P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1111)
Member 346th FS, 350th FG flying jugs out of Pisa, Italy. 1944-45

Posted By: Henry E.Tatum (p47jug350@aol.com) on 11/26/2000 3:32:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1110)
On November 11, 2000 the wreckage of a P-47 Thunderbolt was dug out near BERNBRUNN, a little village in South Germany. Bernbrunn is situated between HEIDELBERG and HEILBRONN, east of the NECKAR River. The inhabitants insits on the opinion that the pilot never was recovered and that the pilot is still in his plane. I don’’t share this opinion. As I know it, each american soldier KIA was recovered and buried. The P-47 crashed on April 2, 1945 at noon time or early afternoon. The results of the recovery were: a few human bones, a lighter (initials: GAB but not engraved),smallest parts of a uniform and parts of the headgear with parts of the right headphone and a automatic colt.45. I researched the american losses of the XII TAC on April 2,1945 as well as the losses of April 1, 1945. The only losses at the XII TAC on APRIL 2,1945, had been with the 27th FIGHTER BOMBER GROUP. You can read in the Daily Mission Report for April 2, 1945: .... AO 69 8 a/c off at 1200 on ground controlled strafing mission. In area between R-8367 and R-9786, formation received intense, light flak causing loss of 3 planes. Other 5 planes landed 1400. Flak: Intense, Light, Accurate from R-8367, R-9068 and R-9786. The distance from R-9786 (flak hit) to the place of the crash is only a few kilometers. The following pilots who didn’’t return to their base Toul/Ochey in France, had been: 1. 2nd Ltn. Arnold I. Sellars (O-720937) 2. 1st Ltn. William J. Hay (O-821621),3. Robert P. Jones (O-825446). All three were then reported MIA. A Research Group (MACR’’s and Data Casualty) told me via E-Mail, that Ltn. Hay was POW and survived the war. Ltn. Sellars is not in the Database, so he also might have survived the war. But 1st Ltn ROBERT P.JONES was declared KIA and buried (information from the Research Group). The red coloured spinner of the a/c indicates, that these 3 officers may have belonged to the 522nd Fighter Bomber Squadron/27th Fighter Bomber Group. Can anyone confirm the recovery and burial of Ltn. Jones and tell me the place where he is buried. It my be of interest to you, that after the revovery work of the few relics a Divine Service was celebrated and a LORDS PRAYER was spoken. A former German Fighter Pilot (FW-190) who served in Italy - but not involved in this loss- laid down some red and yellow roses. He held a short speech to honour this unknown american soldier and former enemy as a man, ho had to do his duty for his country as well as he and his comrades of the German Air Force had to do their duty. I feel very obliged to anyone,who can anything tell about this mission especially the fate of 1st Ltn Robert P.Jones. It would be great, if pictures of these 3 pilots and their planes could be made available to me. Please E-Mail or write me. Günter Beck, Kirschenrain 4, 71717 Beilstein, Germany E-Mail: geebeck@onlinehome.de

Posted By: Günter Beck (geebeck@onlinehome.de) on 11/26/2000 6:02:33 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1109)
I enjoyed this website very much .It’’s amust for any WWII history buff. I;ll be sure to visit it again soon.

Posted By: david baggett () on 11/26/2000 4:55:41 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1108)
thanks to all of you who gave so much to the war effort and flew this wonderful bird into history.

Posted By: tom pettit (irvingobservatory@yahoo.com) on 11/24/2000 5:30:17 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1107)
Enjoyed the site very much. Am seeking info on Maj Sam Hitchcock. He was the CO 366th FS 358th 9th AF from about Sept 44 through June 45. His callsign was Bookworm Leader. He was a very close friend and passed away about 6 years ago. He was one of a few pilots to get airborne at Pearl Harbor and flew at Guadacanal before going to europe. Would like to track down a copy of the photo of him that appears in the 358th Group history book. Thank you...Jack Cook

Posted By: Jack Cook (Ordy1Jack@msn.com) on 11/19/2000 6:25:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1106)
350TH FIGHTER GROUP - I am search for information regarding the operations of the 350th Fighter Group based at Pisa, Italy during 1944/45. I am writing a book about a P-47 pilot of the 347th Squadron, Richard W. Dambrun, my uncle. If anyone has information or could send me in the right direction I would be appreciative! Thank you very much.

Posted By: Richard Kiefer (kiefer@csd.net) on 11/15/2000 10:18:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1105)
Scott Mooneyham was requesting info on Col Curry of the 36th FG. The e-mail address appears to be in error. Any thoughts?

Posted By: Charles Queen (charlesqueen@msn.com) on 11/15/2000 9:00:39 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1104)
O.K. I now have your correct address. Any guys out there from the 78th FG. Write to me. I flew with the 84th in Lady Eve WZ K(bar) Call sign Shampoo 54. On Feb 21 I blew up two locomotives before their flak battery got me. Wound up in Stalag IIIA. Love to hear from you.

Posted By: Burt Newmark (wzkbar@att.net) on 11/14/2000 1:32:10 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1103)
Hello again. I caanot access the guestbook. Do I have a bad address?

Posted By: Burt Newmark (wzkbar@att.net) on 11/14/2000 1:24:22 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1102)
DO YOU HAVE ANY PHOTOS OF THE JUG? I am an English author writing a book on the 9th AF in WW2 and NEED ANY photos of the P-47 from this period and Groups in question. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH to discuss- it would be heartily appreciated!

