P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1175)
I flew the P-47 in WWII width the 413th sqdn, 414th Grp.

Posted By: Robert Daly (tsaroo@earthlink.net) on 02/07/2001 2:03:17 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1174)
I have a picture that my grandfather brought back from the war of a p-47. He was Oren Clifton Brown, a radio operator on a b-24 in Europe. It is a really nice picture and the name Princess Pat is painted on the side with a cartoon character princess. Email me if anyone knows anything about this plane or would like a copy. I would like to know any information I could on this picture. Thanks, Philip

Posted By: Philip Davenport (pdavenport@mtemc.com) on 02/05/2001 5:28:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1173)
I am trying to find out which squadron in the 368th group was known as the 'Jabo Angels'. My uncle, William Shepard, was a pilot in this squadron during 1945.

Posted By: Chad Piper (cpiper@nycap.rr.com) on 02/03/2001 3:49:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1172)

Posted By: Robert Henderson (raf@ris.net) on 02/01/2001 10:18:19 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1171)
Hi, I would like to get in contact with pilot graduates from Class 44A, Craig Field, Alabama, January 7, 1944. In particular interested in 44A Yearbook and pilot training!

Posted By: frederik (fcpaauwe@hotmail.com) on 01/31/2001 7:18:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1170)
I am tired..... WOW nice font!!!!!! look this o is weird lookind any way I signed in because you said PLESAE that is all.

Posted By: Pasha (somthing@somthing.com) on 01/30/2001 6:04:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1169)

Posted By: gajendra budhathoki (gajendrabuudhathoki@hotmail.com) on 01/30/2001 1:26:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1168)

Posted By: gajendra budhathoki (gajendrabuudhathoki@hotmail.com) on 01/30/2001 1:20:12 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1167)
I grew up in Bridgeton, New Jersey. There was an Army Air Base at Millville about nine miles from Bridgeton. I was a teenager at the time. Are there any of you Jug pilots who flew from Millville during the war?

Posted By: Wilfred Husted (wmhusted@wtp.net) on 01/28/2001 2:58:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1166)
Hi, my name is Brian Anthony and I am a senior at West Point currently researching my history thesis on the effectiveness of tactical air support during WWII in the ETO. I am looking for any opinions, stories, records, or even other people that would be willing to share these things with me. Since P-47's played such an important role this seemed the best place to start. I can be reached at x12374@exmail.usma.army.mil or 845-515-2882. Thank you!

Posted By: Brian Anthony (x12374@exmail.usma.army.mil) on 01/27/2001 12:29:24 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1165)
Can any one help with information or stories about the headquarters of eighth army airforce fighter command at BUSHEY HALL, England WW2.I live on the former base and am researching its history.Please Help.Thanks

Posted By: janet mclennan (janet_mc_uk@yahoo.com) on 01/27/2001 12:20:06 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1164)
I'm 63 years old and renewing my interest in model building of WW II combat aircraft. Nice to find you all. thanks. Doc

Posted By: Alfred William McNicoll (amcnicoll@woh.rr.com) on 01/26/2001 1:09:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1163)
Thanks for the site. I'm only 30 years old, but I've always loved the history of WW2. I especially like the War Birds P-47's & P-51's, since the age of 5. I have been to Oshgosh, WI many times with my father; I never left the war bird section. I have fond memories of the old birds, two in particular, the P-47 Big Chief & the P-47 Little Demon. I loved them both. I would give anything to fly in one of the P-47's. It would be a dream come true for me. I've read many books about Robert(Bob)Johnson and the U.S. 56th Fighter Group. It would have been a very different experience for me to have been there when you were living through it. Thank you

Posted By: Jared Farmer (jbirdakafarmer@yahoo.com) on 01/22/2001 7:56:59 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1162)
Thanks for the site i'm only 30 years old but i've loved the history of WW2. Exspeshally the war birds p-47s&p-51s sence the age of 5. Been to oshgosh WIS many times with my father i never left the war bird sexion.I have fond memoriys of the old birds two inperticular the p-47 big cheif & the p-47 little demon loved them both. I would give anything to fly in one of the p-47s it would be a dream come true for me.I've read many books abought Robert(bob)Johnson and the U.S. 56th Fighter Group.It would have been a very differnt exsperiance for me to have been there when all of you were lived throught it. thank you

Posted By: Jared Farmer (jbirdakafarmer@yahoo.com) on 01/22/2001 7:41:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1161)
This is a great tribute and I am pleased to see, and have a chance to read about our heros. Thank You

Posted By: Eileen Sampson (eileen0146@earthlink.net) on 01/21/2001 7:24:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1160)
My father Jack Graham flew the P47 in N. Africa and Italy during WWII. He was in the Skeeter squadron. He has died and I am seeking any information on his wartime experience. Any help or info appreciated.

