P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1061)
My father Ebert Wayne Smith was in the 319th FS Checkertail Clan. If there is anyone who might have any information reguarding him from North Africa nad Italy, please contact me at the above email address. Thank You Mike Smith

Posted By: Mike Smith (smithm@ryobi.com) on 08/14/2000 4:15:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1060)
my retired uncle Captain Chester J Krist use to fly them during war time. He now resides in Huston Texas at the age of 89

Posted By: Tony (thrilleranthony@netscape.net) on 08/12/2000 11:56:06 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1059)

Posted By: ROGER LYNN (ROGER.CHRISSIE@FREEUK.COM) on 08/09/2000 9:45:03 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1058)
Looking for owners of restored Jugs. My father, Henry (Mac) Davidson, was a pilot in WW11 in the Pacific as well as a gunnery instructor. Is there an organization of P47 owners?

Posted By: Bruce Davidson (bdavid@tmgmission.com) on 08/08/2000 4:22:09 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1057)
Love the ’Jug’ and love your web site. It will be added to my ’favorites’. Believe you and your visitors will like my web-site on ’Warbirds’

Posted By: John H. Durst (jdurst@netexas.net) on 08/08/2000 11:59:18 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1056)
Former Jug pilot

Posted By: Travis Smith (tssmith@intertex.net) on 08/07/2000 11:38:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1055)
I am very interested in any correspondence. I was a pilot in the 15th fighter group ststioned in Hawaii from 1945-46

Posted By: H arry Deininger (hkd@worldnet.att.net) on 08/06/2000 8:36:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1054)
I am very interested in any correspondence. I was a pilot in the 15th fighter group ststioned in Hawaii from 1945-46

Posted By: H arry Deininger (hkd@worldnet.att.net) on 08/06/2000 8:28:46 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1053)
I flew the Jug with the 316th Fighter Squadron 324th. Fighter Group from 1943 to 1945. Wade Lucas email address is wadesrattlers@aol.com I live in Benton Arkansas P.O.Box 1319 72018 Would like to hear from anyone who was in that Squadron.

Posted By: wade lucas (wadesrattlers) on 08/05/2000 1:44:12 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1052)
My father, Roland Fulton Newill, was, we believe, a ground crew sergeant in the 356th FG, 361st Fighter Squadron at Martelsham Heath. This is based on great help from Ben Jones at researchers@B24.net identifying the skeleton-water-skiing-on-50.-cal-machine-guns insignia on a photo showing portraits of dad and about 12 others with names and ranks but no unit ID other than the skeleton. Since we have other photos showing dad with 500 lb bombs, we were sure he had been at a bomber station, not a P-47 station. We will squeeze the family photo piles for other photos, and appreciate any information you might have about 356, 361, or Martelsham Heath.

Posted By: Roger Newill (rnewill@henv.com) on 08/03/2000 7:58:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1051)
My father, Roland Fulton Newill, was, we believe, a ground crew sergeant in the 356th FG, 361st Fighter Squadron at Martelsham Heath. This is based on great help from ben jones at researchers@B24.net identifiying the skeleton-water-skiing-on-50.-cal-machine-guns insignia on a photo showing portraits of dad and about 12 others with names and ranks but no unit ID other than the skeleton. Since we have other photos showing dad with 500 lb bombs, we were sure he had been at a bomber station, not a P-47 station. We will squeeze the family photo piles for other photos, and appreciate any information you might have about 356, 361, or Martelsham Heath.

Posted By: Roger Newill (rnewill@henv.com) on 08/03/2000 7:57:45 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1050)
I wanted to leave a short post to any/all of the members of the P47 Pilots Association referring them to another site, http://www.angelfire.com/ks/phxbrd/index.html. This site commemorates the fatal crash of an entire class of newly commissioned P47 pilots from Bruning Army Air Field in Nebraska. My uncle, 2nd Lt. Bernard W. O’Malley, was one of these pilots. I thought some of you may find it interesting.

Posted By: Michael O’Malley (mike_omal@hotmail.com) on 08/02/2000 5:10:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1049)
I came accross the site while trying to find info the gunsights. Nice site. PS: If anybody has any info and/or photos on WWII fighter gunsights, please email me. mailto:SpyHawk@fanartist.com Thank you!

Posted By: Chance Bingen (SpyHawk@fanartist.com) on 07/30/2000 7:56:55 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1048)
FRENCH DOCUMENTARY COMPLETED - 371st FG / 404th Squadron The documentary about the last year of the war in Europe was completed late in 1999 and broadcast on French television on Dec. 15th. An English translation has been produced, and Jacques Besson, the creator, is attempting to raise interest in this country to have it broadcast to the American people. I have a copy and the effort put into this production is excellent. This is a true P-47 story, with all archival film footage. It shows not only the story of the 404th Squadron’s last months of the conflict in Europe, but of the true horror of war. If you know of a way to help Jacques raise interest here in America, please contact me via e-mail.

