P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1000)
Col Fred J. Christensen Jr. was our honored guest at our annual Memorial Day parade...he was in Zemke’s ’Wolf Pack’....56th Fighter Group..22 kills...great guy...went into the Army Air Corps from Watertown, Massachusetts...if anyone wants to get in touch with Col Christensen please let me know...I am sure that he would want to hear from old friends...

Posted By: Bob Erickson (berickson@ci.watertown.ma.us) on 06/08/2000 8:27:27 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 999)
My father, Wayne Leathers, was a P47 and P51 pilot who trained in Victoria, Texas. He passed away some years ago and I am searching for information from anyone who might have known him. I do know that he was stationed in England andat one point, was shot down over France. Our family would be greatful for any information available. Great web site! Regards, Mark Leathers

Posted By: Mark Leathers (m.leathers@worldnet.att.net) on 06/08/2000 3:41:06 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 998)
I’m very interested in the several aircraft crashes occurred in the Maritime Alp (North-West Italy) during the World War II and I would like to go deep into this question. So,I take the liberty of referring to you in the hope of obtaining some information about the following P47 fighters wich fell in the North-West Italy in August 2, 1944, the serial number 42-26814, 12th AF 79th FG (Pilot lost). I have found some small remains of a fighter crasced very near to my town Cuneo. Is it possible to have some information about? Thank you for courtesy and assistance. Cordialy Sergio

Posted By: Sergio Costagli (sergio.costagli@multiwire.net) on 06/06/2000 5:11:33 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 997)
What did

Posted By: W.W.Smith (WWSWFD@AOL.Com) on 06/05/2000 4:47:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 996)

Posted By: bob loomis (majloomis@AOL.COM) on 06/04/2000 8:06:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 995)
I am writing a memory concerning the American air attacks on the Gereman colums dring the end of August and the begining of September 1944 over central France. These strafings forced generl Elster to surender with 18000 soldiers ! the strongest German surender in the Western front! I would be very glad and honored to correspond with veterans who were on these missions : South Loire River, Pitiers, Chateauroux, Issoudun , Bourges etc ... or with any researchers. This memory will be dedicated to these airmen (36h FG etc ... ) Thank You Philippe

Posted By: philippe Canonne (p.canone@wanadoo.fr) on 06/03/2000 10:09:11 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 994)
New Guinea P-47s. I’d love to hear from any P-47 pilots who remember encountering Australian Wirraways and Boomerangs over New Guinea. I’m writing the history of an Australian squadron that flew Wirraways and Boomerangs, and had a close association with P-47s, though it didn’t ever fly them. 4 Squadron’s Wirraways and Boomerangs flew low-level Tac/Rs and were often escorted by P-47s; led them in on close air support ops; and on one occasion a Boomerang was even shot down by a P-47 (Major Jerry Johnson, 348th FG) as the Aussie aircraft were easily confused with Zeros. Any one out there remember them? jmoremon@hotmail.com.au or PO Box 573, Wauchope, NSW, 2446, Australia.

Posted By: John Moremon (jmoremon@hotmail.com) on 06/02/2000 11:49:09 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 993)
New Guinea P-47s. I’d love to hear from any P-47 pilots who remember encountering Australian Wirraways and Boomerangs over New Guinea. I’m writing the history of an Australian squadron that flew Wirraways and Boomerangs, and had a close association with P-47s, though it didn’t ever fly them. 4 Squadron’s Wirraways and Boomerangs flew low-level Tac/Rs and were often escorted by P-47s; led them in on close air support ops; and on one occasion a Boomerang was even shot down by a P-47 (Major Jerry Johnson, 348th FG) as the Aussie aircraft were easily confused with Zeros. Any one out them?

