P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1336)
I have a friend who flew Thunderbolts in WW2. He was in the 36th fighter group, 22nd squadron. I could listen to him talk for hours. They did mostly fighter bomber work, and it is fascinating. What I wouldnt give to fly a P-47 just once. Alas, I guess a flight sim is as close as I will ever get. Great site. Keep up the good work.

Posted By: Ken Mayfield (kenm91@home.com) on 07/27/2001 12:01:47 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1335)

Posted By: steve tarrant (StephenMTarrant@aol.com) on 07/26/2001 6:03:21 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1334)
I have had great reponse to the 368th FG web site. The site is updated often and I invite all to visit. Lots of Thunderbolt pictures, info, and links to other great sites. Still need more 396th & 397th FS stuff!

Posted By: Kenneth Kik (webmaster@368thfightergroup.com) on 07/26/2001 4:46:59 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1333)
How many of your association have read or have copies of Bob Johnson''s book -- THUNDERBOLT! It is the best fighter pilot book of WWII written by the best fighter pilot of WWII -- all of his 27 kills German combat aircraft victories, none on the ground. The book is available from Honoribus Press, PO Box 4872 Spartanburg, SC 29305 -- $19.95 plus $4.00 P/H (priority mail) A few signed copies are avail upon request for an added extra cost.

Posted By: Ed Y.Hall (halley@wofford.edu) on 07/25/2001 2:14:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1332)
lookimg for any info on p-47''s of Mexico 201 sqn. in the philipines islands.

Posted By: R.D.Pastrana () on 07/23/2001 6:43:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1331)
Just recently had my computer overhauled & have been re-entering my www data. When I entered the P-47 Pilot''s Association web page I spent the next couple of hours reading all the guests comments. I am upset because I haven''t checked on it for quite awhile & there are several messages that I will now respond to that I might be able to help people get together. In the future I will scan your web page often so that I can respond immediately.

Posted By: Roy Alldritt (gog25@aol.com) on 07/22/2001 9:23:12 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1330)

We just started the 9th AF in the ETO - website. Have an eye on the list of the losses and the airfields. More to follow ... Best regards

L & L

Posted By: Laurent and Luc (AF9th@yahoo.co.uk) on 07/21/2001 4:07:27 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1329)
My Grandfather flew n quite a few missions, his name is Howard R Dentz, or Jack as he was called. He named his plane after my mother judy. I am so proud of him and all of those who faced many hardships, All I can say is Thank you.....

Posted By: debbie (dsven14@aol.com) on 07/19/2001 7:28:40 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1328)
I would like to correspond with anyone who may have known my father. He was a crew chief in the ETO, 9th AF, 405th FG, 509th FS, in Belgium, France and Germany. His name was SSGT F. J. Gigantelli, nick named Gig (after 1949 he had is last name translated to Littlejohn). He worked on P-47''s, one in particular piloted by Capt. Oscar E. Theis (nose art was Disney character Panchito with the words El Texano above. Crew members were, Wilson, Duncan, DiNicola, Nobles, Brodeur, Perry. Others in his unit were Hansen, Brown, Lausch, Capone, Barber, Peross, kru, Sandy, Dean, Lippy, Geary. Any info. would be appreciated, as I am attempting to document his career. He died June 22nd, 2001, age 81. My undying gratitude and respect for those who served.

Posted By: Joseph (freelinjpl@mac.com) on 07/19/2001 4:40:54 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1327)
my father lt. henry j. carbonneau flew with 8th353FG351fs from march 1944 to december 1944. Flew p-47 till October44, then p-51. One confirmed Bf109. Any info would be appreciated.

Posted By: gerald r carbonneau (gerald.r.carbonneau@lmco.com) on 07/17/2001 7:41:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1326)

Posted By: John Russell Rogers (rrogers003@AOL.com) on 07/17/2001 5:55:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1325)
Looking for JIM MOULTON Class 44F - Spence Field - 06/27/44 - Posted in guest book on 1/22/00 - EMail error - unable to get thru -

Posted By: Bruce Failing (bru2699@yahoo.com) on 07/17/2001 5:52:38 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1324)
looking for info on grandfather Richard M O,neill pilot for raf ww2 later us air fource

Posted By: Richard Martin Cliff (crichdel@fuse.net) on 07/16/2001 6:30:44 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1323)

Posted By: richard martin cliff () on 07/16/2001 6:27:54 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1322)
I am not sure how to find more info and this is all I have about my grandfather. He was T. Sargent James T. Hammett 18109779 348th bomber squad 99th bomber 16th Division. On January 28, 1944 a letter was postmarked from New York, New York A.P.O.520 co. mrst new york, new york I know he was bombing over Sicily (some railroad tracks) other info: 1030AP.AP.F bofe anit fqda9g.aafrf #3 Santa Monica, Calif in April 25th, 1944. I would love to hear from anyone that could give me any info no matter how much just something. I only knew him until I was about 5 yrs old. He did of cancer in 1974 I believe. My mom would love to know more as all of her old records have been destroyed. Thank You, GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU GREAT AND COURAGEOUS PEOPLE.

