P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1161)
This is a great tribute and I am pleased to see, and have a chance to read about our heros. Thank You

Posted By: Eileen Sampson (eileen0146@earthlink.net) on 01/21/2001 7:24:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1160)
My father Jack Graham flew the P47 in N. Africa and Italy during WWII. He was in the Skeeter squadron. He has died and I am seeking any information on his wartime experience. Any help or info appreciated.

Posted By: Jack graham (jmgraham@flash.net) on 01/21/2001 7:14:04 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1159)
Hello. This is Arnol Sellars, a P-47 pilot from the 27th FG, 522nd Sqdn. I was suprised about the report in Nov, 2000, that mentioned me getting shot down over Germany. This has caused me to get connected with a lot of people who were interested in that mission, Including Guenter Beck, a German war historian, and some of my old squadron mates. What a wonderful thing the internet is ! Arnol Sellars

Posted By: Arnol I. Sellars (sellars5@ix.netcom.com) on 01/21/2001 6:45:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1158)
The 50th Fighter Group History, from World War II thru Five Decades, is on the web. To visit, simply click on the name below! Featuring stories and photos of the 10th, 81st and 313th Fighter Squadron during WW-II; plus the Wing up to 1991.

Posted By: 50th Fighter Group (50thFighterGroup@p-47.com) on 01/21/2001 6:49:30 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1157)
On a recent visit to Evansville Ind. I learned that several old pilots there had tried to get a P-47 as they were made there during WWII in what is now the Whirlpool factory next to the Airport.. I understood they had no luck. If anyone knows how they could get one please advise. Is there a generous soul out there to get them one.?? I see where there are only 6 flying. I would think they would love even a restoration project. Many thanks to all of you who flew, and provided the sacrifice for freedom. Scott

Posted By: Scott Menke (menkesd@fwi.com) on 01/20/2001 9:52:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1156)
My immediate interest in the P47 stems from the fact that one of my Meals on Wheels clients was a WW2 P47 pilot with two DFC one Air Force Cross and the Purple Heart. He flew with the 79 Fighter group and was with either 85 86 or 87 squadron. Are there any books or pictures of this aircraft available for the 79 group? This gentlemen relates to me some of his wartime experiences flying the P47 during groud support operations.Being ex RAF myself though not a fly boy I really enjoy his wartime stories and wish I could record them. He is 86 years young and is not in good health and I am scared that my association with him will not last to much longer. I know that I will miss him terrible. He continued with the Air Force for some time after the war since he did fly the F86. He was a Major when he was demobilised.

Posted By: Ken Osborne (Kenosb1128@aol.com) on 01/18/2001 8:07:09 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1155)
Please report any problems with the guest book or site to webmaster@p47pilots.com. Thanks!

Posted By: Jacki McPhee (webmaster@p47pilots.com) on 01/17/2001 2:27:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1154)
i would love to hear from anyone who knew my father, Harry H Stanford, who was with the 57th in thei African campaign. He died in a crash in 1948. I have only a few articles and card reading Tripoli Twerps . Thanks for any help.

Posted By: diane (dinney@charter-ne.com) on 01/15/2001 10:44:50 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1153)
I so well remember seeing the P-47s from Bradley Field flying over my town during WWII. I was very involved in a memorial service which we conducted in 1995 at small memorial in the Farmington, CT Memorial Forest which honors the memory of 2dLt. Vincent Core. Lt. Core crashed at this site on April 11, 1945 and was killed. As a result, I had the good fortune to meet Lt. Core's sister, Claudia Civitella, who was in attendance at our invitation. We have become very close friends since then. I greatly admire all of you who flew that beautiful airplane in defense of our country.

