P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 986)
Wishing all the P-47 jockeys and all vets a happy Memorial Day as we remember the gallant men and women who gave their lives so we could be free. Best wishes and never give up believeing in the task you vets undertook for a grateful nation.

Posted By: Jeff Grubb (glassesguy@juno.com) on 05/29/2000 10:02:02 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 985)
THANK YOU! Today is Memorial Day. I just want to thank everyone out there who flew the Thunderbolt during the War for all the sacrifices that you endured for us. I also wish to thank all of your buddies who are still flying the Thunderbolt over Europe for the past 50+ years. Their ’ultimate sacrifice’ will never be forgotten by myself. Thanks again for all you have done to keep this country free. Love Peace and Happiness to you all.

Posted By: Dave Piscitelli (CoachPisco@aol.com) on 05/29/2000 9:38:57 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 984)
I had the pleasure of seeing the P-47 at Republic Airport today May 28,2000.Saw it take off and do a flyby,than dip its wing,I am still thinking about it,very impressed.I am just an airplane buff. Yours Truly Hank Lukas,New York

Posted By: Hank Lukas (n2gcn@hotmail.com) on 05/28/2000 7:52:35 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 983)
The documentary tribute to Col. Hub Zemke and the 56th Fighter Group premiered last night on NJN Public Television. The program, ’Zemke’s Way,’ is available for home video. Information is at www.njnsecure.com ... Click on NJN Videos, and the link is there to place orders. Many thanks to all who all who assisted in the production. Best Wishes and a smart Salute to all P-47 pilots. -Bill Jobes, Executive Producer, ’Zemke’s Way.’

Posted By: Bill Jobes (jobes@bellatlantic.net) on 05/27/2000 10:08:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 982)
I have always been an admirer of the P47

Posted By: Oliver Forde () on 05/26/2000 3:37:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 981)

Posted By: nathan kosky (nathan_kosky@hotmail.com) on 05/24/2000 8:47:49 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 980)
John R. Willingham Passed away May 16, 2000 from a heart attack caused by complications from diabetes. Willingham was a veteran of 101 P-47 missions in Europe during 1944-45. He was in the 511th F.S. 405th Gp. He was known as the ’Aerial Cowboy’ a name given him when some three hundred Germans surrendered to his flight (to avoid annihilation). Willingham herded the reluctant Germans to Allied lines with hand signals as the flight flew menacingly above them. He didn’t make the May 7th Reunion in Savannah but was there in spirit.

Posted By: Jerry Heis (mjheis@yahoo.com) on 05/23/2000 3:04:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 979)
I am recently working on an article about the 201st Squadron of the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force in the Phillippines during W.W.II and would like to obtain more information on the 201st. Is there anyone who fought in the Pacific Theatre that might have information regarding the Mexican Expeditionary AIr Force, such as pictures, documents, or anything that might help me finnish my article. I would really appreciate any information provided. Thank you.

Posted By: Rene Hoyo (Escuadron@aol.com) on 05/23/2000 2:20:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 978)
Great site, was refered here by webmaster of 8th AF Looking for any past friends or just information of my uncle. Capt. Bruce H Hale Served in Sicily and North Africa His aircraft named ’Little Butch’

Posted By: Gary Fox (grfljf@elknet.net) on 05/21/2000 1:02:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 977)
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who remembers a WWII bomber pilot everyone called ’Crazy Kid.’

Posted By: Sheila Herald (Truelady50USA) on 05/21/2000 2:30:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 976)
Well done

Posted By: Terrence Doyle (terrencedoyle@bigpond.com) on 05/20/2000 5:07:39 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 975)
Folks, you keep my heart beating! I am indeed a P-47 Pilot, but only virtually. The ’Jug’ is my favourite choice in the online-flight-sim ’Warbirds’. Visit our homepage! Matthias aka The Foxboy

Posted By: Matthias Störmer (MStoermer@t-online.de) on 05/18/2000 1:39:22 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 974)
i loved your pg very nice

Posted By: ashlee (ashlee online) on 05/17/2000 11:04:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 973)
On Easter Monday, 24th April, 2000 the R.A.F. Ibsley Historical Group unveiled a Commemorative Plaque of the busy World War II Fighter Airfield at Ibsley, near Ringwood, Hampshire, UK. The polished granite Plaque, measuring approx. 4’ x 2’, is engraved with a map of the airfield complex and lists the R.A.F. Squadrons and U.S.A.A.F. Fighter Groups who were based at Ibsley, and also the planes they flew, including the P47 Thunderbolts of the 48th and 371st Fighter Groups of 9th Air Force. The Plaque rests on a Purbeck stone plinth and is surrounded by a wrought iron fence to protect it from the New Forest animals which roam freely in the area. The whole stands on the existing wartime concrete base of the guardroom/picket post which was on the North East corner of the old airfield, at Cross Lanes, Mockbeggar. A press report, with colour picture, on the unveiling appeared in the local Ringwood News on 12th May, edition 268, and this should be found under http://www.ringwood-uk.co.uk/ Click on News and we are the second report under the heading ’We shall always remember their sacrifice for all humanity’. The R.A.F. Ibsley Historical Group are continually researching the history of this wartime airfield and would be pleased to hear from anyone who served here, in whatever capacity, and any memories of time spent at Ibsley.

