P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 911)
I just had an opportunity to talk with my uncle about the P-47. He was a pilot in WWII in the 371st, 405th group. I am trying to obtain information about a raid that he was on and was awarded the Distiguished Flying Cross on 3 October 44 in Stuttgart Germany. His name is 2nd Lt. Vance W. Edinger. Its taken many years for him to open up about what he did and saw. God Bless all the Thunderbolt Pilots and Veterans we owe you more than we can ever repay.

Posted By: jeff mclane (mclanejl4@olg.com) on 03/24/2000 3:33:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 910)
I was a member of the 356th Fighter Group 361st Squadron. We started with P47’s the converted to P51’s.

Posted By: Adrian H. Hunt (hunta@cswnet.com) on 03/23/2000 10:16:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 909)
Hello. I was thrilled to learn of this site and wish my late father had known of your organization. He was Donald G. Gorman of Buffalo, NY, and flew the P-47 in the ETO near the end of the war. He loved to fly and would have enjoyed getting in touch with you. Please email me if you knew him; my brothers and sister and I would like to know more about his wartime service. I am going through a scrapbook of his service kept by my uncle and will write again if I find names or photos that may be of interest to you. Thanks to all of you for your service. (I think Dad flew a plane called the ’Jeanette’).

Posted By: Deborah Gorman (DGGormanB@aol.com) on 03/23/2000 2:27:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 908)
I am building a 1/8th scale flying P-47D-23 razorback and would like to use the insignia of a real ’jug’. Would someone be willing to allow me to use thiers? Full mention would be given during static display at shows etc. Pictures or cowl art would also be appreciated.

Posted By: Geoff Sim (geoff.sim@lazysoft.com) on 03/23/2000 8:17:52 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 907)
Still hoping to hear from more pilots/relatives/ friends to help contribute more photos for my photographic history book on the 9th AF 1944-5 to be published this year...PLEASE GET IN TOUCH!

Posted By: Nathan Kosky (nathan_kosky@hotmail.com) on 03/20/2000 7:13:51 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 906)
My father was an armoror in the 358th Fighter Group and 365th Fighter Squadron. He died a few years ago. We found some interesting photos among his keepsakes which inspired me to find out more about his time in the service. That’s how I found this and other sites related to P-47’s etc. I would like to share the photos with anyone who might be interested. We have had them scanned and have posted them on our family web site. We have one group photo of the the 365th Fighter Squadron taken in Sept. 1943 at Richmond Virginia. The site URL is as follows: http://home.att.net/~r-acaron/Carons/Louis_Caron/index.htm

Posted By: Raymond Caron (r-acaron@worldnet.att.net) on 03/19/2000 10:38:59 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 905)
I am searching for any family member of 2nd Lt. Alvis D. Noble, Serial number O-763821 reported MIA July 18,1944. Officially declared KIA July 19, 1945. 365th Fighter Group, 388 Fighter Squadron. Also 2nd Lt. James L. Dyar KIA July 18, 1944 also of the 365th Fighter Group, 388 Fighter Squadron. Noble’s family from Brashear, Texas. Dyar’s family from Georgia. A Veteran’s Association in a small town, Rabodanges, France, a small village in Normandy would like to honor these two pilots with a Ceremony and Plaque dedication in their memory. Any former member of the 388th who knew these men or knows where I can reach a member of their family please contact me at EMail address of logum1@cs.com

Posted By: E. W. Hays (logum1@cs.com) on 03/18/2000 1:33:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 904)
Excellent site. Looking to contact anyone who new Capt Walter J. Koraleski (Korky). He is my late fater’s cousin. Flew with the 355th fighter group, 354th fighter squadron. 5 1/2 air and 2 1/2 ground. His P-47D razorback name as ’Miss Thunder’. Later transitioned to P-51B. Then was shot down by flak, POW til end of war. Have found info on his Mustang,searching for more info on his P-47. Have some pictures,need S/N if possible. Would like to contact mem- bers of 355th organization. Did have brief verbal contact with Robert Kuhnert with 355th organization, then sent letter,no response.Thanks to all the vetrans for their service.

Posted By: Craig Miller (C3Miller@netzero.com) on 03/16/2000 8:32:24 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 903)
Hi, a friend told me about your organization. I flew the P-47 with the Maine Air National Guard for a brief period in 1947. Having been a C-47 jockey in China previous to that, it was too late to began over in fighters. I loved the plane, though.

Posted By: Alfred L. Cormier (Acorm6H@aol.com) on 03/16/2000 8:19:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 902)
Served in the 395th service sq. Is there anybod else that served in the squadron. Please contact me via my friends e-mail

Posted By: Ken Evert (jrcole@3-cities.com) on 03/16/2000 2:53:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 901)
Contact me if you knew my uncle, Robert W. Smith, Lt Col. He flew P-47’s from 1942 Thru 45. Was shot down once. Had 50 missions over enemy territory. He served as a squadron commandor. He left the Air Force about 1948.