Posted By: MISTY RICKS (DaisyM45@aol.com) on 07/16/2001 1:40:15 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1321)
I am a lover of aircraft, especially WWII. I am a radio control modeler, and stumbled across your site looking for documentation on a model Jug I am building. I am 47 years old and would add thank you all for what you did for humanity during WWII, and God bless you all.

Posted By: Randy Keldsen (duke1@mail.nebi.com) on 07/16/2001 12:36:38 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1320)

Posted By: webster e. roberts jr () on 07/15/2001 11:15:47 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1319)
I want to get in contact (or get informations) about the P-47 pilots of 56th Fighter Group, which claimed a AR234 on March 1945. Any help or tip is welcome.

Posted By: Claudio Becker (claudiomichael.becker@arcormail.de) on 07/12/2001 1:19:57 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1318)
As the Anglo American contact for the Halesworth 56th FG Memorial Association over here in England,I would like to hear from any persons with interests in this famous group.We have built up a great collection of photos and artifacts etc for the museum that we have set up,but would still appreciate more.Please help if possible as this world famouse group must never be forgotten.Thank you all.

Posted By: Buzz Took (buzztook.56fguk@btinternet.com) on 07/10/2001 3:56:31 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1317)
I am trying to find anyone that that flew with, or knew my Uncle, Gen. Willard W. Millikan. He was with the 4th Fighter Group, 334th Squadron in WWII, and later went on to command the 113th TFW. Maj. Gen. Millikan passed away in 1978 of a heart attack and was the assistant to the Secretary of Defense at the time of his death.

I am trying to obtain, articles, etc., and particularly PHOTOS, so that I can put a scrapbook together for my mom. She had one at one time, but it was destroyed and I would like to try and make another one for her by Christmas this year (2001).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Posted By: Wes Archibald (nightflyer@mediaone.net) on 07/09/2001 10:20:32 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1316)
My brother, 1st Lt. Donald E. Kraman, flew a P-47D-16 Razorback, C4-I,in the 388th Fighter Squadron, 365th Fighter Group from Beaulieu Airdrome near Portsmouth, England beginning early in 1944. He flew about 85 missions -- D-Day, across France and into Germany. His last mission was on February 8, 1944, when his squadron was flying out of an airfield near Florennes, Belgium. His plane, C4-I had been flown first by 1st Lt. Philip S. Isis of Washington, DC, who was transfered to HQ and then was killed in action September 27, 1944. My brother didn''t know the name of the new pilot who inherited C4-I, and he learned later that he did not survive his first mission. I am trying to find out about this pilot and what happened to him. If you have any information or would like information about this, please contact me at . My brother, Don, is a retired school teacher living in Corcoran, CA. He is wheelchair bound now, but we got him over to Duxford, England last year for the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, where a P-47D-22 was flown, with a B-17 and a P-51, in the American part of the show

Posted By: Paul D. Kraman (pkraman@erols.com) on 07/08/2001 4:49:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1315)
I''m trying to locate Melvin Pownall who flew jugs in the AFReserve in Pennsylvania after WWII. We graduated in Class 44G and I lost contact with him. I believe he lived in Coatesville, Pa. before and after WWII.

Posted By: Al Rifino (p47guy@aol.com) on 07/06/2001 11:25:07 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1314)
I just want to thank all who have participated in this site so that we can never forget what our P47 pilots sacrificed and also having the ability to find out more information of our loved ones were were killed. My brother, Pitt Jr. was killed Nov. 28. 1944 over Germany. God Bless them all!.

Posted By: Shirley Cole-Cartman (colecar@totcon.com) on 07/06/2001 5:39:46 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1313)

Posted By: Dave Catts (Dcattsman@Aol.com) on 07/05/2001 3:56:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1312)

Posted By: PETE KOPECKY (PKOPECKYATTY@NU-Z.NET) on 07/03/2001 3:06:19 PM EST

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