P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 861)
My father was James L. Maurer cpl. with 22nd Fighter Squadron 36th fighter group (Currys Cougers) 9th Air Cor. Any information anyone can share on this group contact me.

Posted By: Kimbro J. Maurer (kjmaurer@themail.com) on 01/26/2000 10:07:16 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 860)
My father was a P-47 mechanic durring WWII with the 9th airforce, landed on the shores of France on June 11th, 1944 and was working out of the first airfield in France, A1, and was with them all the way. His airplane stories caught my imagination when I was a very young boy and inspired my aviation career. I’m wondering if there is anyone out there from the 9th who knew him? His name is William G. Evans, or Bill Evans and now lives in Topsfield Massachusetts. And by the way, we always give loads of attention to the pilots who risked their lives flying into battle, and deservedly so, but what about the men on the ground who took care of the planes and worked their butts off to keep our pilots safe?

Posted By: Glenn Evans (GEvans7400@worldnet.att.net) on 01/26/2000 2:39:34 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 859)
I forgot to put the address of my web page; it is http://hometown.aol.com//thunderbolt3ta/MyGrandfather.html Sorry for the confusion.

Posted By: Keegan Baker (Thunderbolt3TA@aol.com) on 01/25/2000 8:35:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 858)
Hi, I am 13 years old and I am trying to find information about my grandfather, Lt. Col. Joseph Kenneth Kirkup. He died of lung cancer before I got to meet him. Please take a moment to look at my web page. If you have any information or stories we would appreciate you passing them along to us. Thank you.

Posted By: Keegan Baker (Thunderbolt3TA@aol.com) on 01/25/2000 7:02:20 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 857)
Hello - I have written a novel about a P-47 pilot in England and could use some help in having it published. Any suggestions? Many thanks (my zip code is 20815)

Posted By: Terence T Finn (jmpurcell@aol) on 01/24/2000 5:46:05 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 856)
Hello again, I also have a question. Is there any source for purchasing a JigSaw puzzle of the P-47? I have had a couple of inquires from our members of 362nd FG. Thanks

Posted By: Fern Mann (cmann1525@aol.com) on 01/23/2000 4:14:10 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 855)
I am secretary of the 362nd Fighter Group Association, in which my husband Chuck Mann was a pilot in the 377th Squadron. I would like to contact via E-mail, or snail mail, Mr. James A. Gustafson, whom I understand was a PR person for the P-47 Pilots Association. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Posted By: Ms.Fern Mann (cmann1525@aol.com) on 01/23/2000 4:03:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 854)
For any former 56th Fighter Group members that may read here or anyone else that may be able to help, I’m looking for a 56FG documentary ’Ramrod to Emden’. Please see my entry from January 10th, 2000 to see why. Thanks for your help!

Posted By: Gary Turnipseed (gat37@hotmail.com) on 01/23/2000 12:49:50 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 853)
Finished in Class 44F at Spence Field, GA. Then went on to train in the P-47 at Goldsboro,N.C.and Norfolk, VA. Joined the 404th Fighter Group, 508th Squadron in Feb.45. Flew 20 combat missions from, ST.Tond, Belgium, Duren, Germany and finally from Fritzlar, Germany. When the group was on the way back to the U.S. to train in jets, I was transferred out by way of reducing the squadron to T.O.strength. After another year in Europe, returned to the U.S. to pursue my college education. After retiring from my occupation as a CPA, I have enjoyed P-47 reunions in Norfolk,Colorado Springs, CO, Little Rock, amd the Carribean Cruise. I am proud to have flown the great fighter aircraft.