Posted By: Nathan Kosky (nathan_kosky@hotmail.com) on 11/09/2000 3:36:43 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1101)
I flew the JUG with the 37lst FG, 404 Squadron, 9th Air Force, ETO-----Keep ’’um flying!!!

Posted By: William R. Myles (Willie) (myles1987@yahoo.com) on 11/04/2000 2:00:04 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1100)
Hello to everybody I have retrieve the crash site of an US fighter in the Ardennes near Houffalize, this A/C went down during the battle of the Bulge but unfortunately the most of the parts are too small for a good identification, local people don’t remember the exact date and the model, but it was probably a P-47, on one of the parts I have retrieve a number GB38245F it’s a Gloss Black (two sides) part of aluminum with a fast lock system with a spring, the number is very close from this closing. Someone can help me for identified the model of airplane with this number?

Posted By: Phil (philippe.dufrasne@skynet.be) on 10/21/2000 1:48:38 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1099)
Great site. My father-in-law, Marvin Eshleman, was a P-47 pilot in class 44-G at Spence Field, Moultrie, Georgia in 1944. I’’m sure my father-in-law would be interested in talking to someone who was in his class at Spence Field or someone who was there around the same time. If you’’d like to get in touch with him, just e-mail me back. P.S. I’’d also be interested in hearing any stories you may have from those days. ____________________________________ Andy Hunn-Senior Computer Specialist UF-College of Medicine-Computer Sciences

Posted By: Andy (andy@andysland.com) on 10/19/2000 12:53:51 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1098)
The changes in the site are going to be exciting! Make sure to visit often and tell your friends!

Posted By: Jacki McPhee () on 10/18/2000 2:06:45 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1097)
Greetings P47 Pilots! <P> Thanks for your patience while we began upgrades on the website. The guestbook is once again functional, and I look forward to seeing activity pick up again. Also, make sure to visit back often - we have plenty of new features planned in the near future. Thank you for making the P47 Pilots site so successful!

Posted By: William Frederico (p47webmaster@estek.net) on 10/17/2000 5:21:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1096)
I was with HdQt&BaseScSq,440thAirscgp,9thAAF. First base at Bournemouth,Eng,late Dec.’43,landed on Nornandy 6/11/44.I was a sheetmetal repairman. Repaired a great number of the P47’s.Admired the pilots, as well as a GREAT fighter. Was in a 5 man Mobile Repair unit that sometimes went to where our plane landed,because it was unable to return to base. Was at St.Dezier Fr. during Battle of the Bulge, then Leige,Belg. Transfered to Infantry April’45.I’ll never forget the P-47! To all the pilots, I Salute you!!!!!!!!

Posted By: Carl May (ww2vfw@intellex.com) on 10/01/2000 10:30:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1095)
Great web site and resource! It brought back many memories. Thanks for the tour. Come visit us at the Kitchen table Gang where we are trying to help hospitalized veterans.

Posted By: Charles Taliaferro (charles@taliaferro.net) on 09/26/2000 1:13:46 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1094)
Great site for Thunderbolt fans-long live the P-47!

Posted By: Geoff Bridge (geoff.bridge@paradise.net.nz) on 09/26/2000 3:50:45 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1093)
The site is excellent. My best wishes to you and continued success. Please also pass on my good wishes to all the veterans who have visited your site.

Posted By: Simon (simon@lerenfort.fsnet.co.uk) on 09/25/2000 7:49:23 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1092)
Greetings to Glenn Kantorski and his father. I was a pilot in the 365th sqdn., 358th Gp. If my failing memory is correct his radio call sign would havebeen ’BOOKWORM.’

Posted By: Leslie Boze (Gatepost74@gateway.net) on 09/21/2000 11:22:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1091)
Greetings to Glenn Kantorski and his father. I was a pilot in the 365th Sqdn., 358th Group. If my failing memory is correct his radio call sign would have been ’BOOKWORM.’

Posted By: Leslie Boze (Gatepost74@gateway.net) on 09/21/2000 11:16:58 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1090)
Greetings to Glenn Kantorski and his father. I was a pilot in the 365th Sqdn., 358th Group. If my failing memory is correct his radio call sign would have been ’BOOKWORM.’

Posted By: Leslie Boze (Gatepost74@gateway.net) on 09/21/2000 11:13:58 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1089)
Great site! I am building a site about the 365th F. G. that might interest you. Keep up the good work.

Posted By: Robert H. Wood (wwwoody@hellhawk.com) on 09/21/2000 5:55:34 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1088)
Have had the pleasure of corresponding with Walker (Bud) Mahurin who flew P-47’s in the 56th FG (63 FS). He has assisted me in the ultimate research into the death of my uncle, who was a Luftwaffe pilot. Mahurin shot down 3 German aircraft that day, as did Vance Ludwig.

Posted By: Michael Opitz (mopitz_rechts_med@yahoo.com) on 09/20/2000 7:23:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1087)
My father, LT EDWARD KANTORSKI flew P47’s with the 358th FG, 366 Fighter Squadron. He was part of D-DAy and we love to hear the stories. He would love to hear from fellow P47 pilots. I am trying to get him to join the Association.

Posted By: Glenn Kantorski (glennk@gis.net) on 09/19/2000 7:54:02 PM EST

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