P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 811)
I’m looking for a canidate for my scale model of a P-47D Thungerbolt. I live in the northwest and would like to scale one from the area if possible.

Posted By: Eric Lahaug (EALAHAUG@MICRON.NET) on 12/26/1999 9:58:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 810)

Posted By: MELVIN H. ORNOFF (melvin@edifax.com) on 12/26/1999 12:07:54 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 809)
Merry Christmas!!! God bless all those who served and sacrificed that made it possible for us to celebrate this holiday freely. My heartfelt thanks goes out to all the Jug pilots of the world.

Posted By: Zack Baughman (zwb76@hotmail.com) on 12/25/1999 12:22:17 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 808)
great to see the website. keep up the good work.

Posted By: Capt.Thomas W. Miller USAFR RET. (rsdimick@swbell.net) on 12/24/1999 9:47:54 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 807)
Was in the 356th Group, 359th Sqdn. stationed at Ipswich, England First mission D-day, flew 75 missions, last few in P-51s, still think the ’jug’was the best bird.

Posted By: Richard (Dick) Tucker (rtucker@ies.net) on 12/24/1999 6:16:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 806)
Greetings for the year 2000, to all 36 fighter group-53rd fighter sq. 23rd and 22nd fighter sq., from W. E. Peto 53rd fighter sq. 12/24/99

Posted By: Bill Peto () on 12/24/1999 3:55:04 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 805)
Great web site: salient and informative. Flew 100 missions in P-47s with 41st FS, 35th FG, in South Pacific, New Guinea to the Philippines. The JUG and I teamed through some rough and rugged times. The JUG, tough and reliable, kept me alive. I am proud to be one of the fraternity of P-47 pilots and its accompanying heritage.

Posted By: Richard DeBaugh (debaugh@galesburg.net) on 12/22/1999 10:52:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 804)
I flew the Jug in europe while assigned to the 86th FBG ,525 SQ. I flew 80 missions in Italy,France and Germany and I believe I`m alive today because of the P47.

Posted By: Donald Westfall (durite@nortexinfo.net) on 12/22/1999 12:44:17 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 803)
I did not fly the P-47 in combat, I flew the P-40 as the original commander of the 85th Fighter Sq. 79th Fighter Group in the Desert Air Force from Egypt to Tunisia in WW2. I later flew many models of the P-47/F-47 after returning home from Africa. It was a very comfortable and easy to fly aircraft.

Posted By: Tarleton H. Watkins (jack) (usaf39@aol,com) on 12/21/1999 1:27:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 802)
I have had several inquires as to the correct url for my depiction of the P-47 . Try this one ,but be patiet . Its a slow loader http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/wappee Thanks Lynn

Posted By: Lynn Redfern (redfern@fbtc.net) on 12/20/1999 4:59:22 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 801)
Thanks for the mail about the web site. Glad to be able to read news , hopefully, of some people from the 78th Group, 84th. Sqdn. I flew out of Duxford with the 78th from July, 1944 thru November 1944. (66 missions)

Posted By: Charles D. Whitefield (cwhitefield@eastland.net) on 12/20/1999 4:57:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 800)
I have had several inquires as to the correct url for my depiction of the P-47 . Try this one ,but be patiet . Its a slow loader http://www.angelfire.co/ok3/wappee Thanks Lynn

Posted By: Lynn Redfern (redfern@fbtc.net) on 12/20/1999 4:26:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 799)
Class 44-C Eagle Pass, TX. Flew P-47s with 513FS, 406FG. Shot down by ground fire April 18, 1945 while on my 75th and ’last’ scheduled mission. Survived the Battle of Berlin while a ’hostage’ of a German medical unit. Would appreciated any info on squadron mates killed in action, such as Maj. Gordon Fowler, Maj. Richard Graves and Lt. John Traige.

Posted By: Wallace King (wnking@infonline.net) on 12/20/1999 2:26:13 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 798)
Flew out of Toul, France & Wurtzburg, Germany with the 81st squardon, 50th Group, Flight A; Dec. ’44 - May ’45. 86 missions. Still have pictures of our flight in ’tent city’ at Ochy. Fond memories of the flak shack at Nancy, Hotel Trier. Regret to report that Jack Rathbone died this year; not too many of us left. Love the Jug!! Ed Roth

Posted By: Edward M. Roth (sundog@bellatlantic.net) on 12/19/1999 8:08:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 797)
Been a big-time P-47 fan since I was 12 years old - a space of 40 years ! Thank you to Bob Johnson and ’Thundrbolt!’ for that ! Through the kindness of a true gentleman - Paul Carll ( 57th FG 64th FS ’The Black Scorpions’), I have been able to attend two P-47 Pilot’s Assoc. reunions as his guest. What wonderful experiences they were for me - to be surrounded by hundreds of my boyhood heroes ! My best wishes to all of you Jug jockeys !