Posted By: Harry Strahlendorf, Jr. (P47harry@worldnet.att.net) on 07/30/2000 7:31:33 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1047)
I’am working on a study about the air war over the south east of France in 1943/1944. I’m very interested in the misisions flown by P-47 groups over this area in spring and summer of 1944. I’m interested in contacting véterans who flew missions over this region ( 27th FG, 57th FG, 79th FG, 86th FG and 324th FG) or person interested in the same topic. I have some informations about and the crash sites in south of France. If there is any particular information I can provide please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your Help

Posted By: Julien (ggjulien@club-internet.fr) on 07/29/2000 10:13:57 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1046)
Dear Sirs, I am an aeronautical local historian and I am doing an historical research about my home town and some others in neighborought. I am looking for informations and put in contact with members of 79th Fighter Group, 12nd Air Force. That Group of P-47D Thunderbol made many dive bomber missions against bridges of my home town. The target from AFHRA documents reported the names of Osoppo and Tarcento in Northern Italy near Udine during Febraury, March and April 1945. If anyone have some infos please send me an e-mail. Thank you Michele D’Aronco

Posted By: Michele D’Aronco (daronco.michele@spes.uniud.it) on 07/28/2000 7:11:43 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1045)
As most of you will notice, parts of this page have become unreadable by actions of a hacker. However, if you copy the contents of this page and paste it into a Word document, you can read it again!

Posted By: frederik paauwe (fcpaauwe@hotmail.com) on 07/28/2000 5:11:10 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1044)
My Dad, Earl ’Bud’ Krueger, crewed P47s with the 91st Fighter Sq. in North Africa and later in China. Dad is 85 now and I know that he would love to get back in contact with any squadron mates who may be out there. If you served in the 91st, or know someone who did, please e-mail me. Thanks.

Posted By: Bill Krueger (thekruge@aol.com) on 07/27/2000 10:11:29 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1043)
Walter Schroder was great in helping me find eyewitnesses to my capture in Germany after bailing out over a small town. I recommend him without reservation. It is also very interesting.

Posted By: Burt Newmark (wzkbar@att.net) on 07/27/2000 8:45:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1042)
My father, Carmen Cangelosi, was with the 50th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force, 313th Fighter Squadron. He was very proud of his service during the war and would have appreciated this web site. Thanks for keeping these wonderful memories alive.

Posted By: Tom Cangelosi (Tom_Cangelosi@rohmhaas.com) on 07/25/2000 7:47:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1041)
Well done job ; congratulations for this great website !!! I am a yong historian from Germany, who is working on a documentation (book) about the WW2 air raids and a/c losses for my district. I got to this page by ’Bob’ Williams. I would like to know, if any one could help me on with photos of the following a/c, pilots or if anybody remebers this missions : 10th March 1945, 36th FG, 53rd FSqdn 1st Lt. V.E. Bathurst crashed with 43-2960 after attacking a M/T near Dillenburg (Coordination G4132) 14th March 1945, 404th FG , 507th FSqdn 1st Lt Billy Lee BROWN & 2nd Lt Ben SIMON collieded in mid air during strafing the Siegen/Lippe airfield. Both were killed.

Posted By: Claudio Becker (claudiomichael.becker@arcormail.de) on 07/25/2000 3:22:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1040)
I have been assisting families of WW-II crashes over Germany get a line on the fate of their relatives, by seeking out eye witnesses, etc. To date several families have gone to Germany to visit the crash - burial sites and speak to witnesses we have been able to sniff out. Want help? E-Mail: WKSCHRODER@aol.com

Posted By: Walter K. Schroder (WKSCHRODER@aol.com) on 07/21/2000 9:27:04 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1039)
I am searching for any information anyone knows about Lt. Joseph Patton Jr.,KIA in a P-47, on July 15, 1944, in the CBI Theater of the war. He was with the 90th Fighter Squadron, 80th Fighter Group, and, I think, 10th AAF. I would appreciate anything! Thank you! Renee’ Brown

Posted By: Renee’ King-Brown (Boogedy-Boo@webtv.net) on 07/21/2000 3:17:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1038)
Seeking information on C. (Cusby ?) W. Uth, 33534750 of 492 Squadron, 48th Fighter Group, at Ibsley, March- June, 1944. Became friends with the Wyatt family, and wrote to them from France, Aug. ’44. Any information on this serviceman please let us know so that we pass it on to the Wyatt family.

Posted By: R.A.F. Ibsley Historical Group (Vsmithrafihg@btinternet.com) on 07/19/2000 2:02:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1037)
Follow up to my dads flying at Aloe Field. His name and rank was First Lt. Donald Reichle from Port Arthur, TX.

Posted By: RANDY REICHLE (Reic@aol.com) on 07/18/2000 10:40:05 PM EST

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