P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1025)
Great website. If anyone reading this served with Flight Surgeon, Lt. Colonel Bernard Lowenstein (9th Air Force/27th Fighter Group)in a P-47 unit in Italy, Corsica, Southern France and Germany (1944-46), please e-mail me. Bernie is now 92 years old and in failing health. Nothing would give him greater pleasure than to hear from a former comrade. Thank you.

Posted By: Brian (MangusP@hotmail.com) on 07/05/2000 1:51:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1024)
What’s up? I haven’t seen an entry on this page since April. Did I miss something? I sure miss watching this site. w/r D Raphael sends

Posted By: Dave Raphael (mraphael@mindspring.com) on 07/02/2000 9:35:36 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1023)
Hi, I`m collecting war time memories for a project. if you have any recollections of ww2 you would like to share please call by my site at http://www.wartimememories.co.uk or contact me by e-mail. Thanks for your time.

Posted By: Angela (anek@ndirect.co.uk) on 06/30/2000 3:08:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1022)
Hello, I am an avid amateur historian of WWII aviation and I am interested to see if I could attend the upcoming P-47 Pilots Assoc. Reunion in Savanah. I would also like to know if anyone has any info on the 201st FS. They were a Mexican Air Force unit that saw action in the Philipines towards the end of the war. I look foward to any responses. Thankyou

Posted By: Gerardo Sanchez (sanchezjerry@hotmail.com) on 06/27/2000 2:55:00 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1021)
My father, Robert Hidalgo, from San Antonio TX would like to contact members of 81st FG, 92nd Squadron, CBI. dhidalgo@prodigy,net

Posted By: Dennis Hidalgo (dhidalgo@prodigy.net) on 06/25/2000 2:34:46 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1020)
Seeking info on brother, Dwight Teel, flew first mission on D-Day, shot down by ground fire Aug 1944 near Lille in Northern France. Bailed out; later reported KIA.

Posted By: T H Teel (kteel@emcst.com) on 06/24/2000 9:51:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1019)
Looking for any persons that were with the 368FG..395FS during August, September, and October of 1944. Thank you SK

Posted By: Steven Kline (SKline1072@aol.com) on 06/23/2000 4:49:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1018)
Wow! What a nice site. I wish there was such a group for old F4U Corsair pilots, of which I’m one. We flew with the Pratt & Whitney R-2800 up front turning a big fan, just like you guys! We also did fighter-bomber stuff, but then had to land back on our carrier -- which could be tricky with a nose 15 feet out ahead of us, coming around at 90 knots, peeking out the left side to see the Landing Signal Officer. My latest (seventh) book, ’Bent Wings - F4U Corsair Action & Accidents: True Tales of Trial & Terror!’ has 43 stories in its 376 pages, written by myself and nine other former Corsair pilots I know. Covers WWII, Korea, and peacetime. Shameless commercial at http://expage.com/page/bentwings. I LOVE comparing notes with old fighter pilots, and just had a long phone conversation with Tom Glenn about his book, ’P-47 Pilots - The Fighter Bomber Boys’ His website is http://thunderbolttom.com. I can be reached at (818)346-7024 most any day from 9AM-5PM Pacific Time...

Posted By: Fred ’Crash’ Blechman (fblechman@juno.com) on 06/23/2000 2:16:14 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1017)
My dad was a P-47 pilot during WWII - Roland W. Riddell (Bill). He died in February, 1999, but not before he was able to contact several of his fellow P-47 pilots, which was a joy to him. Your site is great. Keep it up, but please change his name (388th) from Ronald Riddell to Roland (correct name). My brother Jim directed me to this site. Thanks again.

Posted By: Doris Sanders (dgrsanders@hotmail.com) on 06/21/2000 9:02:38 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1016)
I am honored to even have my words on the same page with these true American Heroes. My father 1st Lt. J.L.LeGette flew with the 324th, 316th Fighter Squadron starting in Corsica and pushing through France in the Sping and Summer of 1944. My father passed away on March 30, 2000. It is places like this that his memory can stay alive for those who remember. God bless you all. William LeGette

Posted By: William LeGette (Willget@thegrid.net) on 06/19/2000 1:26:32 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1015)
Hello All! Looking for anyone from the 391st FS (366th Group) that knew my father, Lt. Peter Wayne White

Posted By: John I. White (johnw@barlow-promo.com) on 06/18/2000 9:54:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1014)
Just paying my respects to the Heroes of these pages, and to mention 316th Fighter Group Pilot J.LeGette. Endless thanks from a grateful Brit.