Posted By: Jack graham (jmgraham@flash.net) on 01/21/2001 7:14:04 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1159)
Hello. This is Arnol Sellars, a P-47 pilot from the 27th FG, 522nd Sqdn. I was suprised about the report in Nov, 2000, that mentioned me getting shot down over Germany. This has caused me to get connected with a lot of people who were interested in that mission, Including Guenter Beck, a German war historian, and some of my old squadron mates. What a wonderful thing the internet is ! Arnol Sellars

Posted By: Arnol I. Sellars (sellars5@ix.netcom.com) on 01/21/2001 6:45:23 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1158)
The 50th Fighter Group History, from World War II thru Five Decades, is on the web. To visit, simply click on the name below! Featuring stories and photos of the 10th, 81st and 313th Fighter Squadron during WW-II; plus the Wing up to 1991.

Posted By: 50th Fighter Group (50thFighterGroup@p-47.com) on 01/21/2001 6:49:30 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1157)
On a recent visit to Evansville Ind. I learned that several old pilots there had tried to get a P-47 as they were made there during WWII in what is now the Whirlpool factory next to the Airport.. I understood they had no luck. If anyone knows how they could get one please advise. Is there a generous soul out there to get them one.?? I see where there are only 6 flying. I would think they would love even a restoration project. Many thanks to all of you who flew, and provided the sacrifice for freedom. Scott

Posted By: Scott Menke (menkesd@fwi.com) on 01/20/2001 9:52:37 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1156)
My immediate interest in the P47 stems from the fact that one of my Meals on Wheels clients was a WW2 P47 pilot with two DFC one Air Force Cross and the Purple Heart. He flew with the 79 Fighter group and was with either 85 86 or 87 squadron. Are there any books or pictures of this aircraft available for the 79 group? This gentlemen relates to me some of his wartime experiences flying the P47 during groud support operations.Being ex RAF myself though not a fly boy I really enjoy his wartime stories and wish I could record them. He is 86 years young and is not in good health and I am scared that my association with him will not last to much longer. I know that I will miss him terrible. He continued with the Air Force for some time after the war since he did fly the F86. He was a Major when he was demobilised.

Posted By: Ken Osborne (Kenosb1128@aol.com) on 01/18/2001 8:07:09 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1155)
Please report any problems with the guest book or site to webmaster@p47pilots.com. Thanks!

Posted By: Jacki McPhee (webmaster@p47pilots.com) on 01/17/2001 2:27:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1154)
i would love to hear from anyone who knew my father, Harry H Stanford, who was with the 57th in thei African campaign. He died in a crash in 1948. I have only a few articles and card reading Tripoli Twerps . Thanks for any help.

Posted By: diane (dinney@charter-ne.com) on 01/15/2001 10:44:50 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1153)
I so well remember seeing the P-47s from Bradley Field flying over my town during WWII. I was very involved in a memorial service which we conducted in 1995 at small memorial in the Farmington, CT Memorial Forest which honors the memory of 2dLt. Vincent Core. Lt. Core crashed at this site on April 11, 1945 and was killed. As a result, I had the good fortune to meet Lt. Core's sister, Claudia Civitella, who was in attendance at our invitation. We have become very close friends since then. I greatly admire all of you who flew that beautiful airplane in defense of our country.

Posted By: John Denehy (jacarol@webtv.net) on 01/14/2001 10:19:10 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1152)
I'm trying to locate someone who flew with (and possibly knew) Claude R. O'Brien (deceased) who was a First Lt. in the Army Airforce during WWII, with the 404 fighter bomber squadron station in England in 1944. Hope you can help. Thanks Stephen and Claudia Floethe (941) 433-3994

Posted By: Stephen Floethe (sfloethe@aol.com) on 01/14/2001 1:24:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1151)
Great site, have tried the flight simulators, now I'm ready for the real thing.I know someone that was in the 350th,347th squad please write if I can be of any help

Posted By: Dale R. Johnson (DalesGuitars@aol.com) on 01/12/2001 9:43:21 PM EST

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