P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1275)
The home page of this site says that as of the fall of 1996 there are 6 Jugs still in flyable condition. Can or will anyone tell me how many there are today? More important, where are they located? I ask because I have a wish, that may seem rather foolish, or even childish to some, and that is some day to be able to sit down in the cockpit of a flyable P47 and have a knowledgable person point out all of the controls to me. Nothing else. No touching anything. 15 - 20 minutes I would be satisfied. Why do I want to do this? My Dad, who passed away in December 2000, flew the Jug. He never wanted to talk about it that much, but I feel that just to be someplace he was, in his workspace so to speak, when he was leaving his youth behind, would help me understand the man he became. In addition, I believe it would make my sense of gratitude to him and all other fighter pilots more profound. Being a fighter pilot was a damn hard thing to do, just on a technical level, and to do it under combat conditions is just incredible. I dont know how he did it, but I am damn glad he and they did. They assured my freedom, many with their lives. God bless em all!

Posted By: Craig Knowles (ctknowles@mediaone.net) on 05/31/2001 5:28:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1274)

Posted By: Craig Knowles (ctknowles@mediaone.net) on 05/31/2001 5:18:45 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1273)

Posted By: Craig Knowles (ctknowles@mediaone.net) on 05/31/2001 5:14:34 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1272)
Just wanted to send a big THANK YOU out to the pilots and all war veterans. Thank you for fighting for our freedom!'

Posted By: Willy Warton () on 05/31/2001 5:13:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1271)
Just wanted to send a big THANK YOU out to the pilots and all war veterans. Thank you for fighting for our freedom!

Posted By: Willy Warton () on 05/31/2001 5:12:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1270)
Nice site! I was wondering if anyone could link me to some info with which to help me locate war records of my grandfather, Lieutenant William Czygan. All that I know is that he was a P-47 pilot who flew in both the North African and Italian Campaigns and he had one and a half enemy kills to his credit. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Posted By: Matt Czygan (Nausicaa67@hotmail.com) on 05/30/2001 3:29:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1269)
Last week we buried our uncle, and your fellow P-47 pilot, Robert L. Daly. Uncle Bob served in the United States Army Air Corp. as a fighter pilot in WW II, attaining the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Robert received the Air Medal, Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart. Uncle Bob rarely spoke of his war experiences, although on one occasion, some fifty years afterwards, he told of being shot down over France and his relationship with the French family that helped him to the Swiss boarder. After the burial, we found a picture of another pilot, with the note, 313th Fighter Squadron, 50th Fighter Group. I presume this was his unit as well. Should any of you have knowledge of this fighter group and/or Robert L. Daly from Brooklyn NY, please drop me a line. Best wishes to all.

Posted By: Thomas Daly (tdaly@olyfast.com) on 05/29/2001 3:22:47 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1268)
My Grandfather Albert Wade flew the p-47. I would like to find info on the unit he flew with. I know the emblem on his plane had Wiley Coyote holding a broom and a bomb. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Posted By: M.W. (mswade_2001@msn.com) on 05/28/2001 11:20:31 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1267)
Thank you to all the Veterans of WWII especially the P-47 pilots and crew of the 36th Fighter Group. Thinking of you all today. Steve Kirkup - Proud son of Lt. Col. Joseph K. Kirkup, 36th Fighter Group

Posted By: Stephen C. Kirkup (skirkup@snet.net) on 05/28/2001 9:40:01 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1266)
I am a veteran of WWII, serving in the Pacific Theater in the 509th Composite Bomb Group, which dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. I remember the p-47's well, and especially after they received the Rolls Royce engines

Posted By: Dr. C. Douglas Caffey (jonn316@earthlink.net) on 05/28/2001 12:55:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1265)
My Uncle was James E. Hogan from Milwaukee Wisconsin. Uncle Jim died in 1996. He flew the P-47 in france--I don't know the dates but I believe he was flying cover for the D-day invasion. anyone with more information or stories please reply, thank you Ray Trost

Posted By: Ray Trost (rtrost@ticon.net) on 05/28/2001 12:49:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1264)

