P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1361)
I was delighted when someone passed on your website address.to find so many people who, having flown T-Bolts, had the same feelings about the aircraft as I had. Shortly after joining my Squadron,then flying Hurricane 2C''s, we were sent down to Yelahanka aerodrome outside of Bangalore in central India and converted onto the shining new ''birds''I can still recall the tremendous excitement of flying these modern powerful fighters. What an improvement over the doughty but tired old Hurricanes.We were the 2cd RAF Squadron to do so and were followed by many others (16 in all if my memory serves me correctly)We were sent back up to the front operating from many different airfields including several grass strips and moving down Burma as the 14th Army regained the initiative and finally drove the enemy right out of Burma. Most of our work was supplying close support to the 14th Army but on several occassions we flew as fighter escort for RAF Liberators bombing Rangoon and points south. Our longest trip on these missions was 6.5 hours which might well have been intolerable in a less comfortable cockpit.

Posted By: L. Doug Perkins (dougperkins@telus.net) on 08/23/2001 12:56:54 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1360)
Anyone wishing to pay tribute to a P-47 Pilot who gave their all for their country, may do so by submitting a 250 word or less story about their loved one who never made it home. These brave pilots cannot tell their stories, but you can. Post their stories so they can be remembered forever. All stories must be factual, include pilot''s name, rank and unit. All contributions become property of the P-47 Thunderbolt Pilots Assn. LTD and may be edited at the discretion of the organization. These stories will be posted on the newly redesigned P-47 Pilots Website, launching in the near future.

Posted By: webmaster (webmaster@p47pilots.com) on 08/22/2001 5:08:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1359)
As a WW2 Fighter Buff, I am so excited to find this site. I must say my heart goes out ot all of the familys who gave up a loved one to WW2 and just know that I will instill in my children what they offered as well as all those who fought in WW2. Our lives forever will be in debt to you. May God Bless each and every one of you! And please accept my warmest thanks.

Posted By: Joey Love (Bocasurfer1@aol.com) on 08/21/2001 12:20:46 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1358)
Looking for friend''s of my two deceased uncles. 1st.LT.Lester E. Barton, 451st Bomb Squad. 322nd Bomb Group. Sgt.Chester Barton,379th Bomb Squad. 310th Bomb Group. They were brothers,Lester a Pilot, Chester a Gunner, both killed in WWII, USAAF. If you were a friend please email me! Thanks, Judy

Posted By: Judy Holland (Johnholland@webtv.net) on 08/21/2001 2:28:17 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1357)
Help. I am the head of a volunteer team at Peterson AFB, Co.That P-47N isn't on the pole anymore. It's in the Air & Space Museum hanger. We want to bring the bird back as for as possible. Allot of damage was done putting it on the pole 30 yearsago, and the birds didn''t help much eather. We will have to do allot of metal work on the bottom . Need all the tec. info. we can get. Thanks Wayne Farrow

Posted By: AEC Wayne K. Farrow USN ( RET ) (kaway1@qwest.net) on 08/20/2001 3:16:52 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1356)
My brother was Lt. William F. Ort, (Billy), he was a Thunderbolt pilot, trained out of Luke Airfield Base in AZ. His plane was supposedly shot down over Germany in 1944, I am looking for anyone who knew of him. Please respond.

Posted By: evelyn McFeely (evebun@safeco.com) on 08/19/2001 2:58:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1355)
I am 47 years old, and sinse my childhood I was a fan of P 47, because it was operated by brazilian pilots during our participation on WW II in Italy. I am happy for this page where we can keep live the memory of this outstanding fighter.

Posted By: Marcos Cesar Fernandes (marccesar@zipmail.com.br) on 08/18/2001 2:08:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1354)
Was withthe 352nd FS,353rd FG. Spent spring of 1943 at Millville. Visited the 50th year reunion, but will not be there this year. Would like a picture of the Wall of Rembrance. Would also like to know if any more of the 352 FG ever returned to Millville Air Base. Best of luck Cliff Boche

Posted By: Cliff Boche (cboche@mn.medianone.net) on 08/17/2001 9:49:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1353)
My Grandfather COL William H McChesney flew for the 9thAF 356FG 388th squadern. I would like to know if anyone knows of him and has any info for me that may help me in making som models of his A/C so as i can give him this great gift. please any info would help.

Posted By: Todd W McChesney (tdchez@aol.com) on 08/15/2001 5:56:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1352)
Looking for heritage of 62FS, 8AF, ETO for Luke AFB (F-16) succesor squadron. 602-588-0852. Excellent Site.

Posted By: Chris Rubacha, Maj, USAF (Ret) (phyler2@aol.com) on 08/15/2001 1:51:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1351)
Greetings all! My name is Troy and i work within the Mirosoft Flight Simulation community. I am trying to locate the SN# and fuselage markings/code for the P-47 of Pilot Capt. Herbert Stachler--Lil'' Herbie. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please email me with any information. Thank you and Godspeed.

Posted By: Troy Raszka (raszka@gte.net) on 08/14/2001 1:16:41 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1350)
If anyone out there is looking for information on members of the 36th Fighter Group (22nd, 23rd, 32nd, or 53rd Fighter Squadrons) please contact me and I can try to put you in contact with a member of the group that knew that individual. Please provide any information you, can above and beyond a name. I am compiling a database of information about the group and would love to hear from relatives or friends of 36ers in search of information that I can record.

