P47 Pilots Guestbook
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Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1436)
STEVE AND BOB.....please go to the Message Board section of the site and register a user name. Then post your request for information on the "Looking For" message board. Various P-47 Pilots Assn. members are monitoring these message boards and may be able to provide you with the information you are seeking. Good luck!!

Posted By: (webmaster@p47pilots.com) on 11/19/2001 7:26:47 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1435)
I am trying to find out about a P47 pilot Lt/Col Gilbert O Wyman and details of his loss. All I know about him is he ws based in Corsica and he features in the movie Thunderbolt.

Posted By: Steven Carmichael-Timson (steve@divetheworld.com) on 11/19/2001 7:07:35 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1434)
seeking info related to my deceased uncle, 1st lt. Norman Shaw Couper who flew fighters, 135 missions in the CBI theater, primarily escort to cargo planes flying the Hump

Posted By: bob couper (dizzyacres@aol.com) on 11/17/2001 2:27:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1433)
In memory of Lt Bryant Lewis Cramer..406th Fighter Group...514th fighter squadron..K.I.A. over France 7th Aug.1944... this would have been his 80th Birthday...17th Nov.2001...

Posted By: Margaret Kelly (kelmar48@aol.com) on 11/15/2001 10:54:36 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1432)
I saw a p-47 in flight at an airshow. What a fabulous shit-kicker of an airplane. The ground shook! I cannot imagine how it must have been to fly in one, let alone fight in it. Thanks for these reminders.

Posted By: Fraser Henderson (FBH@shaw.ca) on 11/13/2001 8:40:49 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1431)
Greatly improved site,P47 pilots are the best in the world, have got to know some really great guys who flew the P47 in the ETO with the 493rd FS of the 48th FG 9th Air force England 1944.

Posted By: peter oliver (peter.oliver493@btinternet.com) on 11/13/2001 4:36:50 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1430)
I will be visiting this site many a time, it feels like walking into Alladins treasure cave!I am a T-bolt lover for over 11 years, building my own 1/2 size War jug and collect anything on this plane.The walls in my house are plastered with pictures and photographs of this beautiful plane.I am keen to share my passion for this plane with you always.

Posted By: Hans Porter (hpp@xtra.co.nz) on 11/10/2001 4:14:57 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1429)
My grandfather, Tom or Thomas Vodenik was a pilot in the373rd, 410th, in europe during WWII and would be interested in speaking with anyone that knew him and/or flew with him. He does not have e-mail yet, but I usually call him as soon as I get anything for him.

Posted By: Scottie Vodenik (scotndawn@yahoo.com) on 11/09/2001 5:12:53 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1428)
New site is absolutely terrific. Job well done. Will continue checking site often. Am stilling searching for info on my brother, Lt. Donald Failing,P-47 pilot-368th FG, 395th & 396th FS, 1944 to 1947. Have photo of group on 395thFS site.Need identification.Photo may be of 396thFS pilots. Also looking for Lt. Wm. Higby & Sgt Paul Kramer armorer for the 395thFS as well as artist re nose art & "Panzer Duster" flight jackets. Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Posted By: Bruce F. Failing (bru2699@yahoo.com) on 11/09/2001 11:33:33 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1427)
Phil, you add your message to our "Looking For" section of the web site. Just go to Message Boards, register if you haven't, and choose the Looking For forum. We have folks monitoring the Message Boards so it might be a good place to help with your search!

Good luck and keep on flying!

Posted By: webmaster (webmaster@p47pilots.com) on 11/08/2001 7:28:47 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1426)
I am looking for information on the fate of the P-47#42-26696 “Katie" maybe from the 373rd FG

Posted By: Phil (philippe.dufrasne@skynet.be) on 11/08/2001 6:11:50 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1425)
My first visit to the revamped site -- like the new features very much ! P-47 has been my favorite of the WW2 birds since 1958 ( thank you Bob Johnson! ). Have been able to attend 3 P-47 Assoc. reunions thanks to a friend and true gentleman -- Paul L. Carll, 57th FG, 64th FS.

Posted By: Jim Guignard (JGUIGNARD@AOL.COM) on 11/07/2001 4:44:15 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1424)
Love the site! Just want to say "thank you" for all you did to preserve our freedom. You gave America it's pride and courage - the same pride and courage every American is showing through the current tragedies in our country. Never forget our heroes!

