P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 886)
Hello, I am a model builder from Italy and this web is very interesting for me. Best regards at you all. Paul

Posted By: Paul (pzanzi@hotmail.com) on 02/27/2000 12:53:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 885)
sorry web adress below should read http://www.homepages.tesco.net/~colin.wingrave/p.47.htm

Posted By: colin wingrave () on 02/27/2000 3:00:05 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 884)
here is our web site address copy and past into you address bar http://homepages.teso.net/~colin.wingrave/p.47.htm any facts on this pilot and aircraft would be greatfully recieved colin Wingrave

Posted By: colin wingrave (colin.wingrave@tesco.net) on 02/27/2000 2:58:26 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 883)
Salute to all you Jug drivers who helped to make the world a better place. If any of you WW2 Thunderbolt pilots would like to see ’your’ plane in action, visit my site, http://www.kvi.net/~majorlee and check out my PaintShop. I can replicate your P47’s paint scheme, and you can put it into the flight sim ’European Air War’, and take off into the virtual skies. Feel free to contact me there. See you over the Channel, Ken.

Posted By: Ken Golden (majorlee@kvi.net) on 02/26/2000 5:44:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 882)
Very good

Posted By: Eryn (tgenereaux@sympatico.ca) on 02/26/2000 12:16:28 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 881)
Greetings! I just came upon this site today ... Hubert ’Hub’ Zemke was my great uncle, and by most accounts, a great man. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but he has been a hero-figure for me for about the last 35 years, since I was a young child. If there is anyone who served with him or knew him socially, I would greatly appreciate any information or memories of him (or photos!). Also, I am searching for a copy of the painting entitled ’The Hunter Becomes The Hunted’, of Hub’s and Gunther Rall’s famous dogfight (it’s by the same artist who did ’A Pack of Trouble’) ... my late father purchased a signed and numbered copy at a gallery opening in Carmel Valley that I accompanied him to in about 1990 ... after my father’s passing, my Wicked-Witch-of-the-West stepmother (Delia Zemke) offered to sell me the painting for a cool $1500 in cash (Dad had paid about $600 for it, and had made it clear that it was to be mine after his death) ... that was beyond my means ... anyway, GREAT site and I hope to hear from folks who have memories, tales or anecdotes about Hub ... also, I have heard that Hub was who the Edmund O’Brien character was based on in the old movie ’Fighter Squadron’ (any truth to that?) ... and to ALL of our fighting men who served in WWII, thank you for saving the world ....... my E-mail at work, for anyone who cares to respond, is ZEMKE.MARK_L@PALO-ALTO.VA.GOV ..... Thank you, and Peace ....

Posted By: Mark Zemke (ZEMKE.MARK_L@PALO-ALTO.VA.GOV) on 02/25/2000 6:36:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 880)
My Father (Lt.Col. Howard K Minnick) flew P-47’s with the 460th Fighter squadron in the Phillipines and New Guinea. Although I have never had the pleasure of flying one, I have seen both the razorback and the bubble top models fly and have even sat my unworthy butt in the cockpit of each. The sound of the engine is incredible and I still get excited just thinking about it. My dad loved the ’JUG’. Long may this wonderful aircraft and the men who flew them live... Thanks for the freedom fellas.

Posted By: Howard K. Minnick Jr. (AV8NFAN@aol.com) on 02/22/2000 9:57:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 879)
I have a newspaper photo of an American Pilot standing in front of a P-47. The Pilot has been identified as Lt. Hugh D. Chapman of Sharpsburg (WV, MD or PA). Lt Chapman was credited with 3.5 ’Nazis’, his first while defending bombers. I would appreciate any information on his group, squadron, or dates of service. Thanks in advance.

Posted By: John Harsh (jharsh@rica.net) on 02/22/2000 7:04:24 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 878)
Just keeping in touch!

Posted By: Lt. Col. (RET) Howard M. Harting (hharting@dellnet.com) on 02/21/2000 4:41:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 877)
That is very god but have some more picture.