Posted By: FLetcher Christian (schmoo@blueyonder.co.uk) on 06/17/2000 1:08:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1013)
I discovered this site in May and left a brief message about my P-47 service in the Pacific. Later, it seems that someone may have maliciously affected the site, and my original message, along with many others, are now unreadable. So I am leaving this message (with the help of my son, who is working with me on the computer) in order to reconnect with anyone who may have contacted me. Several e-mail messages to me from other old pilots like myself are now missing from my computer, too. So I would like to say hello again, my Squadron was the 413th, which was part of the 414th Fighter Group, based on Iwo Jima from July 8, 1945 until some time after the war. I was a captain when I arrived on the island and our missions, before the war ended, involved strafing Japanese airfields on the Japanese mainland. Many of the messages here are from fellow pilots who flew in Europe, which I did not. While I know we share many recollections of what it was like to fly the Thunderbolt, I naturally identify most with those who flew in the Pacific, as I did. This web site was a real revelation to me, as I had not previously been aware of the Association, so if anyone could help me out with information about how to join and what activities and reunions are a part of being a member, I would really appreciate it. I am 83 now and live in eastern North Carolina, Washington, with my wife of 55 years, Esther. Best regards to all. Frank W. Johnson

Posted By: Frank W. Johnson (FrankandAndre1@aol.com) on 06/17/2000 11:44:35 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1012)
A friend, Bill Desante recently sent me a Jug letter dated Feb. 1971. I’ll quote an article that was on the last page. ’The Jug propeller as a display is more realistic than you might think. Want one? A letter from the West Coast informs us that there are 50 or 60 cases of them available for purchase, all in new condition, covered with cosmoline. They are P-47D prop blades. Paddle blades only, and packed 4 to a crate. Each is about 6 feet long and 14 inches wide. They should be great for den or office. My price is $15 per blade or $ 60 per crate plus $26.60 shipping. It says to contact John R. Paul, 1204 49th Ave. Oakland, Calif 94601. ’ I know i’m a little late but if anyone has one of these props, I will pay anything to get one, (well, almost anything). If anyone knows where one is available, please write me or E-mail me or call me. Eddie Poole 303 N 90th St. Milwaukee, Wi 53226 414-453-2582 E-mail epp30390@ameritech.net.

Posted By: Eddie Poole (epp30390@ameritech.net) on 06/15/2000 8:58:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1011)
Ex RAF P47N 135 Squadron Burma. Through the Guestbook made contact with another RAF P47 pilot Bernard Hancox who converted on to P47’s at RAF Fayid (by the Suez Canal) Egypt and now we plan to meet at an RAF reunion this 4th July weekend. This annual reunion is for all the British pilots who were trained in the USA under the USAAC Arnold Scheme from 1941 through 1943 The the ’flying day’ of reunion is held at an ex RAF grass aerodrome close to Duxford (Ex USAAC P47 base) On the day we have PT17’s, AT6’s and Tiger Moths all flying about and usually a fly past of a Spits, Hurricane, Gladiator and one of the latest RAF jet fighters. Duxford England is now the British Imperial Warm Museum, where they have the American Airforce Museum (of which I am one of the early founder members)and also regularly, at weekends, fly a P47D accompanied by P51’s, Corsairs (F4U)a B25’s, a B17, Spitfires and Hurricanes as well as a couple of ME 109f and g. When this melee are all flying together it is so reminscent of the Battle of Britain days. This place is worth a visit if your travels should take you to England.

Posted By: Robert Walker (reklaw23@naples.net) on 06/14/2000 11:24:11 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1010)
A little poem the jugheads might appreciate: Grace was her name One of the best The night I put her through the test So pretty ,so sweet, so slim The night was dark, the light was dim I’d seen her stripped, I’ve seen her bare I’ve felt her over everywhere. I got insider , she screamed with joy We got off as quickly as we could What a thrill, the best in the land. A P47 in the fighter command.