Posted By: Jon A. Bowman (JonB@peoplepc.com) on 03/15/2000 12:48:42 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 900)
PLEASE contact me if you knew my father; Laurence (Larry,Skip)Gage Brown, 9th Air Force, 48th Fighter Grp., 493rd Fighter squadron, flew in European theatre. Thank You!

Posted By: Meredith Brown (jkf@ncia.net) on 03/14/2000 10:05:26 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 899)
Regarding earlier posting on Col. Lewis Curry, I miswrote my e-mail address. Please note the correct version, mooney1@fayettevillenc.com. thx.

Posted By: Scott Mooneyham (mooney1@fayettevillenc.com) on 03/13/2000 6:36:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 898)
Working up new thoughts for P-47 exhibits and thought I would stop by.

Posted By: Terry Aitken (terrill.aitken@wpafb.af.mil) on 03/13/2000 4:08:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 897)
Since some years i’m doing some research on the airfield of Sint-Truiden , St-Trond in French , named A-92.Is there someone from the 404FG or from the 48FG who could tell me something about their staying at the airfield at that time?

Posted By: Alain Rosseels (alain_rosseels@hotmail.com) on 03/13/2000 1:27:31 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 896)
My great uncle, Col. Lewis Curry, CO of the 36th Fighter Group in ETO, died last week in Orland. Would appreciate any info from anyone who knew him during WWII and any suggestions on writings about the 36th. Many thanks to all who risked and gave all to an unwitting world.

Posted By: Scott Mooneyham (mooney1@fayetteville.net) on 03/13/2000 12:59:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 895)
My great uncle, Col. Lewis Curry, CO of the 36th Fighter Group in ETO, died last week in Orlando. Would very much like to hear from anyone who knew him, and if anyone knows of any writings on the history of the unit. Many thanks to all of you gave and risked all to an unwitting world.

Posted By: scott mooneyham (mooney1@fayetteville.net) on 03/13/2000 12:40:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 894)
Enjoyed the email directory. Found a couple of long lost friends in it. Keep up the good work. Incidentally, Pilot Class 43-D having a reunion at Handlery Resort and Hotel, San Diego, CA 12-16 April 2000. They can contact me at the email address given. Thanks.

Posted By: Frank Dutko (dutko43d@hotmail.com) on 03/10/2000 3:30:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 893)
I just found this page today and am very excited to learn of it. I first want to thank all who served for making the world safe for my generation. I am looking for anyone who knows anything about my great uncle, Col. Dixon M. Allison. I have Uncle Dick’s flight logs and files. He was C.O. of the 48th Fighter Group from a period of training in late 1943 until shortly after it arrived in England in April, 1944. He remained with the group until being transferred to SHAEF in November, 1944. I believe he usually flew with the 492nd FS. If anyone knew Uncle Dick or has any information to pass along, I would greatly appreciate it. He was also the C.O. of the 52nd FG of the 12th AF in North Africa from Nov. 1942 until March 1943, flying Spitfires. I would also appreciate any information about that outfit. Thanks very much, David W. Kirk Home email is davidkirk1@home.net Office email is dwkirk@carterkirk.com

Posted By: David W. Kirk (davidkirk1@home.net) on 03/10/2000 2:33:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 892)
I’m finishing off a book on the Brittany Campaign, and am trying to find men who served in Brittany. Specifically looking for anyone in the 378th Squadron that may have known Captain Harry Stroh, or know of a photo of him.

Posted By: Jonathan Gawne (jon@gawne.com) on 03/10/2000 8:52:43 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 891)
Great to read names of old friends and hear more war stories. The Jug was the BEST. Loved that Jug.

Posted By: Bob Finley (blueflame@home.com) on 03/10/2000 2:40:43 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 890)
I am compiling a photographic history to be published of the 9th AF in the ETO 1944/5. I would love to hear from any P-47 related, or other airmen, with photographs or who served in this period with the 9th. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH!

Posted By: Nathan Kosky (nathan_kosky@hotmail.com) on 03/07/2000 4:26:05 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 889)
Flew the 106 missions (in Italy 1944 - Wold war II) most of which were in P-47.

Posted By: Walter L. Manning (dnwmanning@cs.com) on 03/03/2000 8:16:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 888)

Posted By: Harry Schumacher (hschu12@micron.net) on 02/29/2000 12:40:29 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 887)
It has been great running into your site. I just recently read Bob Johnson’s book ’Thunderbolt’. I really enjoyed it and was sorry to hear he had passed away in Dec. 1998. I have been an airplane buff practically since I can remember. A few years ago I had the great pleasure to meet and have a talk with Bill Dunham. One of the great aces that flew the Jug in the pacific with Neel Kearby. Bill died a short time after that. If anybody out there knew Bill those days in the south pacific it would be nice to hear from you. The best present I got this past Christmas was a copy of the painting depicting the FW190 pilot saluting Bob Johnson after he was unable to shoot down Bob’s crippled P47. Keep up the good work and thanks again for this site.

Posted By: Michael Manning (mannings@excelonline.com) on 02/29/2000 12:16:45 AM EST

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