Posted By: Espen-Andre Heggelund (wheggelu@online.no) on 02/21/2000 3:34:28 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 876)
It is wonderful to see all the names and queries for information.I flew the Jug in the south Pacific for 75 missions then switched over to the p51 for another 81 missions I was in the 460th fighter sqdn 348th fighter group from Sept 44 to Sept 45.Its a real pleasure being one of you J.J.

Posted By: John J(JJ)Smith (jjsp51@aol.com) on 02/21/2000 7:15:20 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 875)
The copies of the 371st memorial book are gone. If i get enough interest, I will have more made. I need at least ten orders. These will be at cost to me. About 27.50 plus shipping. $3.20 for a single book. Let me know.

Posted By: David A. Wood (figereau@aol.com) on 02/20/2000 10:59:31 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 874)
I’m a professional model builder who specializes in RC models of the Jug. I’ve been commissioned by Mr. Jack Seiler of London Ohio to build a flying model of the P47 of the 61rst fighter squadron of the 56th Fighter Group.Call letters of the actual plane we want to represent are H*HV and the tail number is 228804. If anyone has photos of this plane or others of the same unit, please contact Schwing RC Services by email.Any help is greatly appreciated.

Posted By: Tom Schwing (tschwing@prodigy.net) on 02/17/2000 5:10:57 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 873)

Posted By: LOUIS (’KUP’) KUPERSMITH (KUP482@AOL.COM) on 02/17/2000 11:28:10 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 872)
I have recently found some rare 16mm color motion picture films of P-47’s operating in Germany between Feb-April, 1945. The films show P-47’s flying in formation, diving, landing, taking off,and attacking a Luftwaffe airbase. The films have no sound on them and it we do not know where they were made except in Germany. Several pilots are identified on the back slates and their units. If anyone knows any of these pilots could they put me into contact with them. From the 56th Fighter Group, 62nd Fighter Squadron: Pilots Womack, Winters, & Tingen. From the 56FG 63rd Fighter Squadron: Pilots Bostwick, Fanning, Flagg. From the 362nd Fighter Group, 377th Fighter Squadron: Pilots Dugan, Pantoliano, Cunningham, Hunter. From 362nd FG 378th FS: Pilot Ellis. We do not have any of their first names nor ranks. Thanks for any help you can give.

Posted By: Lawrence Bond (ljbond@cybercable.fr) on 02/16/2000 7:57:35 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 871)
I have several Curtiss Electric C5423S paddleblade prop blades available for sale. They were used on P-47s to improve the aircraft’s climb rate and then became standard. These blades may be restorable to airworthy condition, but I am selling them for display only. I’m asking $375 apiece, and I can ship them anywhere in the 48 states fully insured for $70 and I’ll pick up the cost of building the crate. I can accept VISA/Mastercard or whatever. I have two of these prop blades hanging from my ceiling and they look great. This is a good way to get a piece of a real warbird for a reasonable price (the blades appraised in 1990 for $3,000 apiece, but I am not qualified to judge if they are still airworthy or not - I will send a copy of the appraisal with any blade purchased)

Posted By: Jeff Bihner (bihner@gateway.net) on 02/15/2000 1:21:04 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 870)
NEW SITE! For the 50th Fighter Group, flying P-47s, from Selfridge Field, Michigan in 1941 thru World War II and beyond! With the 10th, 81st and 313th Fighter Squadrons! To visit, simply click on ’Hahn’s Fly Boys’...we hope you enjoy your visit!!! SiteBuilder: Tom Newton has a request for any additional information concerning the 50th and its squadrons. If you can help, please reply via the email address below, thanks!!!