Posted By: Jim Moulton (Jdenzil@aol.com) on 01/22/2000 5:31:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 852)
One of my friends who made research about the airfield of Moorsele (Belgium) had a picture of a P-47 half cannibalized. Marking code CS-P(underlined) from the 359FG 370FS this Aircraft had the cooling band green and must be landed without damages, this aircraft must landed on the continent probably in April 44 and was probably the one of 2nd Lt Thomas P. Smith. (Ran of gas) Who can confirm or invalidate this, and /or give some information’s regarding this event. In advance thank you Phil

Posted By: Phil (philippe.dufrasne@skynet.be) on 01/19/2000 1:26:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 851)
One of my friends who made research about the airfield of Moorsele (Belgium) had a picture of a P-47 half cannibalized. Marking code CS-P from the 359FG 370FS this Aircraft had the cooling band green and must be landed without damages, this aircraft must landed on the continent probably in April 44 and was probably the one of 2nd Lt Thomas P. Smith. (Ran of gas) Who can confirm or invalidate this, and /or give some information’s regarding this event. In advance than you Phil

Posted By: Phil (philippe.dufrasne@skynet.be) on 01/19/2000 12:57:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 850)
Flew jugs with 36th FG in WWII. P51’s in Korea. Came back to US and found myself flying jugs again at Grenier AFB NH with the NH Air National Guard. (1951)

Posted By: Bill Tubbs (willreid@aol.com) on 01/17/2000 12:30:50 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 849)
I respect all our WW2 Veterans, thanks! A 9th AF P-47 pilot by the name of Pat Anderson lives at Huntington, WV do not know his address.

Posted By: Norris Sperry (Brush stroke@email msn.com) on 01/16/2000 10:45:07 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 848)
Looking for some help, if you guys are willing. I’m a former Air Force K-9 handler, who was stationed at Hahn AB, Germany back in the early sixties. Hahn was the home to the 50th Tactical Fighter Wing, our squadrons consisted of the 10th,81st and the 313th TFSquadrons. Recently I started a web site about the K-9 Section at Hahn, which is why I’m here now. What does K-9 and P-47’s have to do together? Well, the planes, pilots and their mission, was the reason we were there...security. But,to get back to my web site, I just started a ’Salute’ to the 50th Fly Boys, my timeline is from 1940 (50th Pursuit Group), to about 1970 (about the end of my time there). I have some information about the early days of the 50th Pursuit (Fighter) Group and its squadrons, mostly some dates but I would like to add a ’human face’ to the info. Is there anyone out there, who would be willing to share a part of their life with me. I’m looking for some stories (ramblings, I do that alot), photos, actually anything at all. Not a great deal...but alittle about Lymington RAF, Normandy, Toul and Giebelstradt. And if there’s someone who was with the 50th from Selfridge, Mich., that would be really great! Like I mentioned, I would very much like to add a ’human face’, not just war stories, though that was what you guys were about. I have included my url to my site, take a look at it, if you like it and think you might like to help, I would really appreciate it. Thanks, for your consideration! Tom Newton

Posted By: Tom Newton (Hahn-50thAP-K9@webtv.net) on 01/16/2000 10:44:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 847)
Where is there a list of all NUMBERED Air Forces in operation in any theater during WWII. Want to show these units and the GROUPS assigned to each Air Force.

Posted By: Dave Eldridge (reldri@aol.com) on 01/15/2000 10:52:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 846)
Where is there a list of all NUMBERED Air Forces in operation in any theater during WWII. Want to show these units and the GROUPS assigned to each Air Force.

Posted By: Dave Eldridge (reldri@aol.com) on 01/15/2000 10:51:57 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 845)
I have had the memorial book of the 371st Fighter Group reproduced. I have three books left out of the printing. They are good reproductions. If you want one, they are $27.50 plus mailing, usually $3.20. This is my cost.

Posted By: David A. (Figereau@aol.com) on 01/14/2000 11:24:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 844)
ATTENTION MODEL BUILDERS: Looking for specs? TryWidewing Publication’s ’Republic’s P-47 THUNDERBOLT, From Seversky to Victory’ at P.O.Box 238, Hiawassee, GA 30546 - Attention Warren M. Bodie. ALSO : Bert Kinzey, Detail and Scale, Inc., Squadron/Signal Publications, 1115 Crowley Dr., Carrolton, TX 75011.

