr. Gp. 361st. Sqdn. from March 1943 until November 1945. I was in ordianance and munitions.

Posted By: Adrian H. Hunt (hunta@cswnet.com) on 11/16/1999 3:04:13 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 766)
Thanks for this page. I was a member of the 356th Ftr. Gp. from March 1943 until november 1945.

Posted By: Adrian H. Hunt (hunta@cswnet.com) on 11/16/1999 1:58:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 765)
Best regards and prayers for good health to all American Pilots and Ground Crewmen who operated the P-47 in the ETO from myself and my family, including five children and nine grandchildren, none of whom would be here enjoying the freedom that we have without your patriotism, courage, dedication and self-sacrafice. God Bless you. Count Deiro

Posted By: Count Guido Roberto Deiro (countdeiro@earthlink.net) on 11/14/1999 10:26:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 764)
Hi -- Since my June 29 post below about my dad Donald D. Campbell (9th AF, 368FG, 369FS), my URL has become case-sensitive. If you’d like to have a look at those pics of my dad mentioned there, the corrected URL is http://www.geocities.com/~lrampey/old1.htm.

Posted By: Leslie Campbell Rampey (LRampey@shell.1stinternet.com) on 11/14/1999 7:21:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 763)
Hello, I’m looking for any information about Irvin MAY (probably belonging to the 365th FG based in Florennes, Belgium from 27th January 1945 to 16th March 1945) who is supposed to have stayed by the B17G registered 297230 nicknamed ’Lay or Bust’ 100th BG 418th BS after her crash of the 20th February 1945 in a field near PETIGNY, a small village situated in the South of Belgium.

Posted By: MAGOTTEAUX Jean-Pierre (jp.mgtx@swing.be) on 11/14/1999 8:52:31 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 762)
Greetings! I was a P-47 pilot during WWII and flew well over 100 combat missions with the 365th Squadron of the 358th Fighter Group, ’THE ORANGE TAILS.’ I joined the Group at High Halden, England, in June of 1944 and went with them all the way to our final airfield at Sandhofen (Mannheim) Germany. The last five weeks of my tour was spent serving as a forward air controller with the 63rd Infantry Division, moving on the ground from west of the Rhine to south of the Danube. Four other pilots and I were sent home just barely before the war ended and were passing through London on VE day. Last month I attended a Group reunion in Nashville and met ten pilots I had not seen since 1945, plus numerous other support group people, and strangely enough after 54 years we still instantaneously recognize each other. I remember seeing a query on this sign in board about Ripsaw 5. I remember very clearly being controlled in the air by Ripsaw 5 who gave us some very tough targets. Incidentally, my Email address was my wartime call sign. If anyone needs information that I might supply or just wants to chat, give me a buzz. Just don’t wait too long-I’m already past 77. Tallyho!

Posted By: Leslie C. Boze (Gatepost74@Gateway.net) on 11/11/1999 6:47:16 PM EST

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