P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1386)
I flew P47 razorbacks with the Royal Air Force in Burma. Looking for other RAF types who were there. Of my squadron RAF 135 all known pilots are either in the wild blue yonder or I have not been lucky enough to find them. If any are please contact me on my email reklaw23@naples.net

Robert Walker

Posted By: Robert Walker (reklaw23@naples.net) on 09/10/2001 12:10:29 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1385)
My brother Samuel Pittman Cole, Jr. was shot down Nov. 18, 1944 over Neunehofen, Germany near Grevenbroch. The name of the plane he was flying that day had Susan on one side of the cowling and Fritz on the other and Easy''s Angels on the tail. Would like pic or information on whose plane it was.

Also his assigned plane was Ida Red and I am looking for pics or information on Pitt''s plane. He was with the 36th Ftr Squadron, 23rd Fighter group, 9th AF. I just attended the reunion in Mystic and it was so heartwarming to meet all involved and especially Steve Kirkup & family who hosted the reunion. It was my first and will be permanently remembered in my heart as I was only 41/2 when he was killed and to talk with people who knew of him and especially his crew chief, Herman Toups, made it very memorable. Pitt''s plane ( a part of the pic ) seems like it was silver with the very front black. would love a pic of that plane which was in Le Culot Belgium.

Posted By: Shirley Graham Cole-Cartman (colecar@totcon.com) on 09/10/2001 7:49:07 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1384)
in memory of...LT. JOSEPH EDWARD WILKINSON 81st fighter squadron, 50th fighter group. Shot down near Dreux, France June 11, 1944.

Posted By: (bobwilkinson@hotmail.com) on 09/09/2001 3:07:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1383)
Enjoyed the site, Thanks

Posted By: Col. B. J. Buckhout (bucko26@core.net) on 09/09/2001 8:31:16 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1382)
Looking for info on Richard H Petrie 2nd Lt. P-47 pilot aircraft went down over France 1 August 1944 Any info would be helpful

Posted By: Ron Petrie (romsam@msm.com) on 09/06/2001 10:10:53 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1381)
Hi I hope someone can help. I am looking for information on a P47 that flew from sicily 1943/44 marked Hun Hunter IV it was natural metal and the razorback version. Thanks very much.

Posted By: Chris Morris (chrism1962@hotmail.com) on 09/06/2001 8:08:14 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1380)
Further info on my uncle Thomas Newton Threlkeld. He was attached to the 365th Fighter Group 388th squadron or 9th tac of 9th Air Force. Anyone in his group contact me. Thanks

Posted By: Richard Chiles (chilibean6@prodigy.net) on 09/05/2001 11:18:10 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1379)
My uncle Thomas N. Threlkeld seved in the European Theatre after D day. Is there anyone reading these messages that remembers him. I will submit the information to him.

Posted By: Richard Chiles (chilibean6@prodigy.net) on 09/05/2001 9:11:16 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1378)
I was a World WarII P-47 pilot with the 9th air force with the 371st fighter group in the European Theater.

Posted By: John W. Nipper (tataw@ix.netcom.com) on 09/05/2001 9:01:20 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1377)
My great uncle was killed in WW11. His name was Wilbur S. Hall and he was in the 422 BMB Sq. 305 BMB. He was shot down in 1944. We know some of the other crew survived. If you knew him please email me back. My dad and myself are looking for information on him. He would be 77 yrs. old.

Posted By: Kristine (keh@bright.net) on 09/05/2001 12:40:53 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1376)
My grandpa flew P47''s during 1944 with the 351 Fighter group, 353 Fighter Squadron, 8 Air force, and I believe he was also a member of your assocation, unfortinatly he passed away this past January. My hat is forever off to you gentlemen who flew these the jugs in combat for you guys have my up-most respect.