Posted By: Bob Richards (bobr@wilmington.net) on 01/14/2000 10:45:26 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 843)
I flew with the 404 f/g of the 508th. France,Belgium, and Germany. This is completed by a multi engine pilot, as Bob does not believe that a computer is right for him at 78. Let him know. Bet we can get him to buy one before his money is all rusted. Lt.Bob Taliferro/ G Cole

Posted By: Bob Taliferro (relorkym@msn.com) on 01/13/2000 11:21:03 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 842)
CORRECTION: For those wanting to lock on to Quentin Aanenson’s wonderful website ’A FIGHTER PILOTS STORY’ please note that there is a slash (/) following the word ’fighterpilot’. Treat yourself to some great P-47 memorabilia.

Posted By: Bob Richards (bobr@wilmington.net) on 01/12/2000 9:49:31 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 841)
I’ve marvelled at the size, power & majesty of the P47 for some years. I never had the opportunity to get hands on when working as a volunteer at Duxford Airfield, but love to get right in there to see how it all works. As an aviation artist, in my spare time, I love to draw the P47 on the ground or in the air, it has majesty. Reading the pilot’s stories of operation and survival helps to paint the picture of what it was really all about and helps us who never experienced the war to try to understand what it was all about. There are very few Thunderbolts around today and only one flying here in the UK. Very often overshadowed today by the P51, lets keep its memory alive.

Posted By: Jonathan A Hughes (jahughes@abode.screaming.net) on 01/12/2000 3:59:04 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 840)
Looking to borrow/purchase photos of 8th Air Force fighter pilots and aircraft for a four volume history due to go to press in June.

Posted By: Kent Miller (hannah1@bright.net) on 01/11/2000 5:38:46 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 839)
In August 1994 I represented my squadron at a Military Day at the Panama City, Florida mall. I was very lucky that day to meet Robert ’Shorty’ Rankin of the 61st FS, 56th Fighter Group. I didn’t learn until I researched it later that he had shot down 5 German aircraft in a single day on 12 May 1944. 5 years earlier I had the once-in-a-lifetime experience of spending the week with his commander, Colonel Hub Zemke, at my graduation from Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. I had corresponded with Hub for months prior to his arrival and was already in awe of the Wolfpack’s accomplishments in WWII under his leadership. When I first met Hub in person, he was talking excitedly to Gunther Rall with his hands outstretched, shooting his watch as fighter pilots are prone to do, recounting that very same famous engagement from 12 May 1944! It took 5 years for things to come full-circle in my mind as Hub passed away the same month I met Bob Rankin. I realized the connection and how Hub’s combat leadership dramatically underscored everything that happened on 12 May 1944. I loved my career flying F-15s in the Air Force but I cherish that Thunderbolt print hanging on my wall because of how it connects past and present. ’A Pack of Trouble’ it’s called. Signed by Hub, Shorty, Gunther Rall and the artist Ross Buckland. Everytime I look at it (which is often) I take my hat off to all you Jug drivers, Jug crew chiefs, Jug maintainers, and Jug support people that made it happen for us in WWII. Thanks for this great site!

Posted By: Gary Turnipseed (gat37@hotmail.com) on 01/10/2000 6:54:48 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 838)
I failed to include the e-mail address regarding any information on the 494th Sq., 48th Fighter Grp - 1st. Lt. Frank M. Gaertner - thanks - his son Chris

Posted By: Chris J. Gaertner (cjg1@worldnet.att.net) on 01/09/2000 9:13:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 837)
I failed to include the e-mail address regarding any information on the 494th Sq., 48th Fighter Grp - 1st. Lt. Frank M. Gaertner - thanks - his son Chris

Posted By: Chris J. Gaertner (cjg1@worldnet.att.net) on 01/09/2000 9:13:39 PM EST

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