Posted By: Ve Smith (Vsmithrafihg@btinternet.com) on 05/17/2000 3:51:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 972)

Posted By: steven falzone (dolfan_u@yahoo.com) on 05/16/2000 8:58:00 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 971)
Looking for any information on my uncle that was killed in a plane crash in Georgia in June 1943. His name was Staff Sgt. Ralph Powell. If anyone knew him or anything about him I would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks, I think your web site is terrific.

Posted By: Ralph Bognoski (lee831@bellatlantic.net) on 05/15/2000 9:07:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 970)
We have two P-47 wing tips available, if interested please make an offer. They are in excellent condition, they are raw aluminum and unpainted, light canopies are on the tips. Would be great for replacement or restoration project.

Posted By: David Preshoff (kpreshoff@worldnet.att.net) on 05/14/2000 6:45:44 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 969)
I have just discovered this wonderful website after being recently introduced to my own personal computer on the occasion of my 83rd birthday. Like many of you, I was a P-47 pilot in WW II, originally receiving my wings in the Class of 42-E, at Spence Field, Moultrie, Georgia. Received further training as a Flight Instructor at Maxwell Field, and upon completion reported to Shaw Field, Sumter, SC, where I remained for about 7 months. Then to Courtland, Alabama, where I met my wife (still married for 55 years). I joined the newly formed 413th Fighter Squadron, part of the 414th Fighter Group, formed in the early fall of 1944 at Seymour Johnson, NC. We then went to Selfridge Field, Michigan, to receive further training in our P-47s. Leaving from Seattle, and stopping briefly at Johnston Island, then Saipan, we finally arrived at Iwo Jima on July 8, 1945. I flew my first combat mission on August 1, 1945, along with 15 other planes from my squadron. My plane and 3 others developed radio problems and we circled the Japanese coast until our planes rejoined us after the mission, which was to strafe a Japanese airfield at Okazaki. On this mission, my wingman, Lt. Scott B. Coley, from Greensboro, NC, was lost in weather and did not survive the mission. Later on Iwo I transitioned to P-51s, which I had also flown in training, and briefly commanded a Mustang squadron on the island until I was ordered back to the States at the conclusion of the War. So much for a quick mention of some of my history from those days. I see that so many of you were in service in England and Europe, and I am curious to know if any of my former Pacific Theater pilot friends are still about. Hello to all. I am so gratified to see the messages from so many pilots, family members, and interested people.

Posted By: Frank W. Johnson (FrankandAndre1@aol.com) on 05/14/2000 11:36:14 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 968)
Anyone have information on reunions for the 5th FIS / 52nd Fighter Group (’Spitten Kittens)?

Posted By: EC (sfera@sprynet.com) on 05/07/2000 8:40:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 967)
I just wanted to put in a plug for a friend of mine. Robert (’Thundrbolt Bob’) St. Vincent is an aviation artist who over the last few years has done several P-47 paintings for Assoc. members. I, and the many satisfied members can vouch for the quality of his work. Bob did the original of the ’High Speed Low Pass’ print that was made available to members years ago. If any of you ex Jug-Jockies are interested, Bob can be reached at (818) 362-8190. He does not own a computer, so unfortunately has no email address.

Posted By: JIM GUIGNARD (JGUIGNARD@AOL.COM) on 05/07/2000 9:36:43 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 966)
GREAT SITE! Would like to contact anyone who may have known Lt. Harold Nussman. Only info I know is he was flying P-47’s out of England in 1943 and was shot down over the continent around the middle of 1944. Have picture of him with his plane but does not show tail, nose, or much wing so can not ID his Squadron. Was my mothers cousin. Need info for family record.

Posted By: David Broadway (eagle6_28001@yahoo.com) on 05/05/2000 12:04:42 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 965)
I am presently building a Giant Scale Radio controled model of the P-47. I plan on modeling this project after TarHeel Hal but I would certainly be interested in any interesting or unusual paint schemes used during WW11. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated. Please e-mail me. I also want to thank all of you who helped make America the country it is by your service and sacrafice.

Posted By: Rolland Roberts (rrobe@provide.net) on 05/04/2000 12:05:13 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 964)
Looking for information and photographs of aircraft named Arkansas Traveler flown by Paul P. Douglas of 368th grp, and Dewey newhart of the 353rd. Interested in info on these men and any aircraft nmaed or marked about Arkansas. Please contact me.

Posted By: hugh l. mills (hmills16@aol.com) on 05/02/2000 10:54:44 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 963)
I just want to say thank you. What your generation did made this country the world leader it is today. I’m 26, and I know my generation seems to take your sacrifices for granted. I regret that, but the sacrifices you all made helped pave a road for the success of future generations. Please know that some of us will be forever thankful for what the WWII veterans did. Thank you...

Posted By: Brad (bstrieg@yahoo.com) on 05/02/2000 4:57:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 962)
My brother John W. Haun flew the ’Jug’ for 98 missions with the 316th Sqdn, 324 Ftr Grp... He got a 109 and a 262... I flew a Mustang...We’ve had many argumnets over the merits of both... I was lucky. I graduated too late for combat.. I think I’d rather have had the big old Jug... It could and did take a licking and come home!

Posted By: Robert L. Haun (rlh001@aol.com) on 05/01/2000 5:45:31 PM EST

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