Posted By: Chris Strobell (juggernautt19@hotmail.com) on 09/04/2001 2:18:01 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1375)

Posted By: Larry Mehlmauer (jmehl@qwest.net) on 09/02/2001 8:53:46 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1374)

Posted By: larry mehlmauer () on 09/02/2001 8:51:00 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1373)
Found P-47 crashed aircraft on Guam, near Mt. Santa Rosa. Anyone know of August 1944 crash this area. Thanks. colt denfeld

Posted By: colt denfeld (duanedenfeld@usa.net) on 09/01/2001 3:04:05 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1372)
and always HONOR THE FALLEN not just on hoilidays But Every Day

Posted By: Greg Cochran (tbolt1@frontiernet.net) on 08/30/2001 8:36:05 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1371)
I am seeking information on the 65th FS while in the Comand of Col.Phil Cochran such as the letter of his aircraft and the nose art if anyone has photos let me know as I am about to finish the razorback I have been working on for the last 90 days and need to do the Decals

Posted By: Greg Cochran (tbolt1@frontiernet.net) on 08/30/2001 8:28:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1370)

Posted By: Matt McElroy (mattmcelroy@yahoo.com) on 08/29/2001 8:36:19 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1369)
I would also like to comment that his plane landed with some 1200 holes or more in it and he was unharmed. If anyone has any info or remember this please post a follow up. Thanks and good night. Sleep tight.

Posted By: MISTY RICKS (DAISYM45@AOL.COM) on 08/26/2001 3:25:56 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1368)
I am not sure how to find more info and this is all I have about my grandfather. He was T. Sargent James T. Hammett 18109779 348th bomber squad 99th bomber 16th Division. On January 28, 1944 a letter was postmarked from New York, New York A.P.O.520 co. mrst new york, new york I know he was bombing over Sicily (some railroad tracks) other info: 1030AP.AP.F bofe anit fqda9g.aafrf #3 Santa Monica, Calif in April 25th, 1944. I would love to hear from anyone that could give me any info no matter how much just something. I only knew him until I was about 5 yrs old. He did of cancer in 1974 I believe. My mom would love to know more as all of her old records have been destroyed. Thank You, GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU GREAT AND COURAGEOUS PEOPLE.

Posted By: MISTY RICKS (DAISYM45@AOL.COM) on 08/26/2001 3:23:41 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1367)
Looking for a P-47 pilot who dated my mom in Roanoke, Va. in 1944-45. She lived in New Castle Va. at the time but worked in Roanoke. Her maiden name was Mary L. Atkins. She said he was a great guy but she married the greatest guy when she married my DAD. Thanks......

Posted By: Doug Kemp (dckinc@rbnet.com) on 08/26/2001 1:00:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1366)
Just want to THANK all the vets who gave their all during those trying years. There are really no words that can say what I feel but you guys are the GREATEST.

Posted By: Doug Kemp (dckinc@rbnet.com) on 08/26/2001 12:48:47 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1365)
I am looking for anyone who have have known Lt. Colonel Rufus O. Barkley, Jr. He was a P47 Thunderbolt pilot. I''m sorry that''s about all the information I have on him other than his plane crashed during WWII. My father who served in the Army at that time is deceased and I regret that I did not obtain information about my uncle from him and the missions in which he participated. Thanks to anybody who can help or direct me in finding this information.

Posted By: Bobbie (Barkley) Brownfield (bjb1_6901@yahoo.com) on 08/25/2001 2:44:56 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1364)
Error in spelling. Looking for anyone who knew M/SGT George Brosick. 40th M.C. SQD, 368 F.G.

Posted By: Don Boice (donandjanice@msn.com) on 08/23/2001 9:27:02 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1363)
I am looking for information on the following unit from WW2 40th M.C. SQD, 368 F.G. or any one who knew the late M/SGT George Borsick who served with that group.

Posted By: Don Boice (donandjanice@msn.com) on 08/23/2001 9:24:00 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1362)
i was navy WW2, but love the air force. my closest personal friend flew the jug in italy. name: gene franco . dasve parnay

Posted By: david parnay (adparnay@webtv.net) on 08/23/2001 6:17:21 PM EST

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