Posted By: Hahn’s Fly Boys! (Hahn-50thAP-K9@webtv.net) on 02/12/2000 7:07:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 869)
Hi there all you P47 pilots out there, did you fly with the 9th air force fighter groups that were based in southern england prior to D-day 1944. I am a member of an aviation group and we are planning an exhibition about the following fighter groups= 48th, 50th, 404th,405th,371st,365th all flew the P47 from airfields in our locality, we are planning to hold the exhibition for the 60th anniversary of D-Day in 2004, we would like to hear from anyone from these groups who would like to relate their memories of combat from England in 1944, thanks to you all

Posted By: Pete Oliver (patpete@oliverp94.freeserve.co.uk) on 02/12/2000 4:34:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 868)
Great site, Just to let you know we excavated the remains of a P.47, Of the 78th fg based at Duxford england and details can be found on our website

Posted By: colin wingrave (colin.wingrave@tesco.net) on 02/06/2000 2:43:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 867)
P-47 crash 24 March 1945 (part 1 ): On 24 March 1945 a P-47 Thunderbolt from the 9th Air Force crashed NE of Wesel Germany. The pilot was a 2nd Lt. and he fractured a bone in his leg. He was taken POW. This happened around noon during ’Operation Varsity’ the Rhine crossing. Any information to pinpoint who this pilot was would be very much appreciated. I am currently investigating crashes of 24 March 1945 and specific the B-24 supply mission in support of Operation Varsity. This P-47 pilot was taken POW with two B-24 crew members who had survived their crash. P-47 crash 24 March 1945 (part2): The result of my research has had the folowing information regarding the P-47 pilot who crashed on 24 March 1945 during ’Operation Varsity.’ The 366 FG lost 42-29245 MACR number 13505 The 406 FG lost 3 P-47’s: - 42-28672 MACR number 13512 - 44-33233 MACR number 13503 - 44-33308 MACR number 13511 I would be interested to know if a reader has any of the above MACR’s? Thank you ,have a nice day! Peter Loncke Belgium kiwi@village.uunet.be

Posted By: Peter Loncke (Kiwi@village.uunet.be) on 02/05/2000 6:16:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 866)
I still have two reproductions of the 371st Fighter Gp. memorial book. This book was published in 1946 and takes the 371st from April 12, 1944, to the end of hostilities in Europe. If interested, let me know.

Posted By: David A. Wood (Figereau@aol.com) on 02/04/2000 3:10:12 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 865)
A really top rate web site. Did not get to fly the Jug until 1945 after leaving the SE Training Command, having spent most of WWII as an AT6 flight instructor. What a great aircraft!!!

Posted By: Warren W Smith (WWSWFD@AOL.Com) on 02/02/2000 6:21:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 864)
Hello Thunderbolt fans, I thought you folks might enjoy a very special piece I wrote on the Thunderbolt, with the help of my pal Warren Bodie (photos and archive material). The story was written for the Cradle of Aviation museum. You can find it at: http://home.att.net/~historyzone/Seversky-Republic.html I hope that you enjoy it. All the best, Corey C. Jordan http://www.worldwar2aviation.com The Planes and Pilots of WWII Internet Magazine

Posted By: Corey C. Jordan (editor@worldwar2aviation.com) on 02/01/2000 6:13:32 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 863)
My name is Dan Doehring and i am trying to find any information on by uncle Robert Mathew Doehring (deceist. He flew P-47 in WW-II and i thank was a Captain. We belive he flew in Europe but can find no information on his unit or dates. If anyone has any knowledge on him would you please share it with me. Dan Doehring doehring@onramp.net

Posted By: Dan Doehring (doehring@onramp.net) on 01/30/2000 12:45:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 862)
My name is Bernard Hancox, I was an RAF Pilot during WWII flying P47’s in South East Asia, mostly Burma. I was stationed there for the first few months of 1945 in Squadrons 46 and 52. I have noticed that there are not many messages from Ex-RAF Pilots on this site, perhaps there are other sites that someone could recommend that I browse, as I would dearly like to make contact with anyone who flew for the RAF in Burma or anyone who may know of somebody from my squadrons. You can contact me via my sons Email address: Kind Regards - Bernard Hancox (Birmingham, England)

Posted By: Bernard Hancox (stelea@tinyonline.co.uk) on 01/27/2000 5:17:47 PM EST

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