Posted By: Joe Adams () on 11/04/2001 5:51:07 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1423)

Posted By: Brian Hoehn (bandbplus3@msstar2.net) on 11/03/2001 3:44:47 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1422)
I am doing a website on U.S. fighter aces of WWII. Would any pilot or other related P-47 person please e-mail me information about yourself and your involvement in WWII. I will post a special section for any individual who sends me information.

thank you,

Nathan Robinson

Posted By: Nathan Robinson (lespiossons@cs.com) on 10/30/2001 3:34:09 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1421)
I am looking for any pilots of the 56th FG, or any siblings of 56th FG pilots that might have know my father, LT James J. Clark of the 61st FS

Posted By: Joe Clark (j.clam@verizon.net) on 10/30/2001 11:51:13 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1420)
My father flew a p47 and was in squadron 387. He was station in England from 1944. His name was Harold W. Cowper. I would love to hear from any of crew members. I too was in the Air Force for twenty years. I think that this is a great site.

Thankyou for letting me visit this site.

Patricia A. Tornow

Posted By: Patricia (Cowper) Tornow (PAT47SAT43@aol.com) on 10/28/2001 1:35:53 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1419)
My father was a P-47 pilot. He flew this aircraft from 1945 till 1946, in the USA at Strother-Field - texas while training with the USAF for action in Italy and also after the war in Brazil. He suffered a serious disaster with one P-47, but fortunately bailed out ove the sea. The P-47 is very popular in Brazil because it was the plane used by the Brazilian Fighter Squadron in Northern Italy at the end of the war. We do have one of these planes that flies and even fire its guns - the only one in the world.

Posted By: Fernando Antonio Grangé Levy (guarawolf@altavista.com) on 10/27/2001 3:21:43 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1418)
I have a large collection of beautiful books on this wonderful aeroplane, The moment I saw it,I fell in love with it!I regret I was born too late and not having it flown in it''s hayday.Please keep me uptodate!

Posted By: Hans Porter (hpp@xtra.co.nz) on 10/26/2001 12:53:11 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1417)
Ten or Fifteen P-47s this war would be over in a WEEK!!! God bless all of you that flew them,and God bless America.

Posted By: David Wright (jugp47@fuse.net) on 10/24/2001 4:20:29 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1416)
Hello Aviation Friends, I would like to take this time to invite you to the Gathering of Corsairs and Legends Sept. 6-7-8 2002 in Mount Comfort, Indiana. I know that this is a P-47 T-Bolt site, but the airplanes shared the same engine and dedications to America''s Freedom. I would like to let all the P-47 Drivers know that there will be 3 or 4 P-47 Thunderbolts at this show, I did not leave you guy''s out. Take a minute and look and our web site, and come enjoy all of the activities we are planning and hear the Mighty Roar of the Pratt & Whitney 2800. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me or write to Mint Moore III 202 Shawnee Court, Franklin, Ohio 45005 or call (937)746-5581. Thank you for your time ....

Posted By: Mint Moore III (corsairboss@att.net) on 10/23/2001 6:47:47 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1415)
Am an association member and flew the jug off of Ie Shima with the 34th Ftr. squadron. Would like to hear from former members of the 34th F.S. or 413th Fighter Group.

Posted By: John A, Dobb (jdobb@aol.com) on 10/21/2001 9:53:35 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1414)
Dear Sirs:

My father was a P47 Fighter piolet in the second world war. He was part of the 312th fighter control squadron of the 9th airforce located in england.

He is now 83 years old and was wanting to find out if there was any written historyon his group or if there are any memebers still with us.

if you wish please contact us at 504-861-7357 or write us at 7811 birch st new orleans, la. 70115

Posted By: john m. coxe (davidcoxe@hotmail.com) on 10/18/2001 11:42:14 PM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1413)
My grandfather, CPT HAL DIEFFENWIERTH, was a P-47 pilot with the 9th Air Force, 411th Fighter Squadron, 373rd Fighter Group. He attended flight school in Marietta, GA, then was stationed in Belgium and Germany. He was reported missing on 19 March 1945, after his plane, the MARY T(serial number 44-20071), went down in Germany. He was captured, but returned home safely after the war. I have a copy of the MACR and therefore know more about the crash, but would love to hear from anyone who knew my grandfather.

It was always hard for me to imagine my grandfather as a fighter pilot. He was a small, balding man who taught in the music department of our local college--a gentle man and a gentleman. I think that just shows that ordinary men, when called upon, can do extraordinary things. Many thanks to those of you ordinary men who became extraordinary when needed.

Posted By: Micah Gano (silverspoon98@msn.com) on 10/18/2001 9:59:00 AM EST

Guestbook Entry (msg id: 1412)
In memory of my uncle, First Lieutenant Harold G. Jordan, 494th Fighter Sq, 48th Gp. His P-47 was shot down on March 13, 1945, while making a bomb run in a ground support mission to Remagen, Germany. While directly over the target, his fighter was seen to sustain damage from enemy antiaircraft fire. Accompanying Thunderbolts reported to have last sighted his craft as it disappeared into a haze about 2:55 pm. He went down two miles inside enemy territory. He was a wonderful person and has been greatly missed.

Posted By: Barbara Jordan (box686@yahoo.com) on 10/17/2001 3:16:27 PM EST

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