Posted By: Stephen C. Kirkup (skirkup@snet.net) on 08/12/2001 7:22:50 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1349)
JUst now after 57years I have found the P-47 Pilots assoc. I was a former member of the 371st. FG. 404th. SQ. at the end of WW11

Posted By: Rodger Barber (rbarber@oregonsbest.com) on 08/12/2001 3:38:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1348)
I am currently writing a book, fiction, concerning the P47 Jug, Razorback, series. I need some technical info concerning the cockpit canopy release and emergency release of this aircraft. Can anybody help, my P47 fighter friend has forgotten exactly where these items were located. Thanks to all and God bless.

Posted By: Jack Adragna (adragna@att.net) on 08/12/2001 12:28:29 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1347)
I would like to add the name of my grandfather, Raul Garica Mercado, who was part of Mexico''s 201st squadron who served in the Phillipines; may he rest in peace.

Posted By: Raul Garcia (rulegg@hotmail.com) on 08/10/2001 5:12:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1346)
I would like to correspond with any members of the 406th FTR.GP, 512SQ from WWII especialy if they knew my cousin Lt.Carlton Brauch. I am relaying on you fellows to tell me your story as well as Carlton''s. I visited his grave in Margratten 3 summers ago and I would like to know more about your Squadron and what all of you did. I would appreciate hearing from any of you from the 406th especially if you were in the 512th SQ. Thanks so much.

Posted By: David E. Brauch (David50b@aol.com) on 08/09/2001 7:59:08 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1345)
I love the P-47 and always have. I am 40 years old and wasn''t born until some years after the war. I just want to say thanks to all who served and sacrificed so that myself and my children can grow up in a free society. God bless all of you.

Posted By: Randell Hurst (randellh@yahoo.com) on 08/09/2001 3:30:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1344)
Would like to contact Benjamin Reznick for a friend Virgil Roush.

Posted By: Howard L Sumner (hlsumner@networksplus.net) on 08/08/2001 3:56:58 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1343)
I am an illustrator and aviation artist. Recently I have completed a painting of an attack on Venice Harbour (Italy) by Kittyhawks and Mustangs of 239 Wing (RAF), March 21st 1945. Although not in the composition the 79th Fighter Group (USAAF), with rocket armed ''Jugs'', attacked flak sites on Litorale di Lido, south of the target. It would be interesting to know more of the American involvement on this attack - codenamed 'Operation Bowler'

Posted By: Drew Harrison (harr@senet.com.au) on 08/07/2001 10:17:12 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1342)
I was in the 62nd Sqdn, 56th Ftr Gp

Posted By: Ralph A. Johnson (colmayj@webtv.net) on 08/05/2001 4:05:24 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1341)
Does anyone have any memories of Tom Bailey, 356th FG, 361 Sq.? I'd love to hear them and pass them on to him!

Posted By: Carol (lozowski@execpc.com) on 08/04/2001 3:21:29 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1340)
My Father, William Holenchak, was a proud member of the 316th Fighter Squadron, (Hell''s Belles) of the 324th Fighter Group in W.W.II. I sign this guest book in honor of his memory and thank you for providing this wonderful site. Susan M. Riddle

Posted By: Suzi Riddle (blueyonder316@home.com) on 08/02/2001 11:29:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1339)
Hi to all !, long long time P-47 fan. While the 51 may have been superior to the Jug in afew areas of performance, it was the Jug that broke the back of the German Air Force. The 51''s came roaring in as a Johnny come lately after most of the experienced German Fighter Pilots were already shot down by Jug drivers. With the advent of the P47N (long range version), the 47 stacked up with the best of the best in all performance catagories. I wish history books would be more accurate in their discussion of the facts. Who shot down all those German fighters, and very nearly cleaned the skies of enemy aircraft within their range before the 51 came along at the end. What fighter group ended the war with the most aerial victories over the Germans (56th Fighter Group) What did they fly till the end of the war, of the course the mighty Jug. The difference between the 51 and 47 as I see it, is that the 51 was a good dancer close (tight turning), the 47 didn''t dance (although it could with the best of them), it typically screamed down on you and punched your lights before the dance ever started. If you unfotunate enough to be a German fighter pilot with P47''s above you, it was usually all but the cryin, nothing could outdive the Jug. The German''s for a long time used this very tactic to try an escape from the Jug, but soon found out that they had just jumped from the frying pan to the fire. To all of you here with ancestors who served and are looking for information about the particulars of their service, check out WWW.Veterans-Records.com, they can retrieve old military records for you for a price. If they are able to get the old records for you, you won''t be disappointed with the detailed info you receive about your Veterans service, and if they cant find the records, most of money will be refunded. Take care all and long live the Jug !!

Posted By: Ellis Owens (N51773@aol,com) on 07/30/2001 1:03:42 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1338)
Does anyone know joseph lang.Killed 10/14/44.He flew a P-47 before graduating to the P-51 to become a double ace pilot with 11.84 confirmed kills.I would like to speak with someone that remember the day he flew his P-51 D mustang through a hanger.Or happens just to remember him.Daniel Wolf

Posted By: daniel wolf (danwolf101@hotmail.com) on 07/29/2001 10:55:55 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1337)
I am 13, and love ww2 air craft and eny thing that ha eny thing to do with ww2. is there a end to the the list of comments!!!I hop I can see my comment at the end of the list have a good time BYe! P.S. I realy like the p 47 but I thinkthe P51 is slitly beter then the p 47.

Posted By: richard ! () on 07/28/2001 1:29:47 AM EST

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