Posted By: John Denehy (jacarol@webtv.net) on 01/14/2001 10:19:10 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1152)
I'm trying to locate someone who flew with (and possibly knew) Claude R. O'Brien (deceased) who was a First Lt. in the Army Airforce during WWII, with the 404 fighter bomber squadron station in England in 1944. Hope you can help. Thanks Stephen and Claudia Floethe (941) 433-3994

Posted By: Stephen Floethe (sfloethe@aol.com) on 01/14/2001 1:24:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1151)
Great site, have tried the flight simulators, now I'm ready for the real thing.I know someone that was in the 350th,347th squad please write if I can be of any help

Posted By: Dale R. Johnson (DalesGuitars@aol.com) on 01/12/2001 9:43:21 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1150)

Posted By: Dale R. Johnson () on 01/12/2001 9:39:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1149)

Posted By: Dale R. Johnson () on 01/12/2001 9:31:47 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1148)
looking for info on p47-has lightning bolt on fin and rudder and nose art has devel riding lightning bolt. home phone 419-334-2434. i am building scale giant remote control of same aircraft.

Posted By: Cal Kanan () on 01/10/2001 7:34:38 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1147)
Hi. Have been trying to get a hold of someone about the upcoming reunion in May. I have called the hotel in San Diego, but they have no info, have E-Mailed this site but no reply, does anyone have more info?? Thanx. Bruce

Posted By: Bruce Lowell (brulow@hotmail.com) on 01/10/2001 7:28:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1146)
Great web site!

Posted By: Charles Taliaferro (charles@taliaferro.net) on 01/09/2001 10:39:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1145)
I am researching the P47 for our town soccer club as Scarsdale raised monies to purchase 100 Thunderbolts during WWII. I am hoping to find a good line drawing of a P47 to use as part of our Memorial Day Tournament.

Posted By: mark (scarsdalesabres@aol.com) on 01/07/2001 3:17:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1144)
Private Pilot and long time P-47 fan. P-47D Razorback ex Transport Mueseum in Auckland has at last been shipped to Australia for restoration to flying condition so hope to see on flying in the not too distant future.Ex Pacific Isles. No. 42-8066

Posted By: Geoff Bridge (geoff.bridge@paradise.net.nz) on 01/04/2001 2:16:18 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1143)
as a private pilot , only 2 yrs flying, i envey and admire those who had the chance to fly such great aircraft, i would like to hear from any former pilot of such great aircraft as the jug

Posted By: paul gaspari (pgaspari@huttonbielmann.com) on 01/02/2001 12:49:37 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1142)
Where is the download to this thing I can't find it

Posted By: Trunks (About winzip.) on 01/01/2001 7:51:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1141)
intrested in History of WW2 pilots and recient photos

Posted By: kreg freeman () on 12/31/2000 6:35:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1140)
I am back once more trying to connect with anyone from the 84th Fighter Sqdn of the 78th F.G. I was there Aug 44 till Feb 21 when I was shot down by ground fire and wound up in Stalag IIIA. I would love to hear from you!

Posted By: Burt Newmark (wzkbar@att.net) on 12/29/2000 8:14:14 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1139)
W.W. 2 CBI

Posted By: Marte Cook` (marte2000@yahoo.com) on 12/28/2000 9:11:56 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1138)
Bill Benedict enlisted in the RCAF 1941 received wings Yorkton, Saskatchewan Canada July 1941. RAF 55 OTU - 154 Sqn - 127 Sqn. (desert Hurricanes) Transferred to USAAF December 1942 (wise move 3X RAF pay!!) Became CO 66th Ftr Sqn 57th Ftr Grp 9th AF Durragh, West Libya flying P-40's then P-47's in Italy. I'd like to hear from anyone who remembers Bill Benedict.

Posted By: Wally P. Fydenchuk (wpf13@hotmail.com) on 12/27/2000 11:36:18 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1137)
I am an avid student of the air war in WWII, and a member of the National Warplane Museum in Elmira,NY. I truly believe that the Thunderbolt's combination of firepower, ruggedness, and sheer power made it unarguably THE best fighter and fighter/bomber of the War! We were fortunate enough to have a P-47 at our museum's Wings of Eagles Airshow this year, and there is just an awesome quality to the plane. It was parked on the tarmac next to three P-51's and a P-40, but the Jug just seemed to overwhelm the other fighters(in my mind, at least). Not only that, but there is absolutely no substitute for the mighty roar of that incredible Pratt & Whitney R-2800 engine. SWEET MUSIC!!

Posted By: Brian T. Mallory (BMALLORY@TWCNY.RR.COM) on 12/27/2000 11:13:41 AM EST

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