Posted By: John Moremon (jmoremon@hotmail.com) on 06/02/2000 11:47:26 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 992)
For those who flew with him; David R. Eldridge, 77 EWING -- David R. Eldridge, 77, of Ewing Town-ship, died Wed-nesday at home. Born in Trenton, Mr. Eldridge was a lifelong area resident. He was a graduate of Trenton Central High School, Class of 1942; and received a BA in Journalism from Penn State University in 1949. He served in the Army/Air Corps as a P47 pilot with the 9th Air Force in Rhineland and Central Europe, and received the Air Medal with Three Oak Leaf Clusters. He was president of Eldridge Advertising Inc., and president of Marketing Consultants Associated. He was a member of the Sales Executives Club of Central New Jersey; the Rotary Club of Trenton; and Mercer County Board of Realtors. He was past president of the P47 Thunderbolt Pilots Association Ltd., and was founder and past president of the P47 Advocates Association. Son of the late Richard B. and Muriel Tilden Eldridge, he is survived by his wife, Rita Nearing Eldridge; a daughter, Particia Ammon of Morrisville, Pa.; a son, Thomas R. Eldridge of Philadelphia; a brother, Robert T. Eldridge of Willow St., Pa.; two step-sons, Pat J. Daloisio of Yardley, Pa., and Gregory A. Daloisio of New Port Richey, Fla.; two grandchildren, Jessica Simon of Bristol Township, Pa., and Matthew Greenlaw of Morrisville, Pa.; and two nephews. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Unitarian-Universalist Church at Washington Crossing, Washington Crossing-Pennington Road, Titusville, with the Rev. Charles J. Stephens, officiating. Interment will be in Ewing Church Cemetery. Calling hours will be from 12:30 p.m. until time of service Saturday at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to Samaritan Hospice, 5 Eves Dr., Suite 300, Marlton, N.J. 08053. Funeral arrangements are by Ivins & Taylor Inc., Trenton. ©The Trentonian 2000

Posted By: Patricia Eldridge Ammon (PatAmmon@msn.com) on 06/02/2000 3:19:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 991)
Hi everybody I’m searching for a P 47’s pilot shooted down near Belfort, east of France on october 4, 1944. He came back in France, in the small village of Fresse, after the war to thank his saviors but must run quickly because of a dog ! Could anyone help me ! Stephane

Posted By: Stephane Muret (Stephane.MURET@wanadoo.fr) on 06/01/2000 2:51:44 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 990)
It is my sad duty to inform you that my father, David R. ’Junior’ Eldrige, passed on last night. Our hopes are that he is finally at peace after his long illness and flying high amongst the clouds he loved so much. If any one wishes to send condolences to his wife, Rita, I will foward them on or you may email her at REldri@aol.com. I know how important and how much he cherished this group. He will be greatly missed by many. With respect and thanks to all, Patricia E. Ammon (Dave’s Daughter)

Posted By: Patricia Eldridge Ammon (PatAmmon@msn.com) on 06/01/2000 11:22:18 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 989)
Memorial Day reminded me to seek out your website. So nice to find. My father, Dolor Martin, flew a P-47 out of Martlesham Heath, England, in 1943. Was killed when shot down over Holland on November 11, 1943 returning from escort mission over Munster(?), Germany. His P-47 named after nickname for me, ’Stewpot.’ Would appreciate any contact with person(s) having knowledge of him, Martlesham, quarters at Playford Hall, etc. Have met and visited with Dutch persons who went to my father’s crash site in unsuccessful attempt to rescue and hide him from approaching German troops. Thanks to all of you pilots and ground crews who, I am told, treated me well when I was an infant visiting my father’s US bases!

Posted By: Stuart D. Martin (stewie@thevine.net) on 06/01/2000 1:13:56 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 988)
what has happened to the web site?Did some misguided joker hit it with a virus as it is now unreadable

Posted By: J.J.Smith (john.smith@phl.boeing.com) on 05/31/2000 11:20:12 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 987)
I thought about all of you (and those before you) at the appointed time today (memorial day). There are no words to say the thanks I felt for all of you and to allow me and mine to enjoy this beautiful day. It is all dedicated to your sacrifice. Thank you, Thank you. Bless all of you. Take good care. D Raphael and family sends...

