P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1411)
Great site and I look forward to visiting a lot. Check out www.divetheworld.com/projects-team and have a look at the P47D on the bottom of the Med. I run a time team called Sea-Tech Exploration and are planning to perform a full survey of the area around Corsica to find more aircraft with the hope of returning the pilots back to the US for proper burial. Drop by on the web site and don''t forget to sign the guest book. Check out the B17 also.

Posted By: Steven Carmichael-Timson (mailto:steve@divetheworld.com) on 10/17/2001 10:22:00 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1410)
Looking for any pilots or ground crew that might have flown out of Grenier Field New Hampshire (AFB later) in Manchester. Info wanted also wanted on use of New Boston Bombing Range aka Grenier or Joe English Bombing Range.

Posted By: Rob Whetsell (rwhetsell@fs.fed.us) on 10/16/2001 11:46:13 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1409)
I love old war birds and sometimes wish that I lived back then to have a chance to fly one. I fly Giant Scale war birds and am working on one P47 now.I feel that If I''ll never be able to experiance flying the real thing, this is the next best thing. And it''s safer too. Great web site, keep up the good work.

Posted By: Stan Bennett (51mustang@prodigy.net) on 10/15/2001 10:28:43 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1408)
My father flew 51''s and 47''s from england into france and germany during the war He was an insructor in Texas for a bit beleive at Randolph Field and Kelly Field.His wingman got jumped by six Me109''s and in the shootout they got several but got heavily damaged as well. The old man's plane took a 20mm in the supercharger which left a 2x3 foot hole in the fuselage. One cylinder was shot off but he still made it to base.Hise wingman had 14 holes I believe.

The old mans plane was abandoned immediately after touchdown and he walked back to the apron.The plane was damaged beyond repair.He got a silver star for the days work.His plane had the name Dooley on the front. I have a picture of him with Presnell who was a high scoring pilot also .I beleive they were in or around St.Lo. France My fathers name was mispelled by the government as john grey instead of __ay so he had to use their spelling for several years.

If anyone can recall any stories about those days it would be fun to hear from them.My father was also the only non high school graduate to get an appointment to West Point. in 1939 I beleive.I went for a ride in a mustang a few years ago and the pilot put her thru some aerobatics and it was a lot of fun.Never been out of shape in a plane before.

john gray

Posted By: john gray (glassloco@aol,com) on 10/15/2001 5:19:55 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1407)
Son of a WWII veteran who was stationed with 9th AAF in Africa/England/France/Germany. First fighter wing to land at Normandy six days after the invasion.

Posted By: Robert A. Ricard (ricardr@mail.rfweston.com) on 10/14/2001 4:42:28 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1406)
WWII Vets are my Heroes. I grew up during WWII. I am not a vet myself, but I feel the debt that we owe to so many men and women who gave of themselves so that people like me could grow up in a free wonderfull country.God Bless them and our country.

Posted By: Terry A. Loring (pjloring@hcis.net) on 10/12/2001 9:32:40 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1405)
I just wrote about my father but did not mention his name. He was Capt. Frederick C. Bishop

Posted By: Steve Bishop (steve_inger@juno.com) on 10/10/2001 1:34:45 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1404)
I was not a P47 pilot but my father was. He flew the P47 in the European Theather. He belonged to the 9th Army and was apart of the 365th Fighter squadron, 358th Fighter group. He was in the Heads Up! class 44-B. He flew combat missions from Aug 1944 to May 1945. He passed away in March 1994. Anyone out there who may have know my father?

Posted By: Steve Bishop (steve_inger@juno.com) on 10/10/2001 1:30:52 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1403)
404th group 506 sqdn 9th air force

Posted By: () on 10/09/2001 10:11:16 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1402)
Looking for anyone who knew CARLTON BRAUCH 406th ftrgp 512sq PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL

Posted By: David Brauch (David50b@aol.com) on 10/07/2001 8:55:24 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1401)
I am a member of the Boxted Airfield Historical Research Group over here in England.I would be very interested to hear from any veterans(pilots or ground crew who served with the 56thFG at Boxted-Station 150 in WW2 and who could help us with our research into this famous Airfield and legendary group.Thanks. Great Site.

Posted By: Bob Trimnell (c.trimnell@aol.com) on 10/06/2001 3:51:03 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1400)
What a great airplane, especially the bubble canopy edition. the Mustang was a fine airplane, but the Thunderbolt is a real mans plane. Tough, reliable and just plain mean

Posted By: Richard Babcock (rjbab@northnet.org) on 10/05/2001 11:55:32 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1399)

Posted By: Richard Babcock (rjbab@northnet.org) on 10/05/2001 11:53:30 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1398)
Thank you all for serving our country.

Posted By: Ssgt Steven Moore () on 10/05/2001 11:41:25 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1397)

Posted By: Colonel Eric J. Gion (colonelgion@hotmail.com) on 10/05/2001 10:15:45 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1396)

Posted By: Richard W. Hilgard () on 10/05/2001 5:46:08 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1395)
I am looking for anyone who knew my uncle, 2Lt. Harry L Lordi jr. He was in the 354th Fighter group, 353rd Squadron. Any information would be great. Thank you

Posted By: Mike (P51Pilot474@aol.com) on 10/02/2001 9:37:39 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1394)
Still looking for ex RAF T.bolt pilots. Don't leave it too late. Robert Walker ex 135 Burma.

Posted By: Robert Walker (reklaw23@naples.net) on 10/02/2001 11:15:01 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1393)
Hi Bob: I enjoyed your Web Site. I'm a member of the P-47 Pilots Association and enjoy the reunions. It's great to see the members of my Fighter Group (353rd)each year at the reunions, although we have less each year.

Posted By: LTC Grover McLaughlin (ghmclaughlin@aol.com) on 10/01/2001 7:18:44 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1392)
to view P47 monumental bronze statue see www.warbirdcentral.com let us never forget these pilots who fought for and won our freedom last century.

Posted By: Robert Henderson (www.warbirdcentral.com) on 09/27/2001 4:39:13 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1391)
friend of ray maloney,p 47 pilot, pow, great guy

Posted By: allan poole () on 09/26/2001 8:34:11 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1390)

Posted By: Kenneth O (KO) Johnson (kjohnson@one.net) on 09/23/2001 12:42:43 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1389)
As web master of the 10th Air Force Tribute I would like to hear from anyone who flew or worked on the P-47s with the 33rd FG, 80th FG, or the 1st Air Commando Group in CBI.

I would especially love to share any photos from members of these units on my web site. I''ve got a sort of special attatchment to The Jug as dad worked on the assmebly line at Republic Aviation doing final assembly work on the tail sections during the early days of WW II. Keep ''em flying.

Posted By: Martin Winter (tenthairforce@geocities.com) on 09/21/2001 8:21:18 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1388)
I enjoy reading all rememberance books I enjoy signing these books and say a prayer for all the people that have lost people do to inconvience and terror my prayers and thoughts go out to everyone

Posted By: rose (dragons_hideout@webtv.net) on 09/13/2001 9:43:33 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1387)
My father, Lt. Col. M.A. (Ma) Barrett (ret) flew P-47''s in the 22nd Sq., 36th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force in England, France & Belgum during World War II. As a young Lt. and later Capt. he flew many combat missions in support of Gen Pattons 3rd Army, flew over Omaha Beach on D-Day and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross. I am very proud of my father and the many other brave pilots who flew in harms way to help in the greater effort of defeating the enemies of freedom and democracy.

Posted By: Timothy Barrett (woodworld@erols.com) on 09/11/2001 3:57:47 PM EST

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