Posted By: pA () on 05/28/2001 1:19:12 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1263)

Posted By: pA () on 05/28/2001 1:19:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1262)
My Grandfather Herbert P. Wysard was Final Inspector on the P-47 Grandpa Died in 1988 I would like to know if anybody remembers Him. Twysard @hotmail.com

Posted By: Tom Wysard (Twysard@hotmail.com) on 05/26/2001 8:37:55 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1261)
Yesterday we buried our uncle, and your fellow P-47 pilot, Rober L. Daly. Uncle Bob rarely spoke of his war experiences, although on one occasion, some fifty years afterwards, he told of being shot down over France and his relationship with the French family that helped him to the Swiss boarder. After the burial, I found a picture of another pilot, with the note, 313th Fighter Squadron, 50th Fighter Group. I presume this was his unit as well. Should any of you have knowledge of this fighter group and/or Robert L. Daly from Brooklyn NY, please drop me a line. Best wishes to all for a peaceful Memorial Day.

Posted By: Stewart Snoddy (cssnoddy@msn.com) on 05/26/2001 9:55:09 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1260)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hats off to all the WWII vets and especially a moment of rememberance for those that gave their lives on this Memorial Day weekend. Thank you all -- from the son of a WWII CBI Theater veteran.

Posted By: Bob Spear (rspear@rci.rutgers.edu) on 05/25/2001 10:40:14 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1259)
Just found this site while researching info on one of my grandmothers cousins Harold C. Nussman who flew a P-47 in WWII. I enjoyed reading information on the type of A/C he flew.

Posted By: Kristen Griffin (checkerschik@yahoo.com) on 05/25/2001 6:58:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1258)
Back in the war,the OSS was a big part of the war. and I was glad to be a part of it. Colonel Parker had us running missions as close to Berlin as we could get.I recall running a mission in desquise as a German manufacturer of P-47's;the rest is classified.

Posted By: James patterson () on 05/23/2001 9:01:48 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1257)

Posted By: James patterson () on 05/23/2001 8:51:23 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1256)
I was serving in a radar ooutfit working with the d a f in ww2. we were Mattock Control specializing in controlling overcast bombing in 1944 or 45 we came across a well intact P47 nosed over in a ditch in the town of Volturno Italy. local people said it crashed landed and the german officer that was the local commander was a prewar friend of the pilot. thought you would be interested in that information former m/sgt 180th signal radar team usaF WWORKING WITH ADVANCED DAF ITALY WW2

Posted By: Winton Wicherts () on 05/22/2001 2:47:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1255)
Very interesting website,enjoyed it alot. Am looking forward to seeing this aircraft ,P47 at the WWII show at Reading,Pa.June 8th.

Posted By: Dave Swanger (sandav@blazenet.net) on 05/22/2001 11:14:55 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1254)
We are about to finish a WWII history composed of personal memories of members of the 36th FG, 9th AF (1939-1947). If anyone is interested, please contact me...about 400 pages ( 8 1/2 X 11), with photos and documents. Charles Queen

Posted By: Charles Queen (cqueen@austin.rr.com) on 05/21/2001 12:18:03 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1253)
We are about to finish a WWII history composed of personal memories of members of the 36th FG, 9th AF (1939-1947). If anyone is interested, please contact me...about 400 pages ( 8 1/2 X 11), with photos and documents. Charles Queen

Posted By: Charles Queen (cqueen@austin.rr.com) on 05/21/2001 12:17:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1252)
I am looking for information on Blackstone Army Air Base or the 533rd Fighter Squadron, which supposedly was stationed there in 1944. I believe this was a P-47 transition unit, but I would like to have this confirmed. If there is anybody who served there during WWII , I would love to hear from them! Thanks, Frederik

Posted By: frederik paauwe (fcpaauwe@hotmail.com) on 05/20/2001 2:53:14 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1251)
I was in the 7th AF at Wheeler Field Haiwaii during 1947-1949 and they were operating the P-47 there during my tour of duty.

Posted By: John Lowrey (jlowrey@swbell.net) on 05/20/2001 12:21:41 PM EST

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