Posted By: CMSGT Dave Raphael (mraphael@mindspring.com) on 05/29/2000 10:24:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 986)
Wishing all the P-47 jockeys and all vets a happy Memorial Day as we remember the gallant men and women who gave their lives so we could be free. Best wishes and never give up believeing in the task you vets undertook for a grateful nation.

Posted By: Jeff Grubb (glassesguy@juno.com) on 05/29/2000 10:02:02 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 985)
THANK YOU! Today is Memorial Day. I just want to thank everyone out there who flew the Thunderbolt during the War for all the sacrifices that you endured for us. I also wish to thank all of your buddies who are still flying the Thunderbolt over Europe for the past 50+ years. Their ’ultimate sacrifice’ will never be forgotten by myself. Thanks again for all you have done to keep this country free. Love Peace and Happiness to you all.

Posted By: Dave Piscitelli (CoachPisco@aol.com) on 05/29/2000 9:38:57 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 984)
I had the pleasure of seeing the P-47 at Republic Airport today May 28,2000.Saw it take off and do a flyby,than dip its wing,I am still thinking about it,very impressed.I am just an airplane buff. Yours Truly Hank Lukas,New York

Posted By: Hank Lukas (n2gcn@hotmail.com) on 05/28/2000 7:52:35 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 983)
The documentary tribute to Col. Hub Zemke and the 56th Fighter Group premiered last night on NJN Public Television. The program, ’Zemke’s Way,’ is available for home video. Information is at www.njnsecure.com ... Click on NJN Videos, and the link is there to place orders. Many thanks to all who all who assisted in the production. Best Wishes and a smart Salute to all P-47 pilots. -Bill Jobes, Executive Producer, ’Zemke’s Way.’

Posted By: Bill Jobes (jobes@bellatlantic.net) on 05/27/2000 10:08:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 982)
I have always been an admirer of the P47

Posted By: Oliver Forde () on 05/26/2000 3:37:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 981)

Posted By: nathan kosky (nathan_kosky@hotmail.com) on 05/24/2000 8:47:49 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 980)
John R. Willingham Passed away May 16, 2000 from a heart attack caused by complications from diabetes. Willingham was a veteran of 101 P-47 missions in Europe during 1944-45. He was in the 511th F.S. 405th Gp. He was known as the ’Aerial Cowboy’ a name given him when some three hundred Germans surrendered to his flight (to avoid annihilation). Willingham herded the reluctant Germans to Allied lines with hand signals as the flight flew menacingly above them. He didn’t make the May 7th Reunion in Savannah but was there in spirit.

Posted By: Jerry Heis (mjheis@yahoo.com) on 05/23/2000 3:04:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 979)
I am recently working on an article about the 201st Squadron of the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force in the Phillippines during W.W.II and would like to obtain more information on the 201st. Is there anyone who fought in the Pacific Theatre that might have information regarding the Mexican Expeditionary AIr Force, such as pictures, documents, or anything that might help me finnish my article. I would really appreciate any information provided. Thank you.

Posted By: Rene Hoyo (Escuadron@aol.com) on 05/23/2000 2:20:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 978)
Great site, was refered here by webmaster of 8th AF Looking for any past friends or just information of my uncle. Capt. Bruce H Hale Served in Sicily and North Africa His aircraft named ’Little Butch’

Posted By: Gary Fox (grfljf@elknet.net) on 05/21/2000 1:02:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 977)
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who remembers a WWII bomber pilot everyone called ’Crazy Kid.’

Posted By: Sheila Herald (Truelady50USA) on 05/21/2000 2:30:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 976)
Well done

Posted By: Terrence Doyle (terrencedoyle@bigpond.com) on 05/20/2000 5:07:39 AM EST

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