Posted By: Jim Guignard (JGUIGNARD@AOL.COM) on 12/18/1999 3:50:13 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 796)
Yesterday I put a message on this guestbook that started with ’THIS IS DEC. 17, 1999’. I made an omission by not saying that I was flying the ’WORLD FAMOUS P-47 THUNDERBOLT’ and that you will not find a finer group of young men anywhere than the pilots of this aircraft. ’LONG LIVE THE MEMORY OF THE GUG AND ITS PILOTS. I have seen messages on this site from young and old. THANK YOU FOR YOUR THOUGHTS AND FOR THIS GUESTBOOK.

Posted By: Lewis T. ’MOE’ Easterling (tom.e@juno.com) on 12/18/1999 10:16:39 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 795)
I had the honor of meeting Mr. Elderirge a p-47 pilot who fought in world war 2, and wanted to express my utmost respect to him and all of the men and women of his generation. we should all be grateful for the sacrifices you made for all of mankind.

Posted By: jonathan weaver (jon88weaver@yahoo.com) on 12/18/1999 1:58:30 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 794)
This is Dec. 17, 1999. 55 years ago today I took off from Toul France on a combat mission to bomb and strafe the marsheling yard at Mannheim, Germany.....A ONE WAY TRIP. My group, the 358th. was known as the ’ORANGE TAILS’. And I was with the 365th. Squadron. I had joined the Squadron at Pontenson, on the Cheribourg Pennisular along with Don Flowers, Bud Gallaher, Bob Dwyer, and Gus Garcea. We moved frequently all across France keeping up with the front lines By December Gus and Bob were KIA and Paul Fulton had been lost while we were in England. I miss those guys yet..When I was on my last strafing pass Les Boze was following, but managed to excape the TERRIFIC EXPLOSION which I was caught in. After finishing the war as a POW and getting back to England where they put me in a body cast, was eventuelly returned to the USA where I spent the next two and a half years in hospitals getting patched up. Just returned from Nashville, TN. where the 358th. Group had a reunion. Saw many old friends including Don, Bud, and Les. Merry Christmas everyone.... DOWN WITH THE FLAPS, DOWN WITH THE GEAR, THREE POINT LANDING, AND I’M OUT OF HERE.

Posted By: Lewis T.’Moe’ Easterling (tom.e@juno.com) on 12/17/1999 9:30:35 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 793)
Been looking through your guest book looking for someone that was a member of the 342 Comp. Group 33rd Fighter Sqd. Didn’t find a soul!! Flew P-40s and later the P-47 out of Iceland July 43 to Sept 44 Anybody, drop a line

Posted By: W.E. Dahlgren (BillD36413@aol.com) on 12/16/1999 4:09:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 792)
I am looking for a P47 pilot named Gene Ammon. I believe he was in the 9thAAF,368FG,395FS.Thanks

Posted By: Steven Kline (SKline1072@AOL.com) on 12/14/1999 4:58:10 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 791)
I am looking for a Gene Ammon who flew P47s for 9thAAF, 368FG,395FS Thanks Steve Kline

Posted By: Steven Kline (SKline1072@AOL.com) on 12/14/1999 4:53:43 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 790)
My father was a fighter pilot with the 358th FG, 365th FS. I just purchased a book from a 365th FS pilot. The title of the book is ’Volkmerluft - Every Day was Holloween, Every Night Happy Hour in the 365th Fighter Squadron’ by L.D. ’Baron’ Volkmer, great reading, personal accounts and photo’s of what it was like. For those interested, Volmer’s fax number - (704)366-3684 or write L.D. Volkmer, P.O. Box 471228, Charlotte, NC 28247. I paid $50.00 including postage.

Posted By: David Wright (jugp47@fuse.net) on 12/14/1999 1:45:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 789)
For Sale: P-47 tail-wheel assembly, complete & restored. Loved the site, may it prosper.

Posted By: Peter Douglas Roe (peterdouglasroe@hotmail.com) on 12/14/1999 11:33:53 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 788)
I am editing my fathers memoirs of his days as a P-47 pilot with the 9th AF, 365th Fighter Group, 386th Squadron. He served between January and June 1945 in Europe. I am looking for any records or photos which would help me understand what went on. I would like to include such information as appendicies with the memoirs. I am especially interested in finding a copy of Charlie Johnsons book, History of the Hell Hawks. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Richard Kiefer, Boulder, Colorado

Posted By: Richard Kiefer (kiefer@csd.net) on 12/12/1999 2:15:34 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 787)
My brother-in-laws father flew the P-47 in WWII his name is Major James Russell Lane he passed away about 11years ago but I am researching his A/C the Spirit of New Hampshire and have a wooden model made in memory of his father

Posted By: Joe Villanueva (jgvillan@juno.com) on 12/09/1999 6:21:06 PM EST

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