Posted By: M.K. Arrow () on 06/13/2000 10:54:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1009)
What a wonderful website. Reading through the Guestbook is a walk through a part of history that feels so close you think you can reach out and touch it. Snagged by a wave of nostalgia, perhaps inspired by the recent D-Day anniversary, I was looking for a link to my father and a bit more information. He was a P-47 Thunderbolt pilot and served in the Ninth Air Force under Col. Curry (Curry’s Cougars). I don’t know the FG or FS, but culled from other messages that it might be the 36th FG, 22nd FS (vice versa). His name was Lt. George Townsend Leach England, Jr. His plane was the ’Susan E’. He received his wings at Spencer Field, GA in March 1943 and was based somewhere in England. According to his obituary he flew 5 missions in the first two (2) days of the invasion. He was kia on Aug 7, 1944. Although he enlisted in Virginia, my father grew up in NYC, attended the Dwight School and NYU. Anyone with any stories to tell or info to share about my father, his squadron &/or fighter group, their activities, exploits & conquests, whatever...I’d love to hear from you. Susan E

Posted By: Susan England (sae@sundial.net) on 06/13/2000 5:47:24 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1008)
June 11, 2000 My first visit to the site and, while I haven’t had the time to analyze it sufficiently, it looks very good. I have been an Association member for many, many years. I flew the jug, the P47D, and then the P47N, long range version, from it’s entry in late ’44/early ’45 to my departure from the Air Force in 1946, and then some Reserve flying thereafter. I was with the 456th Fighter Squadron, 414th Fighter Group, that went to Iwo Jima (via Guam & Tinian)in mid ’45 to assist the B-29s on their missions to Tokyo and other sites in the South Pacific. E-mail me if you need info on the 414th.

Posted By: Jim Baird (jbaird8910@aol.com) on 06/11/2000 7:08:48 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1007)
As I’m researching the ’45 crash of 2LT Richard W. Taylor (P-51D) in my village I’m now in the possession of a copy of Class 44-C (Nov ’43) Dorr Way FL Primary Flight Training Class Book. It shows all the officers & students. For those interested (maybe you’re one of them..)I’m able to send scanned pictures.

Posted By: Paul Patist (patist@casema.net) on 06/11/2000 4:04:33 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1006)
From a virtual P-47 pilot to the real things, thanks for your heroic actions during the second world war. You did us proud! ~S!

Posted By: jim hartsell aka CA_14thWarrior (jimh527@hotmail.com) on 06/11/2000 1:12:04 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1005)
Hello... I haven’t seen any new entries since April. Is it me or you?. I miss the traffic from this gr8 site. dr sends

Posted By: Dave Raphael (mraphael@mindspring.com) on 06/10/2000 4:48:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1004)
Looking for any photos or information on P-47 named ’Lucky’ flown by Robert S. Johnson in 56 Fighter group WW2. Need it for a radio control scale model. Thanks.

Posted By: John Shortall (lshortal@morgan.ucs.mun.ca) on 06/10/2000 12:23:10 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1003)
I would like info.from any one that knew or flew with my late brother. His name was Lieut.Nelson E. Wolfe and was in occupied Germany right after the war ended .He flew P-47s after attending Texas A & M .

Posted By: Kenneth A Karstetter (kkarstet@cub.kcnet.org) on 06/09/2000 11:07:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1002)
From 1948-1950 I lived at the San Juan (P.R.) Naval Station, which was primarily an air station. I was 8-10 years old, and we lived about three houses from the runway. The kids living there looked forward to Saturday mornings when the Puerto Rico Air National Guard would, with a considerable amount of noise, power up their P-47s for their weekend-warrior activities. Because the planes were emblazoned with the letters ’PRANG’ superimposed over a bulls-eye, they were known as the ’PRANGO boys.’ The kids loved to watch them take off. The P-47s exuded pure power, and occasionally one of them would roll over on its back shortly after take-off. One day at the Navy pool, which was close to the runway (which was shared by the Navy, PRANG and commercial traffic), I heard a roar overhead. There, just above tree-top level, was a PRANGO P-47 flying inverted, with the pilot waiving to those below. Occasionally, on Saturdays there would be no PRANGO activity. The information received by the kids was that the P-47s had been grounded for some sort of antics, such as intercepting a Pan Am constellation arriving from New York or Miami. After a while, the PRANGO boys returned. Now kids get up Saturday mornings to watch cartoons. Watching the PRANGO boys was a whole lot more fun, with a whole lot more noise.

Posted By: Mark Marshall (markm@prestongates.com) on 06/09/2000 6:23:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1001)
I am looking for anyone who might have flown out of Bradley Field in the summer of 1942 and knew or knew of an Alice Rose Cummings, nickname ’BABE’. I am looking for my birth father--last name possibly FORD, white, college grad from mid-west.

Posted By: Joanne Philbrick (jphil@vineyard.net) on 06/09/2000 